I'm, like, waking up at 8am these days. not even exaggerating. and it takes me another half-hour to get up out of bed. gonk
school is gonna start at 7:45 in September. ohhhh dear. I'm not gonna make it. Dx
but one could reason that since it is summer, I should grab all the sleep I can get.
I know me better, though. I'll get spoiled and end up nocturnal come school. See, the same happened with lunches.
For some reason, I've landed in a group of students that eats lunch first for two years now. School: my grade got to eat lunch 5th period. other grades ate 6th and 7th period.
next year they messed the normal rotation of schedules up (not to mention cutting out one of the 6th grade cycles, but anyway...) and we wound up with 5th period lunch again.
man, even the summer camp between these last two years I got to eat early. First: humanities. then, i think sciences...? then math, if science courses got there second. lunch periods at camp overlapped, tho, so we all got some time together.
but anywayz, I'm still used to eating lunch at like 11:45 instead of some more reasonable (based on the times that my parents tend to feed us) time, such as noon or 2:00pm.
and now my class ends at noon two days a week so I cannot eat at 11:45!! gah!!
erm... yes. but anyway, I have to develop better sleeping habits. but I like sleeping in summer! ;u;
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