The Eyes of Gabriel...
My most recent Idea for a comic is called "The Eyes of Gabriel"... Well, basically, it's about how God isn't real... Gabriel is, though... since he destroyed all life back when he destroyed the dinosaurs, Gabriel has been floating in the middle of the Ocean between America and Africa... unseen... floating above the water with "Black wings of the Argent Dawn" (A Fisherman's legend... sort of an introduction in the story)...And in present day a plane found him and tried to contact him, but as soon as they said the first "Hello" to him, his eyes opened and glowed red, and he flew away faster than any plane could follow, and destroyed all of the Eastern continent in the blink of an eye... Asia, Africa, and everything... now, what's left of the world must recover and put up some sort of countermeasures before Gabriel attacks again, which is in 3 days... and his next target is America...
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