Pure Tiger
Name: Just call me Tiger. Grade: SENIOR! Age: 17, baby! Birthplace: Manhasette NY Birthday: June 13, 1988 Nick Names: Ami, Ammix, Teddybear, Pig Licker (Dun ask...), A-chan, Tiger, TD, Bunny, Bunneh, Neko heart Favorite color: Blue! Favorite movie: Pirates of the Caribbean Favorite actor/actress: Johnny Depp (Duh)?Drew Barrymore Favorite songs: All Star, At the Beginning, Hole in the World, Hotel California, Holiday, Exodus '04, Hotel Loby, I am, Dive In, My Heart will Go On, The Ultimate, and almost all Disney Songs. Favorite video game: Kingdom Hearts Favorite Books: All the classics. And a book called Shadow Spinner... and a lot of others. Favorite animal: Tiger... eek Wow, go figure! Favorite subject: History Favorite food: Cheese pizza. Favorite smells (yes smells): Smoke from a wood burning fire (not too much), cut grass, ciniminomon, coconut, cocoa butter. Siblings: 2 sisters and a brother... 11 neices and nephews. Pets: Bruno, Kitty, Lady, and Coachie... no pic of Coach at the moment, sorry ^^;; But he's a German Shepard. If I could travel anywhere it would be to: California. I've always wanted to go, plus, on Gaia, I've made a bunch of really good friends that I'd like to meet that live out that way blaugh What do I love about myself: A lot of things ^_^ What do I hate: *sigh* A lot of things -.-
That's all I can think of at the moment ^_^ Just majorly bored. Ask me whatever. I'll tell... just not, like my SS# or my address or stuff like that... I'm not that stupid.
Let's see... *sighs* The first real week of school. I'm Mrs Ratchford's peer helper! xd So happy! She teaches 9th grade English, and after being in her class a day... my opinion on freshmen hasn't changed. Well that's about it. I'll update this and put a quote, I found a really good one in A Brave New World ^_^
Quote: "I claim the right to be unhappy." A Brave New World.
And if you'd like, you may take the survey too ^o^ Or, put one in your own Journal ;P
Community Member
Hey I resisnt that! xP The SS# acaully has a story behind it I shall tell you later.