woot life hee is funny awsome like hahahaha this morning i was awaken to a scream whos scream you ask my moms then afterward i heard don't panick leola i got up and went out my room door and right in front of my face theres a bat fling around it shocked me eek it was just flying around my living room and i was like woooooooooooooooooow surprised and ten my i walked to the kitchen and asked "how'd that bat get in here" i don't know was my dads reply blah blah eventually we got it out and set it free outside of course whee but afterwards i couldn't stop laughing and i wasn't sleepy anymore (take not this all happened around 5 in the morning my time) and also ill be leaving won't be back till thursday i might get on like once or twice when im gone but i don't know XP lol yep yep yep