For those actually reading this, its just a ton of questions I have. They don't really have to do much with anything but hey... major kudo's if you can give answers to them all or even attempt. 3nodding
~ Why is the sunroom always the coldest room in any house? ~ Why is it friends say "Sorry, my room's messy" when you don't really care if they have a messy room or not? ~ Why won't anyone tell you your zipper's down until the end of the day? ~ Why are Slurpee's at 7/11 different? (They weren't as liquidy before) ~ Why does a Slurpee suck after you get 3/4's finished with it? ~ How did they even get the name Slurpee? (did someone just slurp then called out "ee"... or something) ~ Why do I have so many questions about Slurpee's? ~ Seriously though... how many licks does it take to get to the end of a Tootsie Pop? (Answered.. one of my friends said it takes 2,314) ~ Why is the Tootise Pop question the most frequently asked candy question? ~ Why are 90% of English and Science teachers boring? ~ Why are 80% of statistics just made up on the spot? ~ Why is it when you ask "What's up?" the answer is always nothing? ~ Why are you looked at funny if you wear a bandanna? ~ Why is the i-phone so frecking expensive? ~ Why do I have so many random question that don't really have to do with anything? ~ Why does all hip/hop and techno sound the same? ~ Whatever happened to grunge rock? ~ Why is gas so expensive? ~ Why is it impossible to get a job in the U.S anymore? ~ Why did I make this journal entry and actually my whole journal public eek ? ~ Why is Denver so much better than Colorado Springs? ~ Why is Denver so expensive to live in? ~ Why aren't there a lot of street/guitar performers anymore? ~ If I made a eraser bracelet, would anyone buy it? ~ Why do hotdog buns come in packs of 6 but just hotdogs come in packs of 8? ~ Why do I feel drunk if I drink too much tea? (Seriously do)
I might add some more questions later on... if I think of anymore
New No named bob · Sun Jul 13, 2008 @ 01:27am · 2 Comments |