YAY another point~Dancing is not just happy its emotional! here i shall prove
The lights dimly lit, only moonlight is visible through the grande window pane. The Moon so big and bright, the ballroom empty and each small noise echoes back to your ears on a powerful on going ringing. Only a Guy and a lady sit to be joined by force to the center of the ballroom gleaming, illuminating in the moonshine. Barley pressed, forms mearly shy from perfect. His arm firm, but his stance weakend, her body stiffend, but lagging proper footwork, they traced along the room. Ballroom music played softly from a broken, off key music box. The tears of love fill their souls, but only the blood remain to fall from their eyes drip after drip the blood scatters. She spins only to remain standing in silence, her skirt still twisting. If only time could stop for that moment, the moment of freedom from this mutualy unwanted bond between them. Fastly, with perfect form this term, their pace quickend every step planned perfect, their feet sinqued within the dreams of the smiling part that lingers inside. Eyes lowered, only to be know they wish they were with another, to take this dance again, would be the light inthat empty ballroom.
Poem in my pocket
Walking through the rain
the tears streaming down your face
Twirling around and around
fall down onto your knees
fall down fall down
Wipe the tears from your face
The coulds follow you
fall down into the grass
bask in the sunlight
uplift uplift
Run away, run away from the madness
everyone around you is the enemy
Just run Just run
Dont look back
The madness will slice at your throat
and will take you down into the dark
dont bleed dont bleed
follow your soul
dont look back, let the wind carry you on
Water Colors
Taking a walk down to the stream you knew since you could last remember. The soft hum of the water is calming, soothing. You lay on the land before it, basking in the sunlight, letting your finger trace along the sparkling water. Your eyes grow heavy as the illuminate sun begins to set on the horizon. The deep red sky, how you would yern to float among the lingering clouds, being lit up by the rays of light peeking through the sky between. A cold sensation drips on your cheek as you quickly open your eyes and touch your face gingerly. You look down at your fingers that were in the water, and they are a pale grey. Horrified you gaze into the water and find a thin streak across your cheek, where there is no color. Slowly the absance of color spreads throughout your body, as the brilliant shades of your skin and hair begin to wash away in the stream. No longer does the happiness of the warm sunny day come across in your mind, but only the cold and the saddness remain as they sky becomes dark. Without color, without a smile, without any hopes or dreams.........without love. Again, as the midnight sky looks down at you, your eyes are drawn to the sparkling water, you can see many colors streaming along, greens, reds, purples, blues, yellows, even colors you have never seen before. You dive into the water as the colors around you swirl, your head becomes dizzy, you breath short. When finally...
Broken Memories'
Cleaning out your trunks, a photo album lies in the dust, holding a precious secret of the only thing connecting you to your past. Slowly, you open it's cover, torn with age, and the pages smell like dead roses, the deep scent is filling your lungs. The album's spine is bent, and broken beyond repair. You cautiously flip through the pages glancing at the people, your friends, lovers, family, they are all in this book. Theres eyes, full of life, as yours become saddened. all fo the people here, that you loved dearly, are gone. How you yearn for the feelings once felt at those times, how you want to go back and call upon them again. The book slips out of your hands as you fumble through the pages. Your memories, all scattered on the basement floor, something overcomes you, a fimilliar feeling as if you can feel a hand on your shoulder....the coldness of his touch. The one you kiss the most dear, your lover, you can feel him behind you. The sweetness of the colonge he wore everyday, defested the smell of the book. You turn around, and you find no one is there. You hear the laughter of your little sister echoing in the stillness of the air. you look again, no one is there. You swear you can see them. the memories. You turn around and you see the person, the person who shot you, and killed you. Your memories are all broken. Even if you deny it, your dead, as they are trapped in the land of the living.
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Random Whatnots.
I'll update this, so you can all get a little feel of who I really am, I'm tired of living two separate lives. It is time to bring the actual me, Evelyn, and mix it with the Gaia me, Mirra.
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