Katagirishan Family History

I kno I have a big family, yes yes, I do. here is a brief history out in the open:

My Father married a total of six women- yes six- and had SEVERAL CHILDEREN. Yes, I kno, they got BUSY. REAL BUSY.

And so, thats why I have such a big family.

Everyone-Family wise- on here- except McKid7- have the same Mom and Dad as me.

His name is Sai Katagirishan.

My Mother's Maiden Name is Kichigou Azuma (I know, I know, but thats really her maiden Name. The Azume clan existed long ago and she is a decsendant from it).

McKid7's Mother- my half mom, I guess- is named Maria Kishimo.

Most of our half siblings- and our real ones- are unknown still becuase there are just too many damn people. For example, I had no idea Me, SOpesume, and Kai were triplets until a family reunion last week- which was alot of people and alot of our dads kids.

My Dad's new wife- making the 7th mark, my mom was the 3rd- is named Hanna LuJaavuk- French or something like that and a total blonde slut The first person Dad to marry that isnt Japaneese. Ugh. More siblings on the way......... they always do.

My Half-Moms:

1. Rikochi Shasimini
2.Kimi Hayo
3. Kichigou Azuma
4.Chao Chao-1st and last name is both the same. xd
5. Maria Kishimo
6.Ayuname Sombe
7. Hanna LuJaavuk

You have to love my family.