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Wallowing in Thought
YYH Story Character.
x.X.x-_____________[WHO AM ii?]

X.x.X____________{I - C A L L - M Y S E L F}
=Avery June Sullivan

X.x.X____________{C O U N T - T H E - W R I N K L E S}
X.x.X____________{D A T E - OF - B I R T H}
=February 22
X.x.X____________{E N D S - M E A T}
=I'm a waitress. I live to serve tables.
X.x.X____________{W H A T S - W R O N G - W I T H - M E}
=I thought I was human.
X.x.X____________{I - A L W A Y S - S A Y}
="Son of a-"

x.X.x-_____________[LOOKiiNG iiNTO THE MiiRROR]

X.x.X____________{T H E - O U T E R - L O O K}
=User Image
= » My Opinion is that we're all ********. Our parents' generation destroyed our planet and now they expect us to clean up the mess. And you know what? We're not going to be able to. Our generation, raised by their's, are no better then they were. We are self-obsessed, paranoid, shop-a-holics who don't care.

= Have you seen the girl whose been pregnant three times? She's only fifteen. You see that football player in his new car? It's a Hummer; he fills it three times on the way to school. Did you hear what the fat chick did? She was sent to rehab for doing drugs because some one told her cocaine would make her skinny.

= Influences like the new Nobel Prize Winner and our hard working teachers mean nothing to us. We've been raised with role models like Britney Spears and Usher, thinking it's our job to play God with things like science and technology. When we kill ourselves - I'm just gunna laugh.

= » My Attitude is simple to explain. I want people to leave me alone so I'm a b***h. I sit back and do nothing, slowly losing patience with the people who fight the futile fight. I argue over nothing and get mad pretty easily, but I never let that show. I'm always frustrated, though, and have a problem with taking it out on the wrong people. Like my few friends.

= » My Build is pretty common. I'm not a rail-thin supermodel or a trim athlete. I'm a girl who eats a little too much and likes her junk food just enough. I don't exercise like I should and I don't drink enough water most of the time, so I have a little more... baggage than some people. I don't wear a size 0... or 2... or 4... or 6. Try 12, and that doesn't make me any different.

= » My Hair and My Eyes are two of my favorite features. I like to call my hair bronze-blond, but it's probably just a gold with just enough yellowy-white to label it that. In the right light, it's bronze, though, and I strive for that light every where I go. It's curly right when I get up, but after my shower, it just hangs in limp waves to mid-back, the exact length everyone's hair should be, in my opinion. It frizzes and attracts static in the summer and spring, but those are two things I'm willing to deal with. My eyes are light green, clear and piercing. When the sun shines in them, they turn almost white and then when it's almost too dark to see, they're often mossy in color. But they're always perfect to me, and precious because green eyes are so rare.

= » My Face is circular, but the hard edges of the back of my jaw make it almost square. My forehead doesn't trouble me except when I have to pull my hair back for work. It seems almost like there's too much space from the top of my head to my eyebrows then. But there isn't; it's simply my imagination. My eyebrows have never been plucked and only waxed once. They generally don't bother my, so I don't bother them. My eyes might be farther apart than normal, but their intensity makes it easy to forget. My nose curves smoothly, concave along the bridge and sitting perfectly center on my face. My lips are pink and smooth, moist from all the lip balm I have a tendency to wear. They sit haft an inch under my nose and curve into a pleasant smile when I'm happy enough.

= » My Skin is pale from days spent indoors with books. I have freckles, but they're so faded, no one can really tell. The tops of my arms are much more tan than the rest of me, a good solid light gold that blends to my normal color at my wrist. There, my freckles haven't faded and stand out in a pretty brown against my collection of scars. I've never harmed myself, though. They are all from bike accidents and the like. I want a tattoo at least, but it's not likely to happen any time soon. I have three piercings in my ears and usually wear large star earrings that are a collection of diamonds I got for my sixteenth birthday in the lowest ones. Most of the time, the other two are empty, but whenever the feeling hits, I put medium size diamonds in both, though they get smaller the higher they go.
X.x.X____________{I ' M - A - G I A N T}
=Five foot, three inches
X.x.X____________{I - B R E A K - T H E - S C A L E}
=One hundred forty
X.x.X____________{WINDOW S - I N T O - M Y - S O U L}
=Sage green
X.x.X____________{I T ' S - A L L - N A T U R A L}
X.x.X____________{M Y - H O U R G L A S S - F I G U R E}
X.x.X____________{M Y - T H R E A D S}
=I'm generally just a tom-boy. My girly haft finds her way out when I buy random, trendy clothes that I'll never actually wear, but generally, she stays in her cage and we ignore each other. I wear jeans; there's no ifs, ands, or buts about that. I like T-shirts the most and tend to steal them from my uncle and my grandpa whenever I get the chance. When it's hot out, I wear tank tops without sayings or letterings of any kind. They complicate things and make people stare at my chest, which unnerves me. I have a vast collection of unmatched ankle socks that hide behind my running shoes, Converse, Etnies and Vans alike. I have a wide array of shoes I never have and never will wear. But that doesn't matter; I just keep buying more.

x.X.x-_____________[YOU KNOW NOTHiiNG]

X.x.X____________{L i k e s}
= » Stars are my life. I live for astronomy, I've been studying it for years. I know all the old lores that pirates and sailors used to follow and have tested a few for myself in rudimentary experiments. It's fun to read my horoscope for no reason and then see where it goes. And they're pretty.
= » Strawberry Soda is my chosen poison, all day every day. I'm surprised I don't bleed strawberry soda. I've developed an immunity to the caffeine and that doesn't bother me anymore so no one really cares.
= » Watermelon is my favorite fruit and I love spitting the black seeds at people when they aren't looking. I try to eat fruit as often as possible, but I don't always manage. So if I go to long without it, I just go and buy a whole watermelon, cut it up and stick it in the fridge... to be gone in three days. Tops.
= » Cauliflower is the vegetable no one has to force me to eat. I make it with every meal if I can. There's no fighting me when I want cauliflower with the meal.
= » Books are my true passion, though. I'm a bibliophile like no other. I perfume myself with the scent of a library if possible and chew through books like I chew through cauliflower and watermelon. I've been working on my own novel... for five years... with six version....
= » Music is the way to my heart. I fall immediately for a guy with a guitar and a mic. There's no way around the automatic sex-appeal of that guy.
= » Computers might hate me, but I love them. I could spend hours typing or playing computer games. It's no surprise to anyone when they wake up a six in the morning and I'm still online.
= » Boys, though they're annoying and mean and stupid most of the time. They always managed to know more about the trivial things that get us through board games and they can think of the perfect thing to say... when they really want to. But when they break my heart, I trash their car.
= » Color Schemes because when a house or painting or outfit doesn't match, I go nuts! Those people who can't see green and try wearing it with that puke-y orange-ish color.... God, they just irritate me!
X.x.X____________{D i s l i k e s}
= » Frizzy hair when it just does not want to lay flat for me. I could drench it in smoothing serum and still have frizzy hair by the end of the day. I spend several hours throughout the day trying to get my hair back to smoothness.
= » Police who thought they were doing a good when they took me home and really just ******** up my home life.
= » Parents who want to know everything about me and then ground me for saying I'm no longer Christian and for admitting I'm bisexual.
= » Popular Girls, the ones who wear skimpy shorts in mid-winter and stiletto heels that could easily punch a hole straight through some one's skull. They always think they're better than everyone and everyone lets them. Even though we all know they're the same as we are, we let them rule the world. What is this place coming to?
= » Video Games that have taken over the world. DDR, Grand Theft Auto, Halo: they are destroying our morals and ethics!!!
= » The stupid whammy bar that doesn't work for my Guitar Hero III. Every long note that comes up I try it and it never works!!!

x.X.x-_____________[UNWANTED MEMORiiES]

X.x.X____________{P e r s o n a l i t y}
= » I'm Quiet, Thoughtful and Strong-Willed. I try to think before I speak and often come off as the silent type. I don't play well with others and keep quiet for my own good around them, but I always find a way to make my opinions heard. I can stand up for myself well and I never back down from a fight, especially if I know I can win, but I'd rather settle my disputes with words. There are very rare occasions when I speak my mind, and when I do, it's usually worth hearing. Usually. Not always. And even then, if you don't listen to what I have to say, you'll have to deal with a not so quiet side of me. When I feel like telling you my opinion on something, I am resolute about it. I don't change my mind on a whim and you might as well not even try to change it for me. You will receive a firm kick to the a** for your efforts.
= » Controlled and Calm. I can keep my cool in the midst of my worse nightmare, no matter how fast my heart is beating or how shallow my breaths are. I'm a tightly wound spring, though; controlled and focused until you set me off. The last thing you want to do is rob me of my control. But when I am controlled, I act like a monk in prayer. I will sit in the same spot for hours, reading, writing, typing or watching TV. I don't consider myself a couch potato, but I do so love my television. I count to ten before I say anything when I'm mad, to give me time to think over what to say and to let myself cool down just a bit. I even meditate from time to time, when my life has been particularly out of whack and I need to focus myself again.
= » Smart and Wordy which are not the same thing. I'm smart because I know what the words actually mean and only wordy because I like to talk when I'm in the right company. I find a way to use words like "sordid" and "bilious" in casual conversation. I'd just be wordy if I didn't know what those words meant. My book-smarts are flimsy, however, simply because I don't have a mind for dates and names and the like. I have a vast quantity of common sense, though, that gets me through anything I might need it for. My tire's shaking, I wonder what's wrong with it? Maybe the bolt just needs to be tightened. The lights are flickering and I don't know what to do. Maybe there's something wrong with the breaker box. Sure, common sense isn't always the right kind of smart, but it's proven itself to me.
= » Alert No one ever wants to play poker with me anymore. I can spot their tells easily and have an inadvertent way of knowing what they have in their hand and what they need to win. It's nearly impossible to plan something behind my back without me figuring it out one way or the other. People can't lie to me because they always give themselves away: they crack their knuckles, they cross their arms, the rub their cheek, they pull their ears. Everyone does something and I've kinda made it my job to spot whatever it is you're trying to hide. Sorry if I ruin surprise parties for me often, but it comes with the territory.
= » Cheerful, Enthusiastic, and Humorous I usually have a smile on my face, purely because I don't know what's going on. I can't follow conversations well, so I just grin and go with it. I'm genuinely cheerful about forty-seven percent of the time and everyone enjoys it when I am. I laugh at everything, simply because it's easier to laugh than cry. And, anyways, I sound like a dying chipmunk when I cry... which isn't so different from when I laugh, now that I think about it. I love dirty jokes and gross-out humor, but the clean, easy, automatic come-backs that just burn are hilarious, too. I love sports; watching and playing but only when I get to scream and paint my face. I played soccer in Seattle for a few years and I would always go to my school's under-appreciated sporting events for a laugh.
= » In Charge and Dependent Somehow, I command attention. I don't usually mean to, but when there's no one taking charge, I step into the spot light. It's just easier than letting everything go to pieces because no one wanted to take a little responsibility. I handle authority figures relatively well, but I'd much rather run the show than be part of it and if I can't run it, I'm more likely to be found in the crowd. Dependence and Independence are almost the same thing for me. I rely on my friends and family to get me through the days, but at the same time, I only need them to guide me. I like stumbling and falling flat on my face just so they can help me back up, dot on me for a little while and then set me on my feet and send me on my way again. What would happen if a parent only let their baby fall once while they were learning to walk? We'd still be crawling on our hands and knees.
= » Open-minded and Adaptable Change is something I welcome with open arms. I'm all for making things easier with the help of technology, playing God or otherwise, and I like medicinal advances that will help my family live longer and stay with me longer than otherwise. As far as our culture, there are somethings that shouldn't change and some that should. Government should not be connected to a religion because it complicates things, gives the religion too much power and often gives leaders a bit of an ego. But certain laws (gay marriage, abortion, nature preservation) should be changed. Love does not depend on ethnicity or religion - why should it depend on gender as well? A life is a life from the moment it starts growing; therefore, abortion is murder of a growing being. Nature was here first, plain and simple, and we have no right to erase it the way we are. And if other things change, things I wasn't expecting, I change with it. I am like a chameleon, blending with my surroundings and changing as they change.

X.x.X____________{B i o g r a p h y}
=My family has been bringing in the dough for decades. We have amazing luck in the stock markets and the creativity to design new and infinitely useful items. We invested in Dell Computers, Sony Industries, Martha Stewart Living and Guitar Hero in just the past few years. It's safe to say that our status as the Man Behind the Scenes is secure.

=So why do my parents keep pretending to go to work everyday? I know Daddy's with his escort and Mommy's ******** her boss, leaving the baby-sitting and mothering duties to me. Why don't they just split? Daddy could take better care of me and Avril if he wasn't looking at us as reminders of his marriage gone wrong. Of course, Avril would go to Mom, wouldn't she? Since she's not actually Daddy's second daughter. Mommy was too busy trying to get to the top of the food chain to worry about condoms. They spend so much time ignoring each other and worshiping the ground she walks on, they don't even remember to ignore me. I'm worse than invisible.

=It's a clichéd story, really. Daddy ran off with a whore, Mommy doesn't love me anymore? Please. But it's the truth, and really, that's unavoidable.

=And another clichéd part of my story is the daughter acting out for attention. Case and point: For my fifteenth birthday, I got a fake ID, ran off to a bar with a few friends and got arrested for driving under the influence. Mommy sent her secretary to bail me out of jail and didn't even have time to ground me. Daddy's connections got me off clean. Two months later, I was up to my old tricks (since no one thought to take my fake ID after the first time). I was stuck in correctional classes and some one finally thought to take away the ID.

=The class was kind of a general correction that dealt with all kinds of problem cases like mine and I don't remember anything we talked about. But I'm glad I even bothered to show up (since I was originally just going to skip it) because I met Millie. I thought I'd had friends before her, but they were all back-stabbers, so I was a little suspicious at first.

=In the end, though, she proved herself. That one stupid class turned into two years of friendship. It's kinda cool, actually. I helped her through her GED and she helped me through my defense classes. We play video games together and we're on the right track again. We're going to Japan for a massive Guitar Hero championship next month. I'm not as good as her and won't risk embarrassing myself, but Millie's the best.

x.X.x-_____________[CAPABLE OF ANYTHiiNG]

X.x.X____________{M Y - M A D - S K I L LS}
=I'm psychic. The full psychic deal. I sense auras and I read minds and I move s**t with my brain. It's freakin' sweet and I'm so glad the guys told me. Some times, I even see the future. But it's blurry and unreliable, so I don't even bother paying attention to that. I've got a little kung-fu under my belt, (Like, three weeks. Tops.) and a little, informal training from Millie in pressure points, but I'm sure I could hold my own in anything.

x.X.x-_____________[SMALL TALK]

X.x.X____________{M E A N I N G L E S S - I N F O}
=I got voted Most Likely to Cheat in the Stock Market in The Unofficial '05 Rainier Beach Yearbook my sophomore year. Mainly because of my parents' reputations, but the fact that I was selling essays and French translations out of the back of my Jaguar didn't help either.
=My favorite color is green, the color of my eyes to be exact. But yellow runs a close second and blue's an even closer third. But green will always top the list. I have a white 80GB iPod with a green cover and over three thousand songs. My closet pretty much consists of those three colors, black, white and brown and I tuck my old baby blanket into my backpack when I go one long trips because it's a sweet, lemony yellow and comforts me better than anything else.
=And, contrary to popular belief, I am still a virgin. I don't do drugs - I don't even drink anymore. After my last ex spent four months trying to get me high so he could get some, I decided I have control issues that won't tolerate drugs.
X.x.X____________{M Y - G R O O V E S}
=U + Ur Hand by P!nk or Pain by Three Days Grace
X.x.X____________{B E H I N D - T H E - M A S K}

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