This is a journal of untold doom.
Just so you know. :3
It's totally emo and whatnot. Don't read if you don't like whining. &3
Now that I've cut the list of readers down to 0 or something about 2, I shall begin.
Today I couldn't sleep. My parents were supposed to come and take me back home at 9AM, and I didn't want to you know... sleep till i'm late.. XD So yeah, I slept for about two hours and then I just couldn't go and turn my snore-mode on &o&!
Parents were late. Haha. Veeeeery funny. 1 hour late. D:&
ROAR. They woke my brother up and went "Annie, honey, what's new? twisted "
Aughhh. I didn't really feel like comming back home yet. *dentist ;o;* So I told them that I want to stay here for a week more or something. Well then. They kidnapped my brother, ran away, and left me with granny.
It was still very early, about 10AM or so.. So me and granny went to get some money. I taught her how to use the... gimme-money-in-the-bank-machine thingy... OH IT'S CALLED AN ATM THANKS TACOFOX <3 XD; Umm yea my english is poor. XD!
And so we were gooooooing and goooooooing. Slow like turtles. xp It started raining. For the 3rd time me and granny tried going out somewhere together. It ALWAYS rains when we go out together Oo
Yeaaa... Then I went back to Gaia ;D Being the hobo I am, I didn't feel like doing anything special so I just bugged random people. &o&
I'm eviiiil.
Not as Kuru, though.
And so I end the boring journal full of random things. Ciao!
Love you, Kuru.
Love you, Anzypanzy. (Ahaha you tea perv &D)
Love you, Eboshi.
Love you, Sky. =D
Looove you all. *hugs*
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