Lemme tell you what happened to send me through the roof, down the gutter, and into a wall.
We got into the Hybrid realm and as usual chaos laid within it's domain. We expected it, and thus weren't very surprised by having to battle... what we didn't completely expect was worthy opponents, and thus we wind up being worked on when the battle's over. We're all the way back in Cratos, and it seems an eternity has passed since the fateful day. JP and I shot glances at each other constantly, inable to withhold our laughter after remembering all the good times we shared within the walls of this very hospital. We're all great friends, and so an occasional hug and such between us is quite alright. She and I hugged, Skold didn't mind at all. Winter however... seemed to be withholding a couple choice words. Nobody else noticed, but my blessed ability that was picked up from the dogs, well let's just say that's what's to blame for my knowledge. She didn't speak much, and even during the battle, we rarely even shot each other a glance. (Very surprising because we were battling side by side the entire time.)
Now, eventually, we all settled down and walked around got separated into the usual pieces of the crew. And Winter and I were just walking through the garden section of the hospital. Now, I had the ability to pick up on feelings, but as always, Winter could find a way around everything I had on her. This blessed curse was included. And besides, her mind was almost always a storm, something I rarely ever wished to venture into. Anyway, she and I just walked side-by-side, looking at the trees, and enjoying the garden. Suddenly she finds what I believe to be the voice of an angel of sorts. And she asks me the question that I knew all along, would soon come, "Do you like me?"
"You are my friend, Winter. We are two wolves born of the snow. We've been great friends a long time, even before we knew of the Hybrid realm." I replied, acting as though that were what her question was, but knowing the truth.
"Yes, I know that. But do you like me?" She made sure to put emphasis on the word.
"Winter..." I looked down. "I suppose I do." By now my cheecks grew red and I looked up, "Yeah, I do. So, what of it?" Tension began to form, boil in me at what her response would be. She stood for a second, unmoving. And I just looked, awaiting the reply. She laughed a tinkly laugh, once again, something I never heard her do before. And I felt embarrassed, but I always was a glutton for punishment.
"Do you not feel the same, Winter?" I asked, standing my ground trying to be bold... of course, never was too bold. She stopped in her tracks, and I was behind her a ways. Her head bowed for a few moments. She sighed. And she continued on, humming something. I was instantly upon her, her arms in my hands, before her, my head down. All of a sudden someone nails me in the head. Their fist felt like a ton of bricks, and sent me down to the ground holding my head, the wielder of said punch, happened to be JP, alone.
I looked up at her, teeth bared at her, an angry expression on my face. "What was that for?" JP smiled, and looked pretty twisted at me, "Because.. you were being a fool D." I looked up at her with shock, she had watched this the entire time.
After a while, the past was set behind us, the day went on. And I had no bumps on my head, she apparently just surprised me. And night quickly claimed the land, Winter and I happened to share a room, our beds were separate. And this time, it was in a guest room. After a while, I just decided to ask.
"Winter, you never did answer my question. Do you like me?" I held my face covered by the covers, prepared for the worst, hoping for the best. She sighed once again.
"It's late D, get some rest." And then once again she hummed a tune, it was slow and somewhat happy, a little lullaby of sorts. And it eased my mind a bit, but still I didn't go to sleep. I knew the lullaby all too well, we had a few sleepovers, and she hummed it, even when we met again in this realm, she spent a night with us and hummed it to me.
"I'm not sleeping until I hear an answer Winter." I looked at her, wanting for an answer so bad. She quit humming, and silence dragged on for what seemed like eternity. Eventually, I thought she was asleep, but as I made an upset sigh and began to turn over, she gave me her answer.
"Yes, I do."
Now I sit here, dawn is slowly approaching, and I have gotten no sleep. I'm fully awake, and although I will be exhausted by tonight, I'll be able to sleep more soundly, than I ever have before.
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I'm busy tryin to make my rl get back on track, sadly this may wind up taking me off Gaia, I thank all who have been friends to me and ask that you all hold onto your life and live.