Heartbound Memories: Character Interview I |
Hi everybody! The moment you've all been waiting for..... it's time to know more about your favorite characters from "Heartbound Memories". Stuff you'd never hear in the story. And heeeeeeeeere we go!!!!!! xd
Hello, I'm your host. ^^
Note: Dayana's a nickname my friends in school gave me, since no one can say my real name right. ^^;
Kitty's Interview
Dayana: Hello everybody, welcome to my show, I'm your host Dayana. And I'm here to interview the one and only, the carefree dragon mage, Kitty Shiyounin!
Kitty: Hi hi! x3
Dayana: Okay, I'm gonna ask you 10 questions and you answer them honestly. Got it?
Kitty: Yup!
Dayana: Okay, first question: if your soul was in your best friend's body for a day, what would you do?
Kitty: Hm, if I were in Sentaro's body, I would make him smile and socialize with people. However, if I were in Ryo's body, I would...... make him wear a dress, run around the village and say "I like men!" xd
Dayana: Haha, good one. Next question: if you can change anything about yourself, what would you change?
Kitty: Definetly my size. I hate being small! I also don't like that people think I'm a kid. I'm 15 years old!
Dayana: Okay okay, calm down. sweatdrop Next question: if you an be any animal, what would you be?
Kitty: A laser shark.
Dayana: eek A what?
Kitty: Yea, they swim around and shoot lasers from their eyes to kill their prey. How cool is that?
Dayana: Uh, laser sharks don't exist, Kitty. sweatdrop
Kitty: Sure they do. I saw an episode about them on the Discovery Channel. 3nodding
Dayana: Ok.... confused Anyways, next question: what's your biggest fear?
Kitty: Exploding heads. Seriously, who wants to see flying pieces of brain all over the place? Not me! It's gross, not to mention scary. xp
Dayana: Uh..... that's a new one. Okay, next question: if you had a million dollars, what would you buy?
Kitty: Tons and tons of CANDY! blaugh
Dayana: Haha, a big sweet tooth, aren't ya? Ok, moving on. Do you find any of your best friends attractive?
Kitty: Uh.... well, both Ryo and Sentaro are nice looking guys. sweatdrop
Dayana: Which one of them would you date?
Kitty: Huh? eek Uh, I guess Ryo cuz Sentaro's kinda boring.
Dayana: Interesting. Next question: do you have any feelings for Shouta Yurei?
Kitty: Well, he is a handsome guy. He's smart, sweet and funny. I could only describe him as my beautiful guardian angel. *sighs* 4laugh
Dayana: I'll take that as a yes. Next question: what's your favorite book?
Kitty: I would say "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley, I felt so bad for the poor monster. crying All he wanted was a friend. Also, it teaches you a very important lesson: there are some things man must never tamper with.
Dayana: Ooo that was deep. I didn't think she'd read a classic. Next question: do you think anyone is better looking than you?
Kitty: Of course, I always thought my cousin Chita was the prettiest girl in the village. And so does everyone else.
Dayana: Well, aren't you sweet? here's the last question, someone from the audience asks: Do you believe in the boogie man? .... Who the f@#% wrote this? confused
Kitty: eek AAH! Boogie man?! Where?! I'll take him down! *takes out her magic staff Charlemagne*
Dayana: Uh, Kitty... there's no boogie man.
Kitty: Show your face, you coward! scream *shoots lightning magic at the stage lights*
Dayana: Ok then...... All right folks, that's all for now. Join us next time, we will be interviewing Sentaro Nakamura. Good night everybody!
Kitty: Where is he?! *runs offstage*
Dayana: *sighs* We so need new stage lights. stare
Hope you enjoyed it. ^^ If you have any funny questions for your favorite characters, send them to me through a PM. 3nodding
Facts about Kitty
Carefree Dragon Mage
- her real name, Neko, means "cat" in Japanese - she's the 2nd shortest character in the story - she's flat-chested - can use any elemental magic (fire, water, wood, earth, ice, wind, thunder, light and dark) likes to use thunder magic - she never knew her parents or older brother - her favorite colors are hot pink and blue - her favorite animal is the monarch butterfly - since she's a half-dragon, she ages slowly - loves to dance - favorite foods are fruits, especially apples, cherries and strawberries - her magic staff, Charlemagne, originally belonged to her mother Midoriko
Song Tribute to Kitty
Memories by: Within Temptation
Memories, memories, memories
In this world you tried Not leaving me alone behind There's no other way I'll pray to the gods: let him stay
The memories ease the pain inside Now I know why
All of my memories Keep you near In silent moments Imagine you'd be here All of my memories Keep you near The silent whispers, silent tears
Made me promise I'd try To find my way back in this life I hope there is away To give me a sign you're okay Reminds me again It's worth it all So I can go home
All of my memories Keep you near In silent moments Imagine you'd be here All of my memories Keep you near The silent whispers, silent tears
Together in all these memories I see your smile All the memories I hold dear Darling you know I love you till the end of time
All of my memories Keep you near In silent moments Imagine you'd be here All of my memories Keep you near The silent whispers, silent tears
If you have any better suggestions for song tributes to Kitty or any of your favorite characters, don't be shy to post your suggestions. ^^ Now I'm going to sleep. Zzzzzzzzz..... -.-
Kitty the Ninja Pikachu · Fri Aug 15, 2008 @ 02:51pm · 3 Comments |