Attention, all: I will be going to Otakon on Friday August 8th, 2008. I will be cosplaying as Orochimaru. I'll put a pic up at the end of this entry. You'll know it's me, because this particular Orochimaru will be the hyper, short one that's cheerfully hopping around, hugging all the male cosplayers. Hehe. Let me know if you are going, it'll be sweet and we can hang. You'll meet meh IRL. Zomehgawsh. I'm ugleh, so aren't we lucky I'm cosplaying? > 3 < I'll get pictures on my profile up later. THANKS GUYS. *Explodes into a mass of Shinigami guts and guitar pics* Aaaaand...that's Orochimaru CHIBIFIED:
Orochimaru again. o.o;;
Orochimaru as a kid. Aww
Kewl Orochimaru fanart.
And, lastly, Orochimaru with a kewl jacket that I want to steal. ._.