Kurai walked into Kakashi-sensei's office, leaning over the back of his chair. "Doshte na Mimi-chan deska (where's Mimi-chan)?"
"She's on a mission," was the bland reply as Kakashi went back to his report.
"And Nori-chan?"
"With Mimi-chan." He looked back at the usually energenic girl, his eyes questioning her. "Why are you so sad? What's wrong?"
"Ne? Oh... bet'sni (nothing; got it from Loveless)," she murmured. "Aragashimas, Kakashi-sensei." And with that, she left, walking gloomily through Konoha.
Alone... hse thought. I'm alone today until someone comes for me. How can I make the time pass without destroying something? She looked up to where she had walked. The old Uchiha complex stood before her, looming like a shadow of a raven.
"I can wreak as much havoc here as I want! No people... no one can get hurt... but me." She ran in, giggling as she went. She played pranks on invisible people, remembering her childhood and reliving it by herself. "Ne, ogenki deska (how are you)?" she'd ask imaginary persons, gigglnig and running away when she did something bad. Then, she came to her foster family's home.
"Ka-san! I'm home!" She kept playing make-believe until she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"No one's here, Ku-chan."
She spun around to see Uchiha Sasuke standing behind her, his usual blank expression glaring at her under his hair.
"I know," she said gleefully, "that's why I'm here. No one to hurt, no one to hear."
"You look and sound insane, Kurai. You're talking to people that aren't there anymore. Just go home. Go to reality."
"You took my reality, 'nii-chan, so ******** off, will ya?" She walked past him now, walking into his old bedroom. "You'd always hate it when I came in here," she reminised, sitting on the dusty floor. "But I never cared. I'd still come in here and wreck your stuff."
"You psycho little b***h," Sasuke spat, lifting Kurai up by her arm. "Get the ******** outta here. You don't belong here."
"Neither do you," she yelled, pushing him away. "Don't tell me where I belong or don't, 'nii-chan." She glared at him, extending her arm. Her fingures were poised to snap. "Leave me alone."
She snapped, sending a blast of energy through the reverbrating air molecules, creating a static charge of electrisity (I understood all that!). The electrically charged molecules attacked Sasuke, sneding him a shock to the cerebelum. He topled to the floor, unable to move.
"You're in my way, Uchiha Sasuke. I disown you from my life. Meaning, you're just another enemy... just another body to add to the death list... another rank for me in the bingo book." But, she left him there, walking away from the house and the complex. He's dead to me now. I'll just go home now and listen to some music.
She went on her cheery way home and waited for her companions.
"Ku-chan!" Mimiru called into her friend's apartment, dropping the key into her pocket. "I got you some pocky. Where are you?" She walked into the bedroom to find her friend sleeping messily on the floor. "Baka, you're gonna catch cold if you sleep like that." She lifted Kurai onto the bed, kneeling next to it to watch her friend. "What the hell, Ku-chan? You're too reckless."
A knock on the door. Mimiru called to the person, pulling the blanket's over Kurai and walked to the door. She kept a kunai ready.
"Is Takemuso Kurai home?" The person on the otherside of the door frame was female, with long silver hair. She was tall, very tall, with silver and gold eyes.
"She's sleeping," Mimiru answered, eyeing the woman supisiously. "Who are you? I'll tell her to call you when she wakes."
"Zuma," the woman said, bowing, "and I must see her now."
"Let Kurai sleep," Mimiru begged, grabbing the door knob to slam it. "She needs it." And with that, the door was slammed.
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Έλα, μικρό αδελφό του, και ας ζουν ειρηνικά.
בוא, אחי הקטן, ותן לנו לחיות בשלום.
Come, little brother, and let us live in peace.
בוא, אחי הקטן, ותן לנו לחיות בשלום.
Come, little brother, and let us live in peace.