my friends are very special to me. My first friend is kitty storm. She is a really wild friend of mine and loves to party all the time. she is a devil but very nice unlike her sister.

and my next friend is cat who used to be so lazy is now a very bad pain in the a** to people when she gets cranky. but atleast she will protect us from bad people and enemy's, she is a lightning.

there's also my friend bunny who is a real slut, sorry to say but she has dated like half the guys that go to our school. but she can be a real good friend, she is a plant .
and my best friend is puppy who is very sweet but can be a b***h sometimes when shes mad
 Well there are my main group of friends. they are really fun to hang out with and I hope we never break up no matter how mad we become at each other
FerryClaw · Tue Jun 10, 2008 @ 01:12am · 0 Comments |