Well after that old entry, I think we need a new, better one! Because no matter how bleak anything may seem, it'll all be cool in the end. Take it from the Ferretdude, if you don't worry, then most things will just play out to be alright. Sure, there are exceptions. Plenty of them. But overall, not worrying will serve you better than doing so. And when you've got a problem, think about how big the universe is, and then put your problem in it. Now, the proportion there of Universe to your problem is Infinity to one. Now why not just spoe one off of each side, and what are we left with? Infinity to nothing. Now, does that problem really seem so bad. Anyways, until next time, Ferret out.
P.S. I know you can't spoe off of a proportion, so don't try to correct me.
Ferret455 · Sun Jun 29, 2008 @ 04:22am · 1 Comments |