Lance is seen in a dark place and all around are red eyes staring at him.A deamon form of Lance walks out towards him.
"You will show me to your friends so I can destroy them."
"Never this is the one time I can at least have friends that are like me and I dont want anything to happen."
"What your still mad about that."
"You killed my future wife.You think I wouldn't be."

"Never this is the one time I can at least have friends that are like me and I dont want anything to happen."
"What your still mad about that."
"You killed my future wife.You think I wouldn't be."
Then Lance is teleported to a heaven type place and what he thinks his mother is stands there.
"Why do you let him do that."
"Who are you?"Before she could answer he is thrown down in front of how he thinks Satin looks like.
"HAHAHA Well how do you feel now?"
"Why am I here?"
"Because your father never pay his debet."

"Who are you?"Before she could answer he is thrown down in front of how he thinks Satin looks like.

"Why am I here?"
"Because your father never pay his debet."
"What do you mean?"
"You will find out."Lance is then teleported to the town where he met his first girlfriend.He is flown through to the train station where they first met.While he is there the scene unfolds.Amanda walks out of the station while a younger Lance walks in front of the station reading a book and runs into hermaking her drop her bag."Oh im sorry about that,miss.Let me help you."
"Hey why dont you watch where you going and thanks."
"Hey it was my fault anyhow huh."While he helped her he saw a ID card for her bag and saw her name."So your name is Amanda huh."As he stands up with the last thing and hands it to her he puts out his hand and says."My name is Lance."
"You will find out."Lance is then teleported to the town where he met his first girlfriend.He is flown through to the train station where they first met.While he is there the scene unfolds.Amanda walks out of the station while a younger Lance walks in front of the station reading a book and runs into hermaking her drop her bag."Oh im sorry about that,miss.Let me help you."
"Hey why dont you watch where you going and thanks."
"Hey it was my fault anyhow huh."While he helped her he saw a ID card for her bag and saw her name."So your name is Amanda huh."As he stands up with the last thing and hands it to her he puts out his hand and says."My name is Lance."
The scene then twists into a house and Lance floats through the front door and stands in a corner.Younger Lance is seen walking to the front door and knocks.He is covered in blood.Out of a room Amanda's voice is heard saying"Come on in.Ill be right there."Lance opens the door and walks in.Amanda walks out to greet him when she sees how Lance looks."OH MY GOD.What happened to you?!?!"
The same voice of his demon says"Oh nothing."The older Lance floats out of the house towards the sky and all you hear is a scream and then a explosion.Lance then is teleported to his time with the old man that tought him some alchemy. "So lets see what you have learned in a quick battle."
"Alright.You go first."
"Alright."He produces a simple fire ball and throws it at Lance.Lance catches it makes it bigger then throws it to him.He jumps up and punches the ground behind him making his first Big Bang.It kills the old man instantly .
The same voice of his demon says"Oh nothing."The older Lance floats out of the house towards the sky and all you hear is a scream and then a explosion.Lance then is teleported to his time with the old man that tought him some alchemy. "So lets see what you have learned in a quick battle."
"Alright.You go first."
"Alright."He produces a simple fire ball and throws it at Lance.Lance catches it makes it bigger then throws it to him.He jumps up and punches the ground behind him making his first Big Bang.It kills the old man instantly .
Lance wakes up and is engulphed in fire again so he puts it out."Wow that was longer than normal"
Later that day.
After his dad visits and takes his deamon powers,Lance is put to sleep by Phoenix.
Again Lance finds himself in a drak place surrounded by red eyes but instead of him seeing his deamon form he sees a boy just like him with angel wings. "Well hello.Weve havent met before now have we?"
"Good but we cant right now your mother wants to see you."
As soon as he says this Lance is teleported to the heaven type place again and sees his mother. "Hello son."
"Hi.Are you really my mother?"
"Yes yes I am."
"Are you dead?"
"Oh no I was born like this son."
"So wait that means Im part ang......"
"How can this be I mean..... "
"You always had that nice side to think of and thats what made controling your deamon side easier over the years."
"So wait then what happened to my deamon side then."
"Oh your father had to pay his debet so instead of paying his powers he got greedy and used yours to pay his."
"Well thats mean.Wait normally I would call him a name just now."
"Your anger side of you is now gone.So that means all you have left is your angel side.and yes that means you can now use angel powers."
"SO im not totally helpless."
"Nope in fact your more help now since some enimies are deamon and you are the oppisite their weakness. and since you were a deamon their attacks dont hurt as bad as if you were a pure breed like me."
"So accullay something good did come out of all this."
"Yes and one more thing you are now more sensitive than before so beaware of that ok."
"Oh great"
"You must now wake my son I will see you soon."
As soon as Lance opens his eyes he notices some changes and right away you feel something coming from your back.He sits up and his shirt rips opens to reveal Angel wings have grown now.
"Good but we cant right now your mother wants to see you."
As soon as he says this Lance is teleported to the heaven type place again and sees his mother. "Hello son."
"Hi.Are you really my mother?"
"Yes yes I am."
"Are you dead?"
"Oh no I was born like this son."
"So wait that means Im part ang......"
"How can this be I mean..... "
"You always had that nice side to think of and thats what made controling your deamon side easier over the years."
"So wait then what happened to my deamon side then."
"Oh your father had to pay his debet so instead of paying his powers he got greedy and used yours to pay his."
"Well thats mean.Wait normally I would call him a name just now."
"Your anger side of you is now gone.So that means all you have left is your angel side.and yes that means you can now use angel powers."
"SO im not totally helpless."
"Nope in fact your more help now since some enimies are deamon and you are the oppisite their weakness. and since you were a deamon their attacks dont hurt as bad as if you were a pure breed like me."
"So accullay something good did come out of all this."
"Yes and one more thing you are now more sensitive than before so beaware of that ok."
"Oh great"
"You must now wake my son I will see you soon."
As soon as Lance opens his eyes he notices some changes and right away you feel something coming from your back.He sits up and his shirt rips opens to reveal Angel wings have grown now.