In a pissed off mood due to friends and family. Yay.
So I'm going to whine and b***h about them. You can skip this entry if you so wish.
Okay, Forgive the whineing but my family seriously piss me off sometimes.
My mum started bitching at me for watching One Piece.
A whole two ******** epposodes.
Meanwhile, My delightful little borther is just clocking his thirteenth hour on the computer/internet. *Sigh*
And now I sound like Chris when he whines about Johnty. *Double sigh*
Then I thought I might be all 'rebellious' (I.E Check Exam stuffs online) and jump on the computer. Then I get Ian and Hayley playing ******** tricks on me.
Joy. I remember why I hate msn now.
I log on and Ian starts talking to me. Then he starts spouting this s**t about how much he 'cares for me' and hinting that he should have chosen me over Hale or some s**t.
I'm sorta sitting there thinking "This has to be bullshit.... Right?"
Then Hale calls up and I ask her if this is her doing. She starts laughing in my ear so I hang up.
Then log out of msn.
Then punch a wall.
God, I'm so melodramatic but I am not in the mood for this right now.
I think I should just bury myself in writting and study lest I start getting really angry at people ******** me around all the time.
I shouldnt get pissed off, I know. And I know I shouldnt b***h about it but I found myself thinking something the other day, Something that kinda scared me.
I should go write and study and not b***h/angst.
That sounds like a smart idea.
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Hobo Is Currently : ********? Applesauce. <33333
Randosig Is Down For Now, But Enjoy The Invasion... UUULLAH!
Stand And Deliver, b***h. <3
27 Trunks, 23 Pinklinks, 5 Giftboxes, 7 Blue Boxes.
Randosig Is Down For Now, But Enjoy The Invasion... UUULLAH!
Stand And Deliver, b***h. <3
27 Trunks, 23 Pinklinks, 5 Giftboxes, 7 Blue Boxes.