(Early work)
She walked out onto her balcony and watched the far off planet of a beautiful, foggy shade of a light blue. She sighed quietly to herself as she watched. She knew she could never have him, for their planets were at war but a girl can dream can’t she? And the Prince was the same as everybody else on his planet. He was raised to hate her planet... or so she thought.
He lied down in a bed of roses, staring strait up at the opponents planet. His eyes filled with a starry, glazed look. He wanted to touch her skin so much. Wanted to hold her and be with her. But he knew it would never happen for she was the Princess of the enemy. And she was the same as everybody else on her planet. She was raised to hate his planet... or so he thought.
A small figure stalks through the bushes cloaked in the foggy night. She walks up to a window and perches herself at it, yet out of site from the fragile, undeveloped eye of a human. Time goes by fast for her for she enjoys what she sees. 11:00 AM turns into 3:00 AM. She watched him sleeping for four hours strait. She checks her small, engraved, diamond watch. She stands up slowly, quietly. As not to disturb her sleeping prince. She starts to walk through the fog and out of site when she trips on a huge, above ground root. She lets out a small squeal which gets the attention of the guards outside.
The prince wakes up from hearing the clanking sounds of the armor as the guards run to where they heard the noise. He grabs his dagger and jumps out his sliding glass door/window. He sees a figure just a few yards away and runs toward it as it tries to get up and run. He runs after the figure and grabs it around the waist while putting the dagger up to its throat.
“Who sent you?!” He shouts
The figure gasps as whimpers escape her mouth.
“Who sent you?” He asks again as he hears the guards get closer.
“Nobody.” She says.
“Who are you? Where do you come from?”
She stays quiet.
“You had better tell me before I slit your throat.” He says while putting the dagger closer.
“Princess Michiru. From Neptune. Oh God! Please don’t kill me! I beg of you!” She cries.
“Come on guys! I see them! Prince Ruke has him!” One of the guards shouts while motioning the others to follow him.
“Princess Michiru?!” Ruke says as he lets her go.
“Please don’t take me in.” She pleads.
Ruke grabs Michiru and holds the dagger to her throat again as he hears the guards coming. She squeals again.
“Shhh. Just follow my lead.”
“Prince Ruke. I see you’ve already apprehended the intruder. If you want me to take him off your hands...”
“Naw, it’s ok. I’m thinking about having some fun with this one.” Ruke says while laughing a little.
“Oh. So he’s a she uh? Are ya sure we can’t lend a hand? Or perhaps after you’re done with her we could have a go.” The lead guard asks with a devilish smirk while the others rub their hands together, thinking unholy thoughts.
“Naw, it’s cool. I think I’m going to be up all night with this one. She’s a fighter.”
“All right then. Call us if you need any help restraining her.” The guard says as they start to go back to their posts.
When they’re out of sight, Ruke lets her go gently and sheaths his dagger.
“You will never have my body!” She says with a tough tone.
“I don’t intend to. Why are you here? Don’t you know you could get yourself killed?!”
“You’re not going to take me in? Oh bless you!”
“Uh..thanks. You still didn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Why not?”
“I just...can’t.”
“Then I just may have to kill you.” He says reaching for his dagger.
“No please!” She says quickly while putting her hands over his and pushing his dagger back at his side. “I’m here because...uh...”
“I’m listening.”
“I really like you.” She says in a whisper.
Ruke smiles as his ears pick up the glorious answer. He brings her in a warm embrace and squeezes her tightly. Hugging her with a passion that he has always wanted to show her. She squeals at how quick she’s pulled in but regains quick and hugs back.
When they break apart, her face is completely flushed as she avoids looking into Ruke’s eyes.
“Why did you do that?” She asks, still not looking at him.
“Did it ever occur that I have feelings of my own...for you?” He says as he raises her face to meet his.
They stare, eye to eye. They each see the truth in the others eyes. Michiru starts to sob a bit and hugs Ruke tight. He hugs back with equal strength and rests his cheek on top of her head as he strokes her hair and comforts her with quiet whispers.
“Listen, I don’t want my guards to hear us out here. Let’s go into my room and we can talk in there.”
“I swear, I won’t hurt you. Don’t you trust me?”
“Well...all right.”
When they get into his room, she takes her cloak off and sits on his bed with him. He eyes her low cut light green dress but keeps his promise by never touching her just making ideal chitchat. They get to know more about each other, family, and friends. She scoots closer to him and leans on his shoulder. He puts his arm around her and pulls her a close as aloud.
“When can we meet again?” Michiru asks.
“I don’t know. I’ll have to think of it. I don’t want you losing your beauty sleep every night because of me. Not that you need it.” He says with a goofy grin.
“Flattery will get you everywhere.” She says while hugging him. “I’m getting tired. I’m going home, ok?”
As she starts to get up Ruke grabs her wrist and yanks her back down. She falls on his lap sideways. “Goodnight.” He says, then kisses her passionately. She happily invites it and never wants to let go but sadly, she has to. They break apart, leaving them both addicted to the other wanting even more but can’t have it. Michiru kisses Ruke of the cheek goodbye and runs into the receding night. Getting home without any problems before the rising sun has a chance to touch her soft, porcelain skin.
The next day, as Ruke tells his sick minded guards a fake story about last night, saying that the ’mysterious intruder’ was a ’good ********’ Michiru is telling her father why she looks so tired in the morning, saying she had a sleepless night. They don’t speak nor see each other for a week. Michiru starts to worry.
Finally, a couple of days after the week has passed Ruke goes to Neptune late at night. He’s as stealth as a ninja in the dark. He finally gets to the castle wall and finds Michiru’s bedroom window. He climbs a strong vine growing on the wall to her balcony. He sees a small light on and knocks on her sliding glass door.
She’s disturbed by the sound and turns quickly. When she sees her prince she runs over to the glass doors, flings them open and brings Ruke into a huge hug. He returns hug and kisses the top of her head. “Oh, how I’ve missed you so!” Michiru says as she buries her face in Ruke’s chest. “Come, let’s go into my room so we’re not seen.” She takes his hand and leads him in. “Were you planning on a battle?” She asks while eyeing Ruke’s armor and sword.
“Force of habit. Besides, you shouldn’t be up. Little girls need their rest.” He says while shaking his finger at her then grabs her by the waist and pulls her close.
“Who ever said I was a little girl, uh?” She says with a smile.
They sit on her bed and talk quietly so her guards -who stand outside her door- don’t hear them.
“I know a place where we can meet. There is an abandoned warehouse on my planet and it’s filled with rejected mattresses. Nobody ever uses it, they can’t get in, it’s locked but I know how to get in.” He says in a whisper.
“Nobody will figure it out, right?”
“Right. I always go to weird places. Nobody ever asks me what I’m doing.”
Michiru starts to laugh and holds her mouth. The guards have been listening and they don’t know what they should do. They want to know who Michiru is talking to for security purposes but then again, it is her privacy. Suddenly the voices stop. They try to listen a bit harder but hear only silence. They start to fear the worst. They burst into her room and are stunned to find her making out with someone. The two immediately break apart and turn towards the three befumbled guards.
“Princess Michiru, we apologize for barging in. We feared for your safety when we didn’t hear your voices...Oh s**t.” Loki whispers the last part.
“Uh-huh. So you were listening.”
“We didn’t intend to, we were only listening for your own safety.
“Uh-huh of course.”
“What the ********! Princess Michiru, you do realize he’s a Uraniun.” Akuma says.
“Yes, and please don’t tell father. He’s a sweet man once you get to know him.”
One of the guards starts whispering to her. “They can’t be trusted.”
“You don’t know him Hercules! I love him and he loves me and we’re going to see each other no matter what.”
“You both realize that you’re basically risking your lives right now from seeing each other, don’t you?”
“Well, nobody’s going to find out, now are they Loki?” She says while putting her index finger over his lips and giving him sad puppy dog eyes.
“No malady.” He says with a sigh.
“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!! If anybody asks deny it. And if we should be found out, deny that you ever knew about it.”
“But malady...” Hercules starts.
“No. Quiet. I will take full punishment. You don’t deserve it because I’m making you keep it a secret. You three got me?”
“Yes malady.” All three say as they bow.
“Now, leave and do your jobs.”
They turn to leave when Loki -the head guard- says, “You had better be good to her Uraniun or there will be hell to pay.”
Ruke looks at him and nods his head.
“Go, go, go!” Michiru says as she pushes him out and locks her door.
She walks back over to Ruke and kisses him on the cheek. “Don’t feel threatened. He’s like a big brother so he’s very protective.”
“He has a right to be. Now,” He sits her down on the bed and brings her close by her waist. Squeezing it hard but not hard enough to hurt her. “where were we?” Ruke bends down a bit and tilts her head slightly, as well as his own and takes her into a searing, passionate kiss.
They talk most of the rest of the night while lying together on her bed. Hours pass by like seconds and soon it’s time for him to leave. Michiru begs him to stay but she knows it’s uncalled for. Right before he leaves, he kisses her swollen lips and tells her that he’ll come to get her in a week to go to the warehouse. She just has to make up an excuse to leave the palace. They kiss one last time before he descends down the vine and runs into the night.
She watches him until there’s nothing left. She unlocks her door and walks out the three guards. “God I love you guys!” She says happily as she hugs and kisses each one of them on the cheek. They say their goodnights and Michiru finally goes to bed.
They each wait the horrible week that seems to drag on like a long train on a wedding gown. Finally the day has come and Ruke takes a high risk of going to her in the daylight. He hides in the bushes under her balcony and when he sees that the coast is clear, he throws a couple pebbles at her glass door. He does this for a couple of minutes until she finally walks out to see what the noise it. He starts to call to her in a whispering tone. When she sees him, a huge smiles spreads across her face and she almost squeals with joy but holds her mouth. She motions him, one minute, as she runs back inside. She runs all the way into the throne room but walks in courteously.
“Mother, Father. I’m going to go out for a while. I’m going shopping, if that is alright with you.”
“Of course my darling, go right ahead. I always say, a girl shouldn’t be without her accessories.” Her Mother says.
“Thank you Mother, Father.” She curtsies and walks off. As soon as she is out of the throne room she runs at full speed back to her room and grabs her shawl and purse then starts to climb down the vine. She get half way down, then lets go and jumps into Ruke’s awaiting arms. He smiles and kisses her. After they break he lets her down, takes hold of her hand and starts to run.
When they finally get to Uranus, they take every shortcut and discreet way to get to their destination. She keeps the shawl over her face so if anybody does see them, they won’t notice her. When they finally get to the old wear house Ruke starts to look around for the whole. He finally finds it and has Michiru go in first. When they’re both in they share a deep, passionate kiss while Ruke leads Michiru over to a king-size, soft bed.
“What’s with all the beds?” Michiru asks.
“They’re all rejects. They’ve been sewn wrong or are a couple inches off. Ya know, things like that.”
“Well I think they’re perfect.” She says as she rolls over on Ruke and kisses him.
They mostly talk and make-out the entire night. Ruke tells her a couple of dirty jokes that catch her off guard. They stack a couple of the beds and jump on them a while. When Ruke falls over he takes Michiru with him and she lands on top of him. They both laugh at each other and lie there, thinking of their future together. But then the nightmare of going back home comes to mind and Michiru sheds a couple of tears, but hides them so her Prince doesn’t worry. Michiru starts to slide her hand up his shirt and gets a Gushier-cat grin.
“You can take your shirt off if you’re hot. It won’t bother me.” She says as she moves her hand up higher.
Ruke gives her a caring smile. He then feels her touching the wrap that’s around his torso and he lets out a low groan of pain. She pulls her hand out quickly for fear of hurting him further.
“What’s wrong?” She asks with innocent, concerned eyes.
“My ribs are bruised.”
“Really? Oh, I hope I haven’t made them any worse by our affaires tonight.”
“No babe, you haven’t.” He says as he kisses her forehead.
She smiles up at him then lies her head on his washboard stomach. Slowly, she falls into a light nap as Ruke strokes her hair and back. Ruke stays awake to keep track of time as well as think of his lies.
~How am I going to tell her? Will she still accept me? God! I hate lying to her, but I love her so much!~ He thinks to himself.
He closes his eyes and dozes for a little bit. When he returns to reality, his angel is still asleep in his arms and his watch reads 6:57pm! He hurries and wakes the slumbering ningyo. Her eyes flutter open lazily as she yawns.
“What is it Rukie?” She asks groggily.
“Come on. We gotta ge... ‘Rukie?’ ” He looks at her with a very confused look as she giggles. “Anyway, we gotta get you home.”
“What time is it?”
“About seven.”
“Just a little longer, please.”
“No, we gotta go.”
He picks her up and stands her up-right. She leans on him and hugs him gently. He hands her, her shawl and purse. She wraps the shawl around her face and hangs her purse on her right shoulder as she watches Ruke step out of the whole in the wall. He comes back in and tells her that the coast is clear. She walks over to him and takes his hand as he leads her out into the sunset. They hold each other for a moment, watching the sunset. Ruke leans down and kisses her luscious lips which makes them swollen with passion. She runs her fingers through his thick, sandy blonde hair and makes him lean forward some more so she can get more. They stay a small while longer just to see the sunset then run like hell to get her home. A little while later, they find one of Ruke’s friends up on the trail. Or should I say, he finds them.
“Hey Ruke, where are you going in such a hurry? Ooohhh! And who is this lovely young lady?” He asks while kissing Michiru’s hand.
As Michiru blushes and gives a small smile, Ruke slaps his friends hand away.
“Hands off the merchandise. She’s my girlfriend.” Ruke says in a rude tone of voice.
“And what would be the merchandises name? Venus, Calypso, Aphrodite?”
“Take your pick.” Ruke says, still with the rude tone.
Michiru courtesies. “My name is Mich...elle, Michelle is my name. And yours?”
“Alex.” He replies.
“Well it was nice meeting you, but I really must be going. Come Ruke.”
They both run off as Ruke waves and yells a bye out to Alex.
As they’re running Michiru is a little peeved and asks, “Why were you so mean to him? He was just being polite.”
“Trust me Michi, he wasn’t being polite. He was going to try and steal you away. He’s done it before. I like him, but you just can’t trust the guy.” He says breathlessly.
When they finally get back to her palace they’re both breathing heavily. They hear foot steps approaching them. As Ruke dives into the bushes underneath the balcony, Michiru goes to check out who is coming. She sighs in relief once she sees that they’re her guards. “It’s alright Ruke! It’s just my guards.”
Ruke lets go of the air he was holding and sighs with comfort. He scrambles out of the bushes as Michiru walks back over to him. She helps him out and hugs him with a grip so deadly that the devil himself couldn’t get out of it. They kiss deeply as the guards round the corner. At first they’re ready to attack but they recognize who it is. “Are you two nuts! You could’uv been caught!” Akuma yells in a whisper.
“That’s what makes it all the more fun!” Michiru says with a smile.
The guards stand in front of them as they make-out some more. Finally Hercules gets a little irritable and starts tapping his foot. They both get the message and break away. Ruke tells Michiru that he’ll be back for her in a week and kisses her again. He starts to walks away in the cover of night, while thanking the guards for protecting them. After he’s gone the guards think about him for a moment and slowly, he gains their trust. Michiru goes to bed soon after with her best friends watching over.
As time passes by, they meet each other over and over again. Once or twice each week for three months. Each learning more about the other. Michiru tells Ruke about all her favorite books, all having to do with the ocean or sea I might add. And Ruke tells her about all his fighting techniques and exercises he does. Never going any further than just making-out. The more they see each other the more they get addicted to each other. They’re not supposed to see each other for another three days but Ruke just can’t wait that long. He goes out into sunlight...
“Princess, Your father wants you in the Throne room in 15 minutes.” Loki says as he walks into her chambers.
“He didn’t say. Remember, 15 minutes.”
“Thank you.”
As she walks around they palace she hears all the maids and servants gossip.
“Did you hear?” One maid says.
“Yeah, I can’t believe it!” The other says.
“Who would be that stupid?! And in broad daylight no less!” Another one rants.
“What happened?” Asked Michiru.
“You mean you didn’t hear? A Uraniun was caught snooping around.”
“A Uraniun? Thank you.” Michiru says as she walks off.
As she walks down the halls she thinks to herself, ~No way, it couldn’t be Ruke. We weren’t scheduled to meet yet. And besides if it were Ruke they definitely would have said ‘The Prince of Uranus’ or ‘Royalty’. Something along those lines. It’s probably just some spy that his father sent over or an illegal alien. Yes, that must be it.~
She walks around for the rest of the time being, reassuring herself that it’s not Ruke. Finally she gets into the Throne room where she courtesies at the door. Her parents allow her in where she walks in and stands by her mother’s throne. She talks quietly to her guards as they hear more coming down the halls. She looks to the middle of the room and sees a big, black, steel harness. It’s about six foot high and four foot wide. It kind of resembles a doorway with two extra legs at the bottom for support and four thick leather straps, one at each corner. She cringes at the sight of such a tool. They hear the other guards approaching, they will have the trespasser in hand.
They walk into the Throne room with the prisoner dragging on his knees behind them. They take him to the harness and start to strap him up when Michiru gets a good look at his face. Her eyes grow wide and her mouth drops to the floor. It’s her worst fear. It’s Ruke. Her anger and rage take over and she starts to scream bloody murder. Her father looks at her strangely and before she can run over to him, he tell the guards to restrain her. Her best friends keep their own emotions at bay as they have to keep their beloved princess from her loving prince.
Ruke looks up through his bloody face and hair and finally gets his sight back. Without blurred vision, he sees the smug look of the jerk-off guard tying him up. He tries to fight free but is to weak and would be futile even at full strength. He’s breathing heavily for he’s been beaten in the stronghold below. He looks over at Michiru who is crying hysterically now while she still kicks and jumps around to get free.
“And how do you know this?” He asks.
“I just know! Please father!”
“No! He has disobeyed the laws and now he must pay for his crimes.” Lord Poseidon booms.
She hangs her head in defeat as her guards still hold her. She looks back up at Ruke as her father stats the crime and penalty.
“This Uraniun has trespassed onto Neptune soil and has stained our lands with his presents. His punishment shall be 20 lashings.”
“YOU SON OF A b***h!!” She screams, now kicking and jumping again.
Everybody looks at her in total shock.
“You talk about Justice so much father when you violate your own laws!”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at him! You had him beaten! I know the parchments, the accused is only supposed to be held in imprisonment, not beaten. You’re a filthy criminal!” She yells.
“I’m warning you wench! Hold your tongue ‘fore I lay you over my knee!” They eye each other down and she hangs her head. “Good girl. Now, proceed.”
The skinniest guard nods and grins maniacally. He walks in front of the dazed prince and cuts his black sweat shirt off. He looks at Ruke chest and sees the wrap. He takes one look at the king and nods. He turns back around and starts to take off the wrap. When Michiru sees this she goes hysterical again. Kicking and screaming.
“Stop father, please! He has bruised ribs!”
“I am curious as to how you know this? Tell me and I may let him slide.”
She keeps quiet.
“I knew it! You little whore! You’ve been fraternizing with the enemy!”
“No father! We’ve only been talking, nothing more!”
“Yes, been talking about our government! You’ve been giving him inside information! That’s treason here you little slut!”
“Father please.” She says quietly as she slips out of the guards grasps and to her knees on the floor.
The guards finally gets done taking the wrap off and is stunned. “Uh.. My Lord, you may want to look at this.” He steps aside and everybody gasps. Michiru looks up and is amazed at what she sees.
“He’s a she!” One of the servants shouts. Gossip starts to fill the room and Ruke keeps her head down and tears roll from her eyes.
~She hates me.~ Ruke think as more tears caress her red, swollen cheeks.
“Lieutenant, I’m sick of this circus show. Get on with the punishment.” Poseidon shouts.
As the skinny Lieutenant starts to unravel his whip Hercules walks over to Ruke. He pulls, from his pocket, a small, leather wrapped spool. He bends down to her ear.
“Bite down on this, it helps, trust me.” He pats her on the back of the head and walks back over the others.
“Father! Please reconsider!”
“GO!” He shouts at the top of his voice.
The next thing everybody hears is the whistling of air splitting in two, the crack of the whip and a muffled scream by the prisoner. With each lashing she gets weaker. She starts to pant, the spool falls from her mouth. The rest of the cracks are mixed with the sound of ear shattering, heart breaking screams. When the twentieth lashing has finally been given, the Lieutenant cleans his whip and rolls it back up. The guards let Michiru go and she walks over to a still sobbing and heavily breathing Ruke. She keeps her head down not daring to show her face to the one she loves so much but has lied to from day one.
“Michiru! Get away from that... thing!” Her father yells.
She gives no heed to her fathers warning and stays right where she is. She takes Ruke’s chin in her little fingers and raises her face. Ruke shuts her eyes tight, believing that she doesn’t have the right to look at Michiru.
“Open your eyes.”
She closes them tighter.
“I order you to open your eyes and look at me.”
She does as she is told, but slowly. More tears fall and stop at Michiru’s hands.
“Who are you?”
Ruke clears her throat. “I am Prince... Princess Ha...Haruka of Uranus.” She says as more tears grace her face.
“This entire time... everything was a lie.”
“When were you going to tell me?”
“I don’t know. Michi, I love you. Please understand that.” She whispers.
“How can I believe you?” She asks in a whisper.
“The only lies I have ever told you were that I was a man and my ribs were bruised. I’m so very sorry. Please Michi, I’m still the same person on the inside. I love you Mich, I always have and I always will.”
As the two stand there, the queen finally takes over. “I think she’s suffered enough. Guards, give her the wrap back and untie her.”
When the skinny Lieutenant picks up the wrap Michiru snatches it away from him and gives him a dirty look. “Mother, the wounds are very deep may I please, in the least, clean her up and give her some dignity back. You’re right, she’s suffered enough. Please, I beg of you.”
“She is a Uraniun, she has no dignity to begin with!” Her father states.
“She is also a human being!” Michiru retortes.
“Quiet child!” Her mother hisses. “My Lord, she is right. This Uraniun is a human being and deserves her dignity.”
“If you think this Uraniun is important enough to deserve dignity then so be it. But be warned child, once that Uraniun is gone, she is out of our lives. I will set you strait.”
Michiru nods and walks behind Ruke and starts to wrap the bandage gently and loosely around her as Loki unties her hands and Akuma unties her feet. While they’re tending to Ruke the Lord and Lady walk into the study to ‘talk’ and Hercules urges everybody off. The maids and servants running off giggling. While Michiru is still wrapping the wrap she tip-toes up and leans forward a little.
“Ruke, I still love you and there’s something that I never told you. I’m bisexual and I’m sorry for yelling at you when you were just trying to keep a secret like me. I’m actually happier that you’re a woman.”
“You talk as if we’re going to stay together.” Ruke says with her head still hanging.
“Who said we weren’t” The teal haired angel says as she grazes her fingers across Rukes breast as she brings the wrap around to the back. She finally gets it tied and moves away. Loki and Akuma take one arm each and help her to another room to get cleaned up. Michiru follows behind with Hercules. When they get her into the room to clean her up Loki asks her to take off the wrap again, then lie down on the small bed on her stomach. She does as she is told as they prepare some peroxide to cleans the wounds. Michiru puts a cool cloth on Ruke’s head and starts to lightly wash her face. Ruke lets out small hisses and gasps as the pressure and peroxide burn into her wounds.
“So, Haruka is it? That’s a nice name.” Akuma says, trying to lighten the mood.
“Don’t call me that. I haven’t been called that since I was seven.” She says quietly.
“Why are you a Prince?” Loki asks.
“Never liked the title of ‘Princess’. Never liked dresses or being so prissy. Instead of chasing guys for lust or love. I chased them down with fake guns and water hoses.”
“So basically, when all the other girls were playing with Barbie’s and planning weddings. You were playing with G. I. Joes and planning on battles.” Loki says.
“That’s about the size of it.” She says.
“Close the door Hercules.” Michiru says quietly.
He does as he is told. Michiru hugs Ruke’s neck and kisses her feverishly. They finally get done tending to her wounds and walk into another room attached to the present one, to give them some privacy.
“I love you Ru-Ru.”
Ruke looks at her strangely, then sits up and brings Michiru to sit on her lap. Michiru leans her head in the crook of Ruke’s neck and kisses it lightly while messaging her breasts. Ruke moans with a low tone and squeezes the inside of Michiru’s thigh. Suddenly, they hear a pounding at the door that makes them jump out of their skin. The Guards rush back in to make it look like they were there the entire time and nothing had happened. Poseidon and Amphitrite come in and look around. Michiru is putting a clean wrap back around Ruke while the guards are putting the medicines up.
“Father, have you no manners?” Michiru asks in a steady, quiet tone.
“Manners? You ask for manners of me when you’re out there screaming like a banshee in heat!” He says in a loud tone but not to the point of yelling.
Michiru takes a deep breath and keeps quiet.
“Good girl, you keep quiet like that and respect me, and I might lighten your punishment. Is she ready yet?”
“Yes Lord Poseidon.” Ruke says as she stands up.
“Good. Now get out of here before I change my mind!”
“Father, may I and my guards escort her out? Please.” She asks in a pleading voice.
He is about to protest but Amphtirte grabs his arm and gives it a hard squeeze. He gives a low growl. “Fine. But you had better be back in 5..” She gives his arm another hard squeeze as he growls again. “10 minutes. No more, or your hide will be tanned so red that it will hurt to even stand.” He says while shaking his finger at her.
“Thank you Father.”
As they start to walk out Michiru courtesies, Ruke bows as well as the three guards that follow.
When they hit the outskirts of the Palace gardens the two share a long and very passionate kiss. Michiru, letting tears fall freely. Ruke, holding hers back. The guards turn around and talk amongst themselves while the two say goodbye. They hold onto each other gently and kiss one last time. “I love you, my Bishoujo Ningyo.” Ruke says.
“And I will always love you my Kaze Senshi.”
Ruke kisses Michiru’s hand, then winks at her and starts to walk home. The guards walk over to her after a minute or so and try to comfort her. She stops crying after a while and they start back to the palace to await her punishment.
The next day Michiru receives her punishment. She is grounded. Strictly to the palace. She can’t even go into the gardens and her balcony window is boarded shut. She is also under careful surveillance. Every move is seen by family or guards. She is to be in bed by 7:30 P.M. and up at 6:00 A.M. She gets no mail. Completely isolated from the outside world. She will also be having 10 suitors to choose from. She will have to give them tests and the last one remaining through the tests will be her husband to be, and she has to choose one.
On Uranus...
When Ruke finally gets home, she sneaks into her room and tells nobody what happened. Within the week she gets word that the Princess of Neptune will be getting suitors. Hearing this makes her angry and she has an attitude adjustment. She yells at everybody and becomes violent. Nobody understands why she’s acting like this. The only conclusion anybody can come to is that she’s PMSing. Everybody on Uranus knows that Ruke is a woman and they keep it a secret.
She walks into the Throne room in a more mild manner than earlier. “Father, why are we at war with Neptune?” She asks calmly.
“Don’t you remember, son?” Lord Uranus asks.
“Nobody’s ever told me. I want to know.”
“We’re at war with Neptune because Poseidon is a lying, thieving b*****d!”
“What did he do?”
“A long time ago, before you were born. We had a chariot race and the prize was a Unicorn. Well, he knew I was going to win of course, so just before the race he poisoned the Unicorn and killed it. If he couldn’t have it than nobody could.”
“We’re at war with Neptune for that! God! Can’t you just forgive him?”
“Not until that son of a b***h confesses to it!”
“How do you know that did it in the first place? Did you see him do it?” Ruke asks.
“No, but I know he did. Just a gut feeling that I have.”
“Well, I thank you Father for telling me.”
Uranus nods and smiles as Ruke leaves.
That night, Ruke lies awake in bed. Just when she is about to fall asleep she hears a soft knock at her door. In an irritated voice she tells the intruder to come in. The door opens slowly then closes. The lights flick on and her mother walks over to her. Ruke turns over and shades her eyes with her forearm. Her mother sits on the bed and caresses her cheek and checks her forehead. No temperature. She bends down and kisses Ruke’s forehead gently.
“My darling son. What troubles you?” She asks in a sweet tone.
“You lie awake at 3:00 in the morn, surely something is troubling you. Now, what is it?”
“You wouldn‘t understand.”
“Ah-hahaha,” She laughs softly. “You forget, we are the same, no matter how much you hate it or try to deny it. Now, what’s wrong my child? Lady problems?”
“MOTHER!” Ruke yells then rolls over and buries her face in her pillow.
“Ah-hahaha. Alright then. We won’t talk about that. Please my darling, I worry about you. What troubles you? Is it that Princess Michiru is getting suitors and you’re not one of them?”
Ruke flips over faster that the speed of light with her eyes and mouth wide open and in complete shock. ~How in the blue hell did she know?~
“M-hmmm. I thought so. I suspected you were having a relationship when you would stay out so late and then come home smelling of perfume instead of cologne. I knew it was Princess Michiru when you started throwing temper tantrums after you heard she was getting suitors. And then I confirmed it after you asked your father why we are at war with them.”
“Well you can punish me all you want. It still won’t change my feelings for her.”
“Punish you! Oh goodness no. I wish to help you. This war has gone on long enough and I’m tired of it.”
Ruke looks at her with quizzical eyes.
“Hunny. Our planets weren’t always at war. Before either you or Princess Michiru were born, our planets were at peace. Lord Poseidon and your Father were the best of friends as well as Lady Amphitrite and I. Our planets had the strongest bond until Lord Poseidon and your Father had to make that silly bet.”
“Damn it! I wish that just this once they could push there pride aside and apologize to each other.”
“Pride! Ha! It’s nothing but hardheadedness. I’m sorry darling. I’ve tried to talk to him about it and he says that it’s out of the question. I know you love her but there’s nothing we can do.” There’s an awkward silence. “I’m retiring for the night darling. Why don’t you try to get some rest.” She says as she kisses Ruke on the forehead and runs her fingers through her hair.
“Good night Mother.” Ruke says quietly.
Good night darling.” She says as she walks out of the room while flicking the lights off.
The next morning on Neptune...
“But Father please!” Michiru pleads while following her father in his study.
“No! I told you I’d set you strait and that’s exactly what I’m going to do!” His voice booms. “A Uraniun...and a woman no less. Huh!” He says under his breath.
“Father! I am what you want me to be, but I don’t want any of those men!”
“How do you know!” He boomed again. “You are but a mere child! You don’t know what you want, nor what you need. And as long as you live in this household you are mine! You will do what I tell you too or never have to look me in the face again! Leave! Starve! Die on the streets for all I care!” He yells as he shakes her by her shoulders then throws her down on the floor. Tears stain her soft pale cheeks as she looks up at him in shock.
“Now leave me be you defiant wench! I will here no more from you!”
On Uranus...
~Why does she have to be punished for my mistakes? Please let her be safe.~ Ruke thinks as she sits at the breakfast table, sipping her coffee.
“Are you feeling better this morning son?” Lord Uranus asks.
Ruke doesn’t acknowledge her Father until her Mother wakes her up from her daydream.
“Still dazed I see. Thinking about woman Ruke?”
“Huh! What?”
“Ah-ha! My boy’s turning into a man! Good, good!”
“Uh..yeah...whatever you say Father.” He says while setting his coffee cup down. “If you’ll excuse me.” He stands up and walks out of the room with a sulk. As he’s walking down the hall somebody jumps out in front of him.
“s**t Alex! You scared the hell out of me!”
“Ah. A prince must be on his toes. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Why are you so happy?”
“Must you know?”
“Frankly, I don’t care but yeah. Tell me.” Ruke says with uncaring eyes.
“I am to be one of the suitors for Lady Michiru of Neptune! I’m as giddy as a schoolboy for I know she will choose me.”
“Lady Michiru! But you‘re a Uraniun. How?”
“Ah. Ruke. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. So little you know about me. I am no Uraniun. I hale from Jupiter. Alex says while swinging his arm around Ruke’s neck. “I’ve just been living here for a long time.”
“You’re just full of surprises aren’t you?”
“To say the least.” He says with a goofy grin.
“Listen Alex, I’m still feeling tired. I’m heading for bed, ok? I bid you good morning.” Ruke says with a yawn.
“Alright then. I bid you adieu my friend.”
Once Ruke gets into her room she searches in her underwear drawer for a certain picture. Once she finds it, she lies on her bed and stares at it for an infinite amount of time just thinking of every time they were together. The picture is of Michiru lying on the mattress at the abandoned wear house. Her dress has been pulled up to her knees and she has a devious look in her eyes with a mischievous grin. ~I love you so much Ningyo.~ She thinks to herself. She closes her eyes and tries to go back to sleep but cannot. Images of her run through her mind. She stares at the picture again until she hears a knock at the door and puts the picture under her mattress quickly.
“Come in.” She says as she quickly lies back on her bed.
Her mother walks in with a huge grin on her face. Ruke is a bit confused as to what her mother has to say. She walks over to Ruke’s bed and hugs her. “I have a great idea, but we must make sure Alex does not recognize you.”
Ruke looks at her with confused eyes.
On Neptune, one week later...
“Father, what if neither of them past the tests?” Michiru asks, more calmly now.
“If that doth be the case, then you will get more suitors until you choose one.”
“And if I do not choose?”
“Then I will choose for you.”
“Yes Father.”
“Good girl. Now, it’s time for you too meet them. They are fine gentlemen I assure you.”
“Yes Father.”
He leads her into the Throne room were the tests are to take place. She curtsies as they bow. She walks over to them and starts studying their features. She touches a couple of them on the arms to feel their muscles. She stands back and studies the rest of their bodies. She looks at the first one. “What is your name?”
“Prince Tenchi mi’ lady.” He’s a tall, lanky guy with black hair in a little pony tail with deep, narrow, brown eyes.
Akuma laughs lightly followed by the other two. Michiru heeds no mind to it.
“And your name?” She asks the second guy.
“Prince Kuwabara.” He says in a very rough tone.
“Well you certainly are a strapping young man.”
“Thank you.” His bright red hair bouncing. He has very rough features and is very tall and bulky.
“And yours?” She asks, walking to the third guy.
“Prince Yusuke Mi’ lady.”
“You look like a serious fighter.”
“Yes Ma’am. I love to fight.”
“Well, I had better not see nor hear you fighting with anybody in my palace.” She says while shaking her finger at him.
“No worries Mi’ lady, I can control myself.”
“You had better.”
She walks to each of the others, asking for their names and any scares visible. The forth Prince’s name is Kurama, he has long blood red hair with beautiful lime green eyes. The fifth Prince’s name is Hiei, he is pretty short with beady, blood red eyes and pure black hair that stands strait up. He doesn’t look like a prince either, the wears a single, long black poncho with black pants and shoes, with his beloved sword at his side.
“Prince Hiei, why do you wear that wrap?” She asks.
“Trust me Princess, you don’t want to know.” He says in a quiet tone.
“Fair enough.” She says as she walks to the next one.
The sixth Prince’s name is Kenshin, he has torso length, blood red hair tide back into a loose ponytail with light purple eyes and a huge ‘X’ like scare on his left cheek.
“Where did you get your scare?” She asks, feeling his face.
He smiles sweetly, “Battle Mi’ lady.”
She smiles at him then goes to the next Prince.
The seventh Prince’s name is Sonoskea, He has short brown hair and blue eyes. The eighth Prince’s name is Yue, he has long white hair and beautiful violet eyes as well.
She walks to the ninth suitor. “And your na...I know you.”
“And I really want to get to know you.” Alex says as he takes her hand and kisses it while the others roll their eyes. She giggles.
“Thank you.” She says as she takes her hand back and walks over to the last suitor. “And your name sir?”
“My friends call me Wrench.” He has light brown hair with bleach blond highlights and dark green eyes.
“Wrench? How did you get that clever name?”
“I love cars. It just kinda fits. If you want my real name..”
“No, no. That’s fine. Wrench, huh? I like that. Tell me, where did you get that scare? Battle?”
“This?” He asks, pointing to just below his chin. “Naw. To tell the truth, our family cat did that because I wouldn’t stop messing with her.”
Michiru giggles softly at the fact that he would actually tell her the truth than to exaggerate and make it sound like a dramatic battle.
“Well, I can’t wait to get to know all of you. But now I’ll look at the wonderful gifts you’ve brought for me.”
She walks over to a big table and looks at all the wrapped gifts. As she is grabbing one of the presents she thinks of Wrench, he seems so familiar, yet, she knows she’s never met him before. She opens the first present. It’s a beautiful, sparkling red gown. It has a slit on the side that runs up to the mid-thigh and has a very low cut front with long, see-through sleeves that frays out at the end. She looks at the dress with dazed eyes. “This is so beautiful. Thank you very much.” She says as she folds it back up.
All of the other presents she opens are either clothes or jewelry, they’re all very beautiful but, is this what they think of her? Just a simple girl who’s impressed by money? She is about to thank them all and start telling them of the tests to come, when she sees one more gold wrapped box at the corner of the table. She picks it up with tired fingers and a roll in her eyes. ~Probably shoes.~ She thinks to herself with a sigh but puts on a fake smile quickly after. She sits down and starts to pull at the paper, tearing it until it’s completely off. She opens the box as her fake smile is replaced by a real one. She holds a thick -probably 4 inches thick- hardback book up. It’s light blue with a storm on the front of it. The title is Ocean‘s Gentle Rage. It’s the eleventh book, the last book out of it’s series. She hasn’t been able to find it since it’s been published. For three years she’s been checking every bookstore she could and they were either sold out or didn’t carry it. She needed this last book to complete her collection and to find out what happened to the daring Lord Channington and his hot-tempered wife, who were the main characters in the story. Tears threatened to ruin her beautiful eye make-up but she kept them back. She’s so happy that one of these men knows that she isn’t some air-headed, prissy princess interested in only money. One of these men knows that she’s intellectual. She must know who is the true gentleman in here. “Excuse me. Who is the one to give this gift to me?” She asks.
“I am m’lady.”
“Why? Why do you think I like books like this?” She asks with a slight grin.
“Well, considering this is Neptune, I know you love the water and to read. I put two and two together basically.”
“And, how did you know I like to read.”
“You seem like the intellectual type. Your no longer a little girl but a beautiful woman with different things on her mind than just fashion and jewelry.” He says a little louder so the others may hear.
“Your to kind and thank you so much. You know, I’ve been looking for this book for about three years now, I have the other ten volumes but not this one.”
“I was a little sketchy about that one m’lady. I kept thinking it was a little stupid to get the eleventh volume out of a huge series. But that was the only book of that kind, so I was figuring, maybe with time, for buying such a wreck of a present, I could by the whole volume as time goes on. But, since you’ve told me you already have the whole volume, I guess I don’t have to do that huh.” He says with a slight chuckle.
“This is the most wonderful present I’ve ever gotten. Thank you.” She says in a whisper, just loud enough so only he can hear it.
She sets the book down gently and walks over to the men. She tells them that she would like to get to know them personally. She tells them that she’ll spend a half and hour with each of them in her room and in that 30 minutes, any questions she asks, she wants answered. She calls them in, in the way she met them.
As she meets them, she asks regular questions like how old they are, what their life back on their planet is like, basic things like that. When she finally gets to meet Hiei, he looks really reluctant to talk. When she asks questions and he doesn’t answer she fully understands.
“You really don’t care do you?” He stays speechless and looks out her window. She giggles. “I understand your kind.”
He whips around quickly with eyes narrowed. “What do you mean by my kind?”
“You wanderers. Rouges. Enough talking, not enough fighting. Well, I won’t keep you any longer. I can tell you don’t want to be here. You may leave if you wish.”
He looks at her with questioning eyes.
“I’ll just tell them you were being rude and using off-color language in front of me.”
“Letting me leave with my dignity intact, I see,” He smiles with a slight chuckle. “You truly do understand my kind.” He walks out the door calmly with Michiru following behind him.
They go through the throne room where she tells him that she never wants to see him again or he’ll be hanged. The entire time he has a grin on his face.
“What did you do now Hiei?” Kurama asks.
Hiei turns around and smiles at his acquaintance, “Heh, wouldn‘t you like to know.” He says then walks out the door. Kurama rolls his eyes and sighs.
She walks over to Kenshin who is talking with his long time friend Sonoskea. She asks him to follow her to her chambers to talk.
About 10 minutes later they both come back out laughing. As she says thank you to Kenshin she asks Yue to her chambers, then Sonoskea. When she gets done talking with them she comes back out for Alex, who has a huge grin on his face. She reluctantly takes him into her chambers.
“So Alex, why do you want to be my husband?” She asks in a light tone while sitting on her bed.
“Well, I need a beautiful queen at my side to make me look better, if that’s possible.” He says while looking at himself in her six foot long mirror, brushing his hair back with his hand and looking at her reflection then grinning.
She gives him a look of disgust. ~Good Lord! Why do half of the guys I meet have to be so narcissistic! ~ “Ok. Well, I’ve heard enough.”
He walks over to her and puts his arm around her shoulder. “Aw, what’s wrong? Am I too much for ya? Ha! I can tone it down...for a price.” He says as he lowers his lips to hers. She smiles at him then stands up and walks toward the door with him staring at her with wide eyes. No woman has ever resisted his kiss.
He walks over to her at the door and shuts it as she is about to open it. He gives her a cool and laid-back look then slicks his hair back again. She leans against the door with her arms crossed over her chest and gives him a bitchy smirk.
“I know that can’t be it, all those other guys got a lot longer time with you and they’re pathetic. Are you making me out to be the underdog? The one that nobody thinks you’ll choose but at the end you do. Is that it?” He asks with a s**t-eating grin.
She gives him that same bitchy smirk and nods her head. His face lights up as he believes her. She opens the door while saying, “Come boy.” And they walk down the long hallway
As they walk into the throne room and he takes his seat she motions for the last one, Wrench, to follow her. They walk down the hallways quietly. Wrench, getting lost at every turn.
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