So, I'm not sure what the point of this is any more. I'm not sure where Becky with a beehive went, but I have yet to hear a funny word in about a week. Bleh, I hope you didn't get a life!!!!!!!!!!!
ANYGAY, so I'm listening to 'What the Buck' on youtube. Apparently Tila Tequila thinks that she is the reason for the legalization of gay marriage in California. Betch. I hope she falls in something deep and doesn't get out. The only thing I like about her is her rapping. Not cuz it's good. Cuz it's funny as hell. It's all like 'I ******** love you, but I'd kill you if I had to!'

So Kathy Griffin's orgasmic show is back on! I have something to do!

Also, I'm dying my bangs blue tomorrow! Yay! Yes, I'm letting a lesbian do my hair. Oh boi! But she's a lipstick lesbian so it's okay.
Speaking of lesbians, my new favorite song in the world is by them. It's called Malchick Gay. It's about a chick who wants a gay guy.

Oi, this little commentary is getting pretty queer. Oh well. As a matter of fact, everything in here has a direct connection to something gay... Hm... Except Becky and her beehive, though beehives are a bit les...........

So Zac Efron has been doing NOTHING!!!!!! Ah, so bored. He hasn't even had a photoshoot in months. He's been doing his crappy little dog and pony movie, HSM3. I mean, that's not to say that I'm not going to see it multiple times, but still. BOOORED.

I also saw Wall-E the other day. It was SO CUTE! I could not get over it, I spent the entire movie wide eyed and going 'AWWWWWWWWWWWWW'!

Well anywho, I have wild lesbians to tame and bears to shave.
rofl rofl rofl
Tihm and Zac

I should blow this up and hang it in my room!
Christ, I need a life.
Community Member
So I was wondering this with my aunt and uncle on the four hour trip to Cali.... who now allow gay marriage... If a Transexual is gay... (such as man turned woman who is still attracted to other women) .... and they want to get married to a woman ... would they need a gay license and then we started wondering what it says on the certificate.... spouse and spouse?.... if it says that then what does it say now?.... hmm... of course we also wondered at the diff between astronomy and astrology for about and hour..... hmmm
well aren't you cold-blooded
... the show's back on you have something to do?.... so you want to do her....? eek
.... hmm... blue.... weren't they like a red pink before or somethin?
hmmm.. I'll have to listen to it.
That's ridiculous!... Have you ever seen two female beehives on a date together?... besides... if you have how can you tell what gender they are..... worse.. think of the bald person walking around while their hair is out spooning... poor chap
oh... so typically I like see Zac Efron everywhere now... Jewelry exclusively featuring his face.... life sized cuts of him... dolls... bleh
I SAW IT TOO!!!! ADORABLE!! Loved it.. I just wanted to grab Wall-E and cuddle him... though I guess that would kind of hurt him being metal and all.... I so wanted to hold his hand... Though LOVED the use of Hello Dolly... that is one of my favorite Louis Songs... and of course Barbra's a riot!.... "There's a whole world outside of Yonkers"
...hmmm... where'd you find the bears?
... no fair! If I can't find a life then you can't either... or else who will I drone on with?... hmmmm?