The guild is almost paied off..! Yeah..!!! Cherokieprincess said she will earn the rest of the gold needed, that is awesome..!!!! Free drinks for every one..!!! I am so happy to fianlly have the guild almost done, we have many members so far but most are not active.. The guild is a mainly to have fun, we have a marrages and a pet theme. The guild s privet so you have to reuest membership, there is no fee and no one has not been aproved so far.. Here is the link.:
~*The Serenity Wedding Chapel & The Pets R Us Center*~
Moving on: A few weeks ago I created a smaller questing list and today I updated my Wish list.. The quests are mainly wha I am working for now, and the wish list is what I want in geeral.. I will post them below.

Again Here is an idea I had...
Wish List Exchange:
I have an idea, mabye it will work, if you see some one with something you have on there wish lis you can offer them a trade to mabye get what you wanton yours.. Juat a thought..
Community Member
And I do hope your new quest goes well! ^^
And as for the P r us guild...I havent been able to go on! Guilds are down! gonk