Sick Like a Dog... ><
Well, it's been a while since I've posted, hasn't it? Either way, I'm sick... like a DOG! O: I've been too sick to even smoke, and it's driving me nuts! I've been having massive nicotine fits. >< I'm trying my hardest not to let them affect me, but, reality is... THEY ARE! xO Anyway, Mike has beaten Metal Gear Solid 4 three times already, once on Liquid Easy, then on Naked Normal and finally on Solid Normal. He's unlocked a bunch of cool weapons and whatnot, and lots of different emblems. 3nodding Currently, he's trying to get the Foxhound emblem. He has this crazy gun that's solar powered, so yes, all it needs is sunlight and it's good to go. IT'S A SCARY GUN. It's called the Solar Gun. It doesn't kill enemies, only stuns them, which makes them drop ALL of their items. Is it a cheat code? I'D SAY SO. Lmao. Yeah, it's a great game. The ending was really awesome.. the story gets completely wrapped up, so the story unfolds alot near the end of the game. It covers all the games stories, including Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the NES. Yes, as in the original Nintendo Entertainment System. Pretty sweet, huh? A tid bit, those games are ridiculously HARD. I tried Metal Gear and couldn't get passed the first boss. Lmao. The Shotgunner, who has terrible grammar. Metal Gear 2 was harder, but at least you could crouch and crawl in that game. As well as have a radar...