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...everyone was quiet, but then lazer3 said ...hey come on, we have to get to the tower as fast as we can and get out of here with sonic and roxxan,everyone was in agreement on what lazer3 said, then they all ran toward the towqer, and when they got there, the tower was heavely guarded with 350 creatures with swords, and 20 armoured creatures,lazer3 thenb said ...HOLY SH...but closed his mouth with his hands quickly, but sunfire and them was looking at lazer3 with angry eyes,
...lazer3 shrugged in saying...im sorrry...desire then turned her attention to the creatures and how to get pass them, ...do anyone have an idea on how to get pass them, subzero then was gonna say something, but then changed his mind, lazer3 then asked subzero ...hey man, what was you gonna say, subzero then said never mind, then sandralee and desire wanted to know what it was, so then subzero then said, well. if we can somehow fly to the tower, i can bust a whole for us to get through without fighting at all, yeah that would be good said desire, but we cant fly,mmmm said sandralee, lazer3 looked at her and asked, hey sandralee, do you know how we can do this, sandralee smiled and said, i think so, but it will be risky,...hey...said sunfire, we take risks all the time, especially since we came here, lazer3 then said, thats true, so whats the plan sandralee, sandralee then told them her plan and while she was talking, they heard something comming, then desire looked over the and saw that the craetures was comming at them, hey guys we have to get out of here now, everyone stood up and ran toward the tower,
so asked sandralee, are we gonna do this, we have to anyway yelled sunfire, ...ok then lets do this,sunfire yelled for his hawk and it came then it grew three times its size and sunfire jumped on its back and it flew heading for the tower, lazer3 and desire was ahead of sandralee, and sudzerothen said lets do this, and shot a straight bean at the ground and it made a deep hole, and sandralee put her staff in the hole and yelled MONKEY POLL EXTEND... and it raised up higher and higher, but sandralee was bending the poll, and said hurry up guys, desire subzero and lazer3 held on to the poll, and as the creatures was a few feet away, sandralee let go of the poll ande lazer3 desire and subzero was fying toward the tower, and sunfire was waiting and when he saw them comming fast, but to fast, sunfire was not ready for them yet, lazer3 desire and subzero yelled out ...SUNFIRE..sunfire charged up and shot at the tower but nothing happened, NOOOOOO. everone was flying at the wall, and sunfire had seconds before they hit, and with all his striengh he charged up as fast as he cane, ...SUNFIRE... DO SOMETH... as they was behind sunfire funfire charged at the wall but lazer3 and them was right behind him flying toward the wall, and then ...BOOOOOOOOMMMMMMM... there was dust everywhere. cough cough cough what ha cough happened sunfire, desire asked, coughing, sunfire then walked a little away from the dust and said, i could'nt break through the wall at first, hey asked sunfire, where's sandralee, down at the bottom, sandralee was swinging the staff around knocking the creatures away, then ran toward an armoured creature and the creature sricked at sandralee but she moved and it missed and sandralee jumpped on the giant sword and ran to its shoulder and then jumped off behind him then yelled ...POWER STAFF EXTENED,the staff extended while sandralee was flying to the ground and the staff went though the ground and sandralee was bending the staff and then she shoot like a rocket toward the tower, but her aim was off and she was heading for the side of the hole that sunfire made, lazer3 then said hurry grabe my hand subzero,as lazer3 ran toward the hole and timing it perfectly, lazer3 yelled sandralee,sandralee looked and knew what to do, as sandralee was coming at the wall fast, she spun in a ball and when she hit the wall, she landed with her feet spreaded out and she was holding her staff behind her and her extra hand was an the wall to, then lazer3 ran on the side of the wall while subzero had lazer3 on his shirt as a rope running on the wall, as sandralee was about to fall down, she yelled out ...MONKEY STAFF EXTEND... the staff hit the wall and lifted her forward toward lazer3, sandralee held out her hand as far as she could as lazer3 was doing the same, as sandralee was inches away from lazer3 hand, she then started to slow down, and she then started to get farther and farther away from lazer3 hand, she was falling,
...NNNOOOOOOOO...yelled lazer3, and then he heard MONKEY STAFF EXTEND...then lazer3 saw her red staff and grabbed it, sandralee was hanging by her staff climb the staff yelled lazer3, sandralee said MONKEY STAFF RETURN,and the staff was getting shorter, but then a fire ball hit beside sandralee,...WHAT THE HELL...yelled sandralee. subzero looked out and saw that those beast birds was back and ready for round two,HURRY yelled subzero, I CAN'T HOLD ON TO LONG HERE, and the beast birds was flying toward sandralee and started shooting fire balls at her, and they was hitting close to her, then they was close to lazer3 and sandralee, flapping its wings just over them, they started to shoot that close to them, sandralee and lazer3 just closed there eyes while hot bricks and fire was flying everywhere,then both birds stopped then charged at the same time for one big shot,...PUULLL...yelled sandralee. lazer3 then pulled and pulled , but lazer3 had one arm holding the staff and the other holding subzero's shirt as a rope, then they both felt heat behind them as the beast birds was charging up with there beeks wide open for the attack,then lazer3 sandralee and subzero heard a loud screach and the they notice that it could'nt be the bird beasts, then with a smilesnadralee saw sunfire's hawk came out and closelined both bird beasts with its wings and they fell backwards flapping their wings, and sunfire jumpped from the hole where we was and falling down with the bird beast, still charged in their mouths,
..the beast aimed at sunfire,but at that exact second sunfirewas flying down fast between them, but the beasts was charging all that time , they both let out a powerful beam at sunfire, but then sunfire's hawk came in a speed of light and snached sunfire and flew between them, theyand since that bird beast could'nt b see from the powerful beam they was shooting, they shoot each other and they fell down wings trying to get back in control, but the beams was still shootin out of tier mouth, and they aimed it at lazer3 and sandralee, they both shot at them with all the power they had and the beams heading straight for lazer3, subzero and sandralee, and then the bird beast head went back and the beams missed them and hit the side of the tower where sonic and roxxan's at, cause sunfire and hawk came back and flew up clothlinning them from the back, and the birds fell with thier heads bendding back, and then ...CRACK... the birds fell on thier necks backwards witch snapped thier necks back,but then as lazer3 was holding onto sandralee and subzero's shirt, .RRRIIIIPPP...AAAAHHHHHH... subzero's shirt then ripped and lazer3 and sandralee fell down holding the staff for dear life, and then sandralee and lazer3 felt a jerk and they was going back up slowly. sandralee then opened her eyes and saw the staff was being held by sunfire's hawk's beak, ...YEESSS ...yelled lazer3, sandralee just shock her head smiling, hawk tossed lazer3 and sandralee into the hole in the tower where subzero was standing, holding his torn shirt, they both landed on their feet and waved for sunfire to come , as sunfire came in with hawk, hawk grew back to normal size and landed on sunfire's shoulder resting, hey asked sandralee, why could'nt he have taken us tothe top of the tower, huh, sunfire then answered, cause he was at his limite, if he would've tried to do that, he would've fell from all the weight,. ooh said sandralee, and she said to the hawk, thanks for saving us back there, and she came and strocked the hawks back, hey said sunfire, i helped to,yeah said lazer3 thats right, and here's you're reward, lazer3 came and strocked sunfire hair and said thanks man you saved us, move away from me man, said sunfire play fully, everyone laughed,ok then, said desire, we have to get to the tower before the times up, anyway, how much time do we have, sunfire looked at his watch, his eyes got big and yelled while running up the stairs, we only have 22 min left, ....WHAT....everyone yelled following sunfire up the staires to the top,
....................................FRIDAY THE 13TH...(OOOOO SCARY)..............................
... when they reached the top of the tower, there was a big medievil door with a chain as a door knob,lazer3 subzero and sandralee pulled the door opening it slowly, when it was open sandralee peeked in the door, there was green smoke everywhere going up to the next level, sudzero took the lead running up the stairs since he's not injured much, lazer3 took the back, come on subzero said as he was running, but then everyone was coughing more and more, ...HEY yelled sunfire, we need to cover our mouth from the green fog, each took something and covered their mouth,when they wher near the top of the tower, they was coughing more harder, they all then heard something behind them, and they all looked but could'nt see who it was, the sound came closer and closer, and when everyone was so curious on what it could be, lazer3 yelled ...RUUNNN..everyone instantly moved like never before up the staires.
...they was going so fast that everything was like a blure to them, and they heard the noise getting closer and closer, sandralee asked ...what is it lazer3... i don't know but im not willing to find out answered lazer3, aaaahhhh ...what the...ouch...desire stepped on a rock and it moved making sunfire and sandralee to fall on each other, but the rock that she stepped on was moving and made a clicking sound, everyone looked around, and then heard ropes being torn and undone, everyone got up and ran as fast as they can, then the sound they was hearing earlierwas right on them, and since there was so much green fog, they could'nt see who it was, but that gave them more motovation to move faster,...HOLLY CRAP... yelled lazer3, THE STAIRES ARE GETTING SMALLER... (the staires was turning into a slide. going back down,)everyone was trying to hang on to something but there was nothing to hold on to, they was sliding backwards toward the noise even tho they was running,subzero yelled...AAAHHHH... then thrust his sword into the staires so that he would'nt move. and then sandralee took her poll and put it in the middle of subzero's sword so that two can be on each side while the sword's holding them,
...hang on yelled subzero, then sandralee said, we must hurry before what ever that thing is get to us, then lazer3 looked back and saw in the green fog what looked like four dark green eyes blinking,lazer3 then yelled its here, then he creature jumped out of the fog and everyone that saw it was in shock,four dark slanted green eyes and the figure was like and octapus and at the end of iys tail was sharp spikes that held on to the staires, and when everyone was looking at it, desire then said, ...it dont look so bad to me... then the creature opened its mouth reveling four mouths in each other, and everyone did a high pitch scream and moved so fast that they didn't need no traction, they was moving so fast it seamed like they was running on stairs,desire and sunfire made it to the door and began to push and sandralee,subzero, and lazer3 came and helped and the door was opened quickly and closed quickly right when the four eyed creature was at the door, and they heard a loud ...BAAMMM...then screaches was heard at the door, and they knew that it was at the door trying to get in,
...some was holding their cheast, some was holding their head, some was at the door still putting somthing at it to keep the creature out,and when everyone was beginning to calm down,sunfire looked around and said, hey guys, we're at the top, ...what sandralee said, looking around. and then lazer3 said as he got up from the ground, we finally made it, and he looked at the time and said, we only have 15 min left to get roxxan and sonic back,
...OHH BUT THAT WONT DO, (the voice was echoing through out the tower)YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ALIVE, LITTLE BOY...lazer3 looked around and yelled, COME ON OUT HERE AND FACE ME YOU @$#%&#,AHHH SUCH LANGUAGE, YOU SHOULD WATCH YOUR MOUTH IN THE COMPANY OF CHILDREN, what children sandralee asked, WELL, THESE CHILDREN,then in the middle of the floor came up roxxan with her arm blooded from the injury, ROXXAN...everyone yelled, ...WAIT THERES MORE TO SEE LITTLE ONE, then the side of the wall moved reveling sonic in chains and a crystal ball was in front of her,then everyone heard somethingcomming closer fast, then sunfire yelled to get back to back quickly, but while everyone was getting together a green beam came from the ceiling and it blasted everyone away from each other, everyone hit the ground hard, then then there was green smoke comming down like a rocket from the ceiling and BOOOMM it landed in a green smoke surrounding it, HELLO THERE LAZER3! NICE TO MEET YOU AGAIN, lazer3 got up and then knew who it was,as the green creature rose up from the fog, smiling at lazer3, lazer3 stood ready for anything, lazer3 was looking at the creature and wondered why he was smiling for,
...the creature walked toward sonic and sunfire ran and blocked him saying, what do you thing your going, the crature looked at sunfire and said, im gonna kill someone, sunfire then got in a defensive possition, saying, over my dead body you will, and the creatue said, THAT'S WHAT I MENT,...MEATBAG, and the creature charged at sunfire, sunfire was ready for anything, as the creature was near sunfire, AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH...a staff mad a bruise on his side, the creature jumped back holding his side, sandralee was was charging at the creature and the creature blocked a swig and blocked a kick, sandralee was giving her all,
...but the creature was barily blocking her hits, and sandralee came with a roundhouse kick and ...WHAAMMM... hitted the creature hard on the face and he fell back and sandralee jumped up for the killing blow, and with all her might and her hatred for being trapped there, sandralee attacked the creatures skull, and when she made contact,it stopped, and sandralee was shocked, and then she saw that the creature stopped the attack by catching thye staff with his hand, sandralee tried to get the staff back, but the creature pushed the staff, hitting sandralee in the chest and pushed her into the wall, and as sandralee got up dazzed, she then saw something comming at her like a ball, then her eyes opened wide and she dukked fast to see her staff going through the wall, then the green creature looked at desire, and the it started walking toward her, desire had no power, so she moved back while the creature was walking faster and faster toward her,
...then the creature moved so fast and hit desire in the face and she fell and rolled to a stop,the creature then jumped up and aimed for desires neck for the kill, when desire looked up, it was to late to avoid it,...AARRGGGHHHH..., blood splattered all over desire, as she looked up with a bloody face, her eyes widened and knew who's blood it was,as the creature smiled he lifted his pray, he laughed at the person at the end of his sword, .NNNOOOO... YELLED DESIRE AS SHE LOOKED AT SANDRALEE ALL BLOODIED ON HIS SWORD,sandralee meet desire's gaze and smiled saying that its ok, then the creature swung his sword and sandralee flew from the sword into the wall and blood splattered all around her,then slowly sandralee slid down to the ground, desire ran toward sandralee, everyone was shocked at what they saw, desire held up sandralee's head onto her lap and looked at her crying and saying,...why...why did you do this huh. ...why... sandralee looked up at desire and said, remimber what i said to you when we first meet, that no matter what happens. i'll always be there to protect you, ...cough... cough. (sandralee cough up blood,)desire then said teary eyed...noo dont talk. save your energy, you'll survive this, remimber that we'll get out of here together,desire then held sandralee close to her and she cried with all her heart, AHA HA HA HA HOW TOUCHING, as the creature walked up to sandralee and desire, then sunfire came between them, sunfire's arm's pure red from the bleeding, then the creature did a quick strick to sunfire's head, but sunfire cought it with a barrior, and as the creature was fighting, sunfire was shocked at what happened next, the creature was stiff and didn't move at all,then sunfire heard words being said behind tha creature, and then the creature began to scream out and it started to cough up blood and then sunfire notice that a light was in the middle of its stomach and sunfire just used more power for the barrier and the light got brighter and brighter until it ingufed the creature and ...BOOOMMMM... the force of the power made sunfire use more power for the barrier, and when it was all over, through all the smoke, sunfire saw someone in the mist, and the figure was holding a sapier, sunfire then reconize subzero,as he was still holding his sword in the same place as the light was,
.................................................6-24-08.................................................. subzero asked was sandralee alright, desire was silent holding sandralee in her armsstill crying, subzero then went to sunfire about his arm sunfire said that its o.k so look after sandralee, lazer3 saw the whole thing but lazer3 was busy trying to get both roxxan and sonic out of the chains,sonic was gagged so you could'nt talk,and everytime lazer3try to get near her, a shield comes up and shockes lazer3 back, lazer3 was trying to get sonic out, but could.nt, so he went to see if he could help roxxan out, roxxan had chains on both arms, even the injured arm, lazer3 looked at roxxan's arm and tried to losen the chains but roxxan yelled out in pain and lazer3 stopped what he was doing, roxxan gritted her teeth cause of the broken arm,lazer3 didn't know what to do,then he felt like his friends was getting hurt one by one until their dead, lazer3 felt like he was useless since he didn't have the power in the headband, but then, an evil laugh was echoing through out the tower,then lazer3 knew that was only one creature with a laugh like that, lazer3 stood up and yelled out come on out here red, i know your here, so show yourself,...AHHH LAZER3,YOU KNOW ME WELL,MAYBE BECAUSE IM ALWAYS AROUND YOU, HUH, shut up red and let them go,LET THEM GO, OHH MY GOOD MAN, IM NOT LETTING NO ONE GO, ESCEPT TO THE GRAVE, AND GUESS WHAT, SOME ONE ON YOUR TEAMS GONNA HELP ME DO IT, AND TO ADD A BONUS, THAT PERSON WILL KILL HIS FRIENDS THEMSELVES, ...NO ONE WILL DO WHAT YOU ASK THEM TO DO JERK yelled subzero,...OH YEAH,
...then red took out a headband and sunfire subzero and sonic saw that it's lazer3 'headband lazer3 then saw it and he was staring and then he felt something in him yerning for the headband, roxxan then said to lazer3, go and get what's you'rs, lazer3 then got a smile on him and looked at red and said. your going down , red then said ,COME AND GET IT BOY, lazer3 then ran toward red and jumpped kick and red blocked and conter attack and lazer3 ducked and did an ryu uppercut, and red flew back into the wall and everyone yelled YEAH GET HIM LAZER3 lazer3 was charged witha ll his friends cheering him on, and lazer3 ran faster toward red and red then charged at lazer3 and they both clashed and lazer3 flewe back into the wall, red laughed and said, HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT BOY, but lazer3 then smiled and raised his hand and red was shocked andlazer3 then got up and everyone said YEAH ... lazer3 then said to everyone, ...im gonna end this now, lazer3 then put the headband on, but then sonic got the mouth piece off and yelled to lazer3 , LAZER3 DON'T DO IT. but it was to late,...aaahhhhh lazer3 then bent down in pain and sunfire then said worried ... whats the matter lazer3 , lazer3 grabbed his head and yelled out and sonic then said , he had the headband in his blood and now lazer3 is in his control, everyone's eyes was on lazer3, and lazer3 looked differant, ...GGRRRRAAAAAAAA... lazer3 was like a raptile with yellow eyes, and he walked slowly toward roxxan, subzero then came and blocked lazer3 from getting to roxxan and lazer3 jumpped at subzero and pinned hiom down and lazer3's mouth had sharp teeth and lazer3 opened wide to bite subzero and got blocked by the raphier, subzero held lazer3 back for all he's worth, lazer3 jerked around to get subzero to lose the sword, subzero then yelled STOP LAZER3 I DONT WANNA HURT YOU MAN, STOOPPP,, at that time lazer3 got the raphier from subzero and tossed it away into the corner,then lazer3 opened his mouth and subzero raised his arm to get lazer3 away from his face lazer3 bite subzero's arm and subzero yelled out in pain, red just laughed, ...AHA HA HA HA HA TOLD YOU SOMEONE WAS GONNA HELP ME KILL YOU OFF, sunfire then charged his good arm and shoot at red, but red just swapped it away and looked at sunfire and ran toward him, and hit him in the gut and threw him into the side wall, sunfire was holding his side, and red came and stepped on him, sunfire was being crushed by red,then red notice that desire did'nt move at all, still holding sandralee, red then kicked subzero and walked toward desire holding sandralee,
...sonic yelled saying ...leave them alone you jerk, red stopped and looked at sonic, smiled and walked toward her instead, , when he was close red said AAHHHH I ALMOST FORGOT THE MAIN ATTRACTION, and when he was near the orb, red waved his hand opver it and it glowed red, sonic felt uneasy, then sonic felt hot, and then she then felt lie something was tearing her apart, ...AAAHHHH...sonic yelled as something was happening to her, subzero kicked lazer3 off him and his arm was torn badly, by lazer3'[ssharp teeth, and subzero ran toward red with all his might he did a jump kick but red turned quickly and did a counter back kick and subzero flew back and hit the ground hard, red then turned back to sonic, and sonic was sweating and as she then turned back to her own self, but as sonic looked up at red, he just smiled at sonic and said...SINCE I GOT WHAT I WANT FROM YOU, YOUR NOTHING TO ME, AND SLAPPED SONIC HARD, AND TOOK THE ORB AND LAUGHED AT SONIC, and red then walked toward the center, and red called out to lazer3, and lazer3 came and red patted lazer3 on the head, roxxan sonic,sunfire and subzero looked at the center of the room as it opened to a staff, and red put the orb on the staff, but then subzero saw what was in the orb, it was sonics fairy, ...NNNOOOOOO...yelled sonic as hert best friend was about to be used as a power source for the protal, sonics fairy looked at sonic with tears in her eyes, saying that its gonna be alright, sonic with all her might tried to get out of the chains screaming ...NOOO DONT DO THIS TO HER, SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU, PLEASE DONT DO THIS, PLEASE, red just smiled and said to lazer3...GO AND EAT TILL YOUR FILLED, AHA HA HA HA...lazer3 then walked toward sonic, and sonic was scared looking at lazer3with blood comming from his sharp teeth, like an rapter waiting for the right sec to strick, subzero could'nt move. sunfire was out cold, as red started the incantation for the portal, as red was about to speak the last incantation, he raised his hands and said NOW IS THE TIME TO FEAST MY CHILDREN, FEAST ON THE EARTH, FEAST MY BROAARRRGGGHHHH... red fell back from a powerful hit and saw someone he didn't think of, desire was in a possition of a fighting stance, red then said...AHH DESIRE, I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT YOU, MMMM SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN YOU WAS CRYING LIKE A BABY, ...shut up.. yelled desire, im tired of looking at your ugly face, and im gonna stop you here and now, OOHHH REALLY, red said as he walked toward desire, THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME IN 6 MIN BEFORE THE PORTAL'S FULLY OPENED LITTLE ONE, desire then said, no matter what, im gonna beat you, and ran toward red, red just took a stance and then desire did a jump kick red blocked and did a reverse punch which missed when desire ducked and did an ryu uppercut which connected and red fell right on his back, desire jumped and with all her anger, aimed for red's face, but red moved on time and desire cracked the ground, red turned and kicked desire toward the center of the room, lazer3 was about to eat sonic when sonic yelled LAZER3 PLEASE WAKE UP we need you , LAZER3 MOVED BACK , BUT THEN STOOPED DOWN TO ATTACK, SONIC THEN YELLED ...NNOOOO... please..lazer3.please. lazer3 looked at sonic, then red yelled KILL HER NOW, KILL SONIC,, desire was near the orb and remimbered what red said, and ran twoard the orb, red then saw what desire was gonna do, and he was there instantly to stop her by grabbing her arm and held her up, and said, YOUR GONNA DIE NOW B@$#%&#@, then red heard a crash, red turned fast to see what it was, and red's eyes got big as he saw the orb broken on the ground, and red looked around an saw sandralee holding her staff smiling at him, desire then kicked red's arm and red let go of desire, the fairy that was in the orb flew up and red jumpped at it and sandralee shouted staff extend and the staff grew long and hit red back and red landed on his feet and ran toward the fairy, and then subzero fell in front of red and red tripped and fell, the fairy flew between lazer3 and sonic, and held its arms out to stop lazer3 from getting to sonic, then red yelled LAZER3 GET THAT FAIRY, but since lazer3 was a raptile, he bite it instead, NOOO YELLED RED. BUT THE FAIRY THEN SAID TO LAZER3 AS SHE LOOKED AT LAZER3. i have no form lazer3, ands she grabbed lazer3 heaband and red yelled WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT, the fairy grabbed the headband and lazer3 was going crazy jumping around banging his head on the ground the fairy didn't let go, then the fairy went into the headband and lazer3 yelled out in pain with all his might, then lazer3 stopped moving completely, and then everyone was looking at lazer3, then slowly lazer3 began to change, red was angry and said, NOOOOO... YOU B@%$#@, YOU FU#@$ UP EVERYTHING, lazer3's claws and his face was changing, back into himself. red then ran toward lazer3 to kill him with extreme prejuduce, as red was stricking at lazer3, subzero blocked with his saphier and sandralee swung her staff at red's stomach, and he fell back, lazer3 was almost back to hisself, red then charged at roxxan sandralee couldn't stop him, then desire did a round house and kicked red in his face and desire was ready for anything red was gonna do, red went back and charged at sonic, and then red moved fast and was holding sonic in his hand laughing and said, SAY GOOD BYE MEATBAG, then red then let go of sonic while he's in pain, red looked at the person that had his hand, then ...WHHAAAMMMMM... red flew back and then landed on his feet, his jaw was hurting from the hit, YOU BA#@$%$, lazer3 just smiled and said, ...i'm baacckkk...YYEEAAAHHHH ...everyone yelled, lazer3 looked at everyone and he felt tears comming down his face, and he felt something in his cheast and with tears comming down his face he yelled with all his might ...HEADBAND ACTIVATE...red then yelled ...NNOOOOOOOO.lazer3 then changed into a samurai with two fire swords, with the cloth of his anchesters flowing behind him torn from war, and lazer3's eyes turned white and his hair got long, and his headband turned into a golden band, and lazer3's signature shades made the last piece of the outfit, lazer3 then winked with a smile, then lazer3 jumped and cut sonic's chains and she fell on lazer3's arm lazer3 then said to sonic, thanks for everything, sonic looked at lazer3's white eyes and blushed, and then from the headband came fairy toward sonic, sonic smiled at fairy and said, im sorry about this then the fairy interupted and said, don't be sorry, let's just get him, sonic knoddeb her head saying, let's do this, fairy went into sonic and sonic then changed back into the clear hear super hero, and went to sandralee's side, lazer3 turned toward red and ran toward him, red then got out his bloody sword and blocked lazer3's attack, and while lazer3 and red was fighting, sonic healed sandralee and went toward sunfire to heal him,
...red was angry looking at lazer3, lazer3 was smiling at red then said, ..well lets dance shall we, ... then red charged at lazer3 and lazer3 came and commbined his two swords into one and red came with a strick that blew the side wall away, then then tower began to shack red stricked at lazer3 but got blocked and red then kicked lazer3 back, lazer3 then yelled out RED YOU LOST THIS WAR, NOW GIVE UP, ...red looked at blazer3 then said... I HAVE NOT LOST YET LITTLE WORM, then red raised his hand and said, POWER IN THE VESTED IN ME, I GIVE YOU MY POWER TO DO MY MASTER'S BEDDING, then a whirl of differant colers came up in the middle of the tower,subzero looked into the portal then said ...hey thats lazer2's place, everyone was shocked, lazer3 then said, your gonna use lazer2's place as a portal, red then looked at lazer3 and said, ITS FITTING THAT IT STARTS AT THE CURSED PLACE, RIGHT, RED SMILED AND THEN SAID , COME MY MENIONS, AND FEAST, the tower shock and sandralee said hey look at that, everyone looked out the hole that red blew out, there was a cloud of green fog comming toward them, and subzero then saw t5hat in the fog was thousands of creatures, sandrale then said, ohh no, their gonna go through the portal and into our world, lazer3 then thought and then said to everyone, ...EVERYONE TO THE PORTAL AND GET TO THE OTHER SIDE BEFORE THEY COME, HURRY!everyone then got up and ran to the portal, but red then went to the portals entrance and bloked the way for everyone, then red said, HEY WHAT'S THE RUSH, WE'RE JUST GONNA GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER OVER DINNER, red then smiled showing his teeth, WHHAAMMM...desire punched red to the wall and then said, HURRY, EVERY0NE THEN RAN TOWARD THE PORTAL, then red jumped to attack but lazer3 blocked and pushed red back, hurry and get through, i'll hold them off, no, you wont be the only one fighting, lazer3 turned around and saw that everyone was still in the portal' tub,what are you guy's doing, their gonna be here any minute, and this whole portal will be crowling with creatures, sandralee walked up to lazer3 and said, we know that, and you know that you can't beat them all, lazer3 looked at everyone, and asked, are you sure you wanna stay, sunfire came to lazer3 and said hey we came to stop this whole portal thing, yeah added subzero, and to help get you back said sonic with a smile, and most of all,said sandralee, your our friend, and we don't let our friends take on something this big on their own, lazer3 then smiled and said, ok guys, then lazer3 turned toward red, and said, here they come, red yelled CHARGE...lazer3 then ran toward red and yelled DON'T LET THEM GET BY NO MATTER WHAT, lazer3 then jumped at red and they both fell away from the portal, as they both moved from the portal, sandralee saw the creatures comming, and then said, ...o.k guy's you heard what lazer3 said, keep then from getting to the othere side of the portal, now, lets charge up, subzero yelled ...RAPHIER CHARGE UP, then his raphier turned into solid diamend,sunfire ...then yelled out...STAFF CHARGE UP...then sunfire's staff changed into a more powerful staff and hawk let out a loud screach and glowed then grew twice its size into a phenix, roxxan was feeling so angry at red for hurting sandralee and for sonic that her hands was shaking,then she yelled ...GUNGRAZE CHARGE UP... her guns came apart and flew into the air and in a dazzeling light transformation recombined into into samurai gunswords, sonic, was worried about lazer3 fighting red on his own,and she said, ...FAIRIES SPIRIT...CHARGE UP... as she charged up, her hair has turned into clear gold, then lineing went from differant angles around sonic,and it came visible into blue armour for her arms and legs and cheast area,sandralee stood and yelled ...MONKEY STAFF...CHARGE UP...
...sandralee felt heat comming from her cheast, and she let out all the feelings she had to get red back for what he did, and yelled with all her might...MONKEY STAFF CHARGE UP...the staff's charged up to a bright red and gold and the at the hilt came a black blade at one coner and gold at the other, sandralee twirled the staff above her head with all her might and brought it down with a cool pose(imagine a pose) sandralee then turned and said to desire, hurry back and tell him on what's happening, hurry, desire said that she would not go, that she'll help with the fighting, ...NOO. yelled sandraleeat desire, you have no power to kill these things, so please, hurry, desire looked at sandralee and knew that she's right,and ran toward the end of the portal, sandralee then turned and looked at all the new weapons and outfits, sandralee then said, let's go and kick some butts, here they come said sunfire, ok then let's show these b$%#@ who's their messing with said subzero who's eager to show off his new weapon.everyone knodded and they all said in unision,...ATTACK...
...lazer3 bloocked red's fierce attackes and then jumped back, red then charged toward lazer3 not letting him get a hold on what to do next, lazer3 could'nt do nothing but block, the red hit lazer3 so hard that he slew back, TO MUCH FOR YOU LITTLE ONE, AHA HA HA DO YOU REALY THINK THAT YOU CAN BEAT ME, BOY WHEN I FINISH WITH YOU, IM GONNA HAVE YOUR FRIENDS AS MY SUPPER, AND WHEN I GET TO THE OTHER SIDE, IM GONNA LOOK FOR A CERTAIN PERSON , NAMED...KITTEN...LAZER3' EYES WIDENED AND HE STARTED TO GRIT HIS TEETH, AND WITHOUT SAYING A WORD, RED WAS HIT SO FAST HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND LAZER3 WENT WILD,red conter attacked lazer3 but lazer3 keep fighting back red then jumped up to the next level, and held his sword above his head and yelled out, TOWER OF THE DEAD, RISE, RISE TO THE HEAVENS AND ABOVE, RISE, RISE, RIISSSEEE. then the whole twoer began to rise making more levels, lazer3 didn't care what red was doing, until, he notice that the air will get thinner and thinner when you go higher and higher, lazer then jumpped toward red and stricked at red but red jumped back and yelled...TOWER BURST... what?lazer thought,then the tower began to come apart and lazer3 then had to jump to get to red, red then laughed saying NOW HOW ARE YOU GONNA GET ME NOW SINCE YOU CAN'T TIME THE BRICKS TO JUMP ON THEM, lazer3 looked around and said forget this, and just jumped at red, red moved back into the corradorand lazer3 followed after, lazer3 swung at red and was blocked then counter attackedred but red jumped and avoided the attack, red landed and dust came up and when lazer3 ran through it, red was gone and lazer3 looked around waiting for him to attack, then lazer3 felt his spine' hair go up and lazer3 moved just when red came down with sword first, and lazer3 swung and red blocked lazer3's attack and grabbed lazer3 and threw him against the wall, and sliced at lazer3 but lazer3 ducked and came back with an upper attack that sent red flying back into another area and lazer3 was hot on his heels, then red turned around and attacked lazer3 and they clashed into sparks and blinding speed in sword fighting, then red used a powerful hit and lazer3 blocked it but it sent lazer3 throught the wall and into the outer tower where pieces of the tower is, lazer3 landed on a larg piece, lazer3 looked around for red to come, then lazer3 saw red comming from the sky and landed near him, then red asked. lazer3. whats the most important thing in your life, lazer3 then said, like im gonna tell you what that is, then red ran fast toward lazer3 and lazer3 blocked his hit and they was next to each other when red said, SO I CAN TEAR YOUR DREAMS APART, and pushed lazer3 back into the wall and attacked, but when lazer3 was thrown on the wall, he cought himself and ran up and jumped over red and striked from behind red , but red jumped and lazer3 missed, but red turned and did a midair kick then lazer3 fell off the edge and into the side, red walked toward the edge and then looked at lazer3 hanging on to his sword thats in the side of the tower and said, HEY LAZER3 I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU, I KNOW THAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED A PIECE OF HISTORY, SO HERE'S IT IS JUST FOR YOU CAUSE I CARE, and red cut the side of the tower toward lazer3 was at, as the wall was comming down, lazer3 then pulled out his sword and fell with the wall that came off to cut it up so that it won't hit him, and as lazer3 was cuting the walls up, a big wall came and lazer3 then got ready to destroy the wall, but then the wall blew up and red came through with sword drawn and ready to strike,...AAHHHHHH.yelled red as he stricked at lazer3, but lazer3 barley blocked cause it was so fast, lazer3 didn't have time to think,then red striked up making lazer3's sword go up and then striked down cutting lazer3 across the cheast,...OOOOWWWWWW #$@^%@# lazer3 then swung at red but red jumped away from the hit, and landed,AHHHH I SEE YOUR INJURED, TO BAD, IM GONNA TAKE YOU OUT SLOWLY AND THEN ILL KILL SO THE MOST PAINFUL WAY, BY KILLING YOUR FRIENDS ...RIGHT...IN...FRONT..OF..YOU,AHA HA HA HA HA, lazer3 was hurting in his cheast, then lazer3 thought of all the times they was together and the BBQ's they been having, and then lazer3 thought of sandralee,subzero, sunfire, roxxan, desire,and sonic, smileing, but then getting killed by red and his army of creatures, no.. no..nooo you won't lay a finger on my friends YOU BASTERED...lazer3 then ran furiousely at red yelling ...AAAHHHH.
.......................................meanwhile at the portal...............................................
...get them yelled sunfire, a gang of armoured creatures rushing toward the portal to bull doze everyone in the way, sunfire jumped back and saying, FLAME FROM HEAVEN COME, DESTROY MY ENEMIES IN THE NAME OF GOD, and a flame hotter then the sun came down and tottaly destroyed 15 armored creatures instantly, sandralee came at the five armoured creatures that's trying to get into the portals side, sandralee jumped into them, one swung at sandralee but she dodged it and did a counter attack with a power slash and cut down three armoured creatures in half, and sandralee then yelled ...POWER STAFF... EXTEND. then the staff extended and sandralee held onto the staff as it was extending toward the last two creatures, in the air sandralee swung the staff down toward the last two, but one of them blocked with its sword, but sandralee's staff went throught the giant sword like it was nothing, and cut through both creatures and they both vanished , sandralee landed and ready for anything that comes her way, roxxan was jumping on the creatures and slicing each one she jumped on, when she jumped on an armoured creature's back she stabbed its neck and at the same time shot it and the creature screamed then vanished into smoke,but not before roxxan jumped to another creature,
...then striked and shot at the same time at the armoured creature, but when she landed , armoured creatures attacked her on each side, and they both sliced down on roxxan, but roxxan dodged both hits and jumped between them and shot them right between the eyes, both their heads pushed back from the blast, (imagine doing the head shot in slow motion), and roxxan landed ready for the next enemy,
...subzero ran toward three armoured creatures, one of them swung his giant axe at subzero and when the giant axe hit, smoke was everywhere, and the armoured creature smiled satified that it made its target, but then subzero came out of the smoke running on the hilt of the axe and ran up its arm, then cut at its neck and sliced right through and the creature fell backwards, but subzero then jumped toward another creature, but the creature was ready for subzero, and when subzero landed a giant sword came down on subzero, and dust flew from the impact, the creature then felt something tugging at its sword, then the smoke swured away from subzero showing that he blocked the strick,holding his place subzero then jumpped cutting the blade in half, the creature was shocked to see this, and as subzero was comming in for the kill, the creature eyes was wide, with a reflection of subzero in it's eyes striking, and the last thing it knew was the pain in its head, as it fell down in defeat,roxxan turned to sandralee and said...hey how are you doing over there, sandralee sliced another armoured creature and as it vanished sandralee landed saying,...ok at this end, how about you, roxxan said as she jumpped spin shooting three creatures in the head, same here...
...sunfire was thrown back by three armoured creatures comming at him, sunfire raised his hand and yelled ...ATTACK... hawk came in like a phenix and flew between all three and they all bured into ashes, and hawk sqauked and going for the beast birds thats comming there way, look yelled sonic, we're finished here, but, more's comming, o.k then said sandralee, let's do this, every one ran toward the entrance of the portal and waited for the rest to come,then the bird beast stopped in mid air and started to shoot fire balls, everyone was bombarded with an army of fire balls and they could'nt defend themselves, then hawk squaked loud and then chrged behing the bird beast and burned some before going passed them to protect everyone, but they still began to shoot fireballs then everyone was getting hit hard,and hawk came down and landedonly to get hit by three fireballs, sonic then came in front of everyone and yelled...SHIELD OF LIGHT...and a clear shield came up and the fireballs was being beflected, ...ahhh...man that hurt,said subzero, you ain't kidding said sandralee, roxxan then walked up to sonic and said, hey do you think you can hold them off for awhile, sonic then answered i cant hold them off for to long, so think on what to do, sunfire then walked toward sonic and said ...hey i can help with the shield,
...sonic then smiled saying yeah, then sunfire then raised his hands up and said ...MAY GODS FIRE PROTECT HIS CHILDREN FROM HIS ENEMIES AND BURN THEM TO ASH, then white fire came down from the clouds and cumsumed all that it touched, then the white flame hit sonics shield and it began to change into golden flames, sonic then was still holding her shield up while more fireballs came down, then some bird beast tried to get between the shield and the top portals then sonic expanded the shield to cover the whole entrance, but it made it harder to control the shield, then an evil laugh was heard all over the area, then everyone looked up and saw what they didnn't want to see, red was floating above the portal smiling at everyone, holding lazer3 by the neck with one arm, and in the other arm he had lazer3's fire sword, AHHH HERE WE ARE, ALL TOGETHER NOW, DIDN'T YOU LIKE THE COMPANY I SENT TO YOU, .NOOO... yelled sandralee, you think you can beat us, think again, then red just looked at the beast birds and they all did a loud screech, then subzero and everyone saw what they was doing, and it creeped everyone out, all the birds was flying together, but when they flew beside each other theire wings touched and pulled each other into one bird, and it continued to do this, until all the birds was one, ...dang...said subzero, NOW SAID RED...LET THE REAL FUN BEGAN, RED LOOKED AT THE BIRD AND SAID ATTACK, the bird beast charged up its fireball, but this time its a hundred time bigger, it was bigger then the portal itself, red looked at sonic, sonic was looking at red, and red smiled showing his rotting teeth, and yelled ...FIRE...the bird beast fired at the portal, the force of the fireball was tearing the shield apart, sonic was holding the shield up with all her might, and sunfire was backing her up with all he has, the fireball was going into the portal pushing sonic and sunfire back, then red yelled out,...FIRE...sonic and sunfire braced for impact, then the second fireball pushed the shield to it's limit, sonic and sunfire could'nt hold the shield up for so long,the shield then cracked, sunfire yelled...brace yourselves,then the shield broke, and the force of the fireballs threw everyone back from the entrance of the portal,
...red laughed watching everyone being pushed back, then red yelled...YOU GUYS LOOK LIKE YOUR HAVING FUN, GIVE THEM ANOTHER BALL,...what...said roxxan as she staggered to her feet, sunfire stood up and formed a plasma ball and shoot it at thr bird beast, but it didn't do much damage, sunfire then fell to his knees, tired and with hardly any power left, sonic was on her side looking at sunfire,then sandralee got up and started to charge up her power, red looked at sandralee then said,...do you think you can do something ,little girl,sandralee ran toward the bird beast and jumpped up in the air yelling, ...HEAVEN SLICE, ... a yellow energy beam was going toward the bird beast, but red came and with lazer3's sword cut the beam in half, then laughed...AHA HA HA HA ...DO YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME LITTLE ONE, ... then red raised lazer3's sword and slashed at sandralee and a fireball flew and blew up the area around sandralee and blew her away,then red raised the sword again saying,..HOW DOES IT FELL BEING KILLED BY YOUR FRIENDS VERY OWN SWORD, ...then red sliced and big fire ball came at sandralee, then sandralee felt someone over her and she looked up and saw a ball of pure light hit the fireball and they both blew up in a fireryblast, red looked at who did it, and sandralee turned and looked at who did it, and her eyes brightened, and she then smlied at desire, as she was holding her arms out and smoke was comming out from them, desire ran to sandralee's side, and asked what happened, but sandralee then asked desire what happened to her?sandralee smiled saying, i met an old friend, sandralee then knew who it was, and she got up with the help of desire, roxxan came toward the bird beast and charged up, but then red held lazer3 out by the head while lazer3 was trying to get a hold of red's arm to pull hisself up some, but lazer3 was to weak,and he couldn't hold hisself up, so he was at the mercy of red,...HEY...everyone looked at him,then red said,...YOU REALLY WANT HIM BACK, THEN CATCH HIM...then red toss lazer3 up in the air, as everyone's looking at lazer3 flying in the air, then he started to fall down,then everyone's eyes got big, and sonic covered her mouth, sunfire was shocked,everyone didn't know what to say, at the scene before them, as red was smiling while he held out lazer3's sword,with lazer3 impaled on it,...NNOOOOO...yelled sonic as she ran,then red threw lazer3 and the sword into the air right in front of the bird beast, and without warning, the bird beast threw a fireball at lazer3 and it was a direct hit, lazer3 fell toward the ground in a ball of fire, everyone couldn't move from the shock, then sonic ran toward lazer3 who was smoking, his clothe all burned up, and his face was covered in blood from all the slices from the sword, sonic didn't know what to do, then sunfire came and looked at what happened, and then sunfire told sonic to hold lazer3, so he could remove the sword, sonic knodded and held lazer3 in her arms, then sunfire grabbed the hilt of the sword, and then looked at sonic letting her know that he was about to remove the sword, sonic shook her head statting that she's ready, sonic held lazer3 with tears in her eyes. as sunfire started to pull the sword out, then lazer3 yelled with all his might, from the pain and sonic was holding him tight, then blood sphew from lazer3's mouth,
...sonic held lazer3 tighter while blood was comming out of lazer3's mouth, sonic was crying sayingf,...no lazer3, you won't die here, i won't let that happen, sunfire was over lazer3, holding his pulse, sandralee and subzero walked where lazer3 was, ...NOOOO...yelled sandralee as she saw what happened to lazer3,tears was comming down sandralee's face as she saw all the blood that was around lazer3 and sonic, subzero was looking at lazer3, and then looked down thinking, then a tear went down his cheek, and then subzero looked at red, in the air laughing at everyone, desire was trying to hold her anger in cheak, her hands was trembling and then she made a fist, and the fist was then charging,desire then looked at red, ut then red yelled out,...GIVE THEM THE BIGGEST FIREBALL YOU HAVE MY PET, then the bird beast opened its mouth and a fireball was forming in its mouth,and it was getting bigger and bigger, red then yelled at everyone, IT'S TIME TO DIE WORMS, JUST LIKE THE CURSED WORM, AHA HA HA HA, sonic then looked at lazer3 with blood comming out of his mouth, and tears was comming down onto lazer3's face as she held him closer, sandralee was hurting in her cheast from the site of lazer3 in this condition,and she looked at red laughing, and she clinched her fist hard, sunfire was holding lazer3 sword with blood on it, and heard red's laughing out loud, and sunfire looked at red side ways, with angry eyes, roxxan,had her head down tears falling down her cheak, she looked up and she began to breath faster, then she looked down then sideways toward red, teeth gritting in anger, ...FIRE....yelled red,and the bird beast fired it's biggest fireball it had, and the only thing anyone saw was a giant fireball comming at them,but then unfire dissappeared, with subzero,sandralee,desire and roxxan,then sunfire was was in the air facing the giant fireball head on,sunfire raised lazer3's sword and yelled out, heaven slice, while going toward the fireball, and when he has near it he sliced at it and sunfire was ingufed in the fireball, sandralee then paced herself and then charged all her power into the staff and the staff began to glow yellow and sandralee then yelled,...POWER STAFF, EXTAND... the staff extanded then sandralee with all her might, she threw the staff into the fireball,then there was a light in the middle of the fireball, then roxxan charged her weapon up to the max, and she threw one of her weapons at the fireball, and with her other weapon, she shoot at it and it went straight into the fireball, and in the middle of the fireball, a little light came up again,
...sudzero with all his anger, moved his sword in a certain way that he formed an ifinity sign of power, he then sliced the ifinity sign and it went into the fireball and then the fireball began to get yellow then there was an explosion and red covered his eyes with his arm, when he looked again red was shocked that the giant fireball was changing to yellow, then the fireball was cut in half, and in the middle of it was sunfire with a new weapon, (imagine=four horsemans red sword as the sword,MONKEY GODS red monkey staff as the hilt,on the other end FF'S GUN SWORD, WITH AN INFINITY SIGN GRAVED INTO THE GUN SWORD) ...AAAHHHH...sunfire flew toward red on his hawks back, witch was a phenix, who protected him in the fireball from the heat, red glared at sunfire, then charged at him, they both was comming at each other in full force with everything they have, sunfire was thinking that he had to do this with all his power, and the power they all gave him to kill red once and for all through the weapons thats sunfire gotten,red yelled...YOUR SOULS MINE ...NEVER... yelled sunfire, as they clashed in mid air, there was a big boom with green smoke everywhere around sunfire and red, and when the fog began to dissappear reveling sunfire with lazer3's sword directly above red, sandralee,desire,and everyone else wascheering sunfire on in victory,but it was cut short when they saw red in front of sunfire, holding lazer3's sword with two fingers, and then with red's other hand he formed a green fireball and with pregidies he shoot sunfire with the green fireball and sunfire yelled out in pain as he was in the fireball heading back where sonic was with lazer3,...no...no. please don't.please, sonic whispered as she held lazer3 close, ...BOOOOOM...as red looked upon what he did, he smiled proudly as he saw everyone on the ground ...defeated...red looked at sonic, and saw that lazer3 was blown from her, lazer3 was near the edge of the portal, red then knew that he won the battle, he then laughed out loud comming toward lazer3 to rub it it in,red then landed near lazer3 and kicked him in the injury from the sword,
...lazer3 sprew blood as he landed a few feet from sonic,everyone was out of power,exausted and in pain,red walked up to sonic, hen said ...HYPH..LITTLE GIRL, YOU HAVE BEEN A PAIN BY MY SIDE EVER SINCE YOU CAME TO THE TOWER,BUT NOW YOUR GONNA GET YOUR REWARD,red walked to sonic's head. but sonic was looking up at red, ready for the worst, red was getting ready to kick sonic in the face, but then red heard something, red stopped and looked at lazer3, listening on what he said, then red quickly kicked lazer3 so hard that he flew 4 feet in the air and landing hard, then red yelled in hatred...WHO DO YOU THINK YOUR TALKEN TO,HUH, DO YOU THINK HE'S LISTENING TO YOU, DO YOU, ...lazer3 then said looking up, LORD GOD, BY OUR OWN POWER WE ARE NOTHING TO THE ENEMY, WE CAN'T WIN WITH OUT YOU, SO PLEASE LORD, GIVE ME THE STRENGH TO CRUSH YOUR ENEMIES. red ran and kicked lazer3 again and lazer3 was getting dizzy from the blood loss,lazer3 then reached up toward the sky yelling, PLEASE LORD, WE NEED YOU. ....SHUT UP...yelled red as he kicked lazer3 again, lazer3 was getting up, then started to say,... saton, then sandralee started to say,...saton... then roxxan, started to say it, then sunfire,subzero, then desire,...red didn't know what was happening, red then looked at lazer3 then at his pet bird, then he yelled ...DESTROY THEM MY PET,... the bird beast began to form a giant fireball and red jumpped out of the way and yelled ...FIRE...then his pet fired at everyone and the area was comsumed in fire, red laughed out loud saying, ...AHA HA HA HA YOU THINK HE HEARD YOU, YOU'RE NOTHING BUT BURNT FLESH YOU STU...red stopped in mid sentence, as lazer3 was standing up, healed of all his injury, and everyone else was getting up, red then formed a fireball and threw it at lazer3, but the fireball was reflected when lazer3 just smacked it away, then lazer3 yelled ...SATON, I REBUCK YOU... red 's eyes was opened up wide in shock, ...NO...NOO... said red as he inched back, lazer3 continued...IN THE NAME ...red looked up and said... NNOOOOOO... lazer3 then waved like he had a sword in his hand...OF JESUS... then the clouds opened, then lightning came down through lazer3 and shoot toward red, and when it, red screamed out in pain, then sonic, began to say it, red looked at sonic breathing hard, then sunfire, then sandralee, then subzero, then desire, and roxxan, but when everyone finishe saying it, red was far away in pain, then red said, ...D@#$&@ YOU LAZER'3 D@%$^# YOU TO HELL, lazer'3 just looked at red, and said, i came to me that we could'nt beat you even if we was at full power, but with power from the LORD GOD,AND JESUS CHRIST, we can do anything, red was furious, then sonic then said, we should just leave now and close the portal, lazer3 then said, your right sonic, lazer3 then looked at everyone, and everyone agreed, then sandralee walked and got her weapon, and roxxan, and lazer3 did the same, and then they all began to walk out to the portal, then something told lazer3 in his mind, ...look out... lazer3 then turned around and blocked right on time as red stricked at lazer3's head to kill him, lazer3 pushed him back, then red said with a smile, YOU THINK YOU WON, WELL THINK AGAIN, THE PORTALS ABOUT TO CLOSE AND YOUR NOT AT THE END, SO WHEN THE PORTAL CLOSES, YOU'LL BE STUCK HERE WITH ME FOREVER, lazer3 then knew that red was right, then lazer3 knew what to do, and yelled to everyone, ...GET OUT OF HERE, THE PORTALS ABOUT TO CLOSE, ...what desire said, then they saw it, the portals was getting smaller and smaller, then lazer3 told then to hurry, but sandralee said, ...we can't leave you here with him, ...but lazer3 said, one of us have to stay here and stop him from reaching the end of the portal, so go, desire looked at lazer3, then lazer3 said , hurry desire, i know what i'm doing, desire knodded in agreement, then ran with everyone else, then sonic turned and yelled out...LAZER3 KICK HIS BUTT FOR ME O.K. lazer3 then raised his hand in tryiumph, red then said DO YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP ME ALL BY YOURSELF, lazer3 then smiled and said, i wont be by myself, then lazer3 's sword broke up and then came back together to form a light sword, lazer3 then said ...it's time to end this red...the curse, this portal, and you, red just smiled saying, DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GONNA GET OUT OF HERE IN TIME PUNK,lazer3 then said, well see what happenes in the end and who'll be stuck,
...lazer3 launched toward red and red blocked lazer3's hit and counter with a high kick, lazer3 blocked with a knee block, and came back with a spin kick which pushed red bvack , as red slid back once he stooped he ran toward lazer3 with a power hit, lazer3 came with his own hit and the force pushed both red and lazer3 back, red then quickly charged and threw a fireball which lazer3 ran and cut it in half but red charged ahead of time, as red charged, lazer3 didn't have time to block, when red's sword was inches away from lazer3 face, lazer3 did a chinese split and avoided the hit, then as lazer3 had his sword across from him, he came up slicing his sword cross ways which got red off balance and while lazer3 was above him, did a down strike which got red, and as red was bent over from the hit, lazer3 did an upper strike, which got red in the air, lazer3 then charged up, (DRAGON BALL Z STYLE), and vanished and reappeared next to red, red was shocked to see lazer3 so fast, lazer3 did a side slash but red blocked it, and both was blocking and slashing at each other, then both hit with all there might and a lightning came from both powers, as both landed, lightning was still comming from the weapons, red then smiled evily at lazer3, lazer3 wondered why he's smiling like that, lazer3 then said, hey red, why the smile, red then said, CAUSE THE END OF THE PORTAL'S ABOUT TO CLOSE, lazer3 looked behind red and knewwhat was about to happen, the portal behind red was closing and the way it looked there was 2 min before the portal closes behind red, then they would have to go to the othere end to the portal to the earth, lazer3 knew that red can't get to earth, so lazer3 stayed where he was blocking the way out, then red said, HEY WHY NOT LET ME PASS, WE ALL WILL BE CAUGHT WHEN THAT END BE CLOSED, SO WHY NOT GO HUH, OR DO YOU WANT TO BE CAUGHT BETWEEN DEMENSIONS,lazer3 stood there not saying a word, then red got angry and yelled DO YOU THINK I'M KIDDING, KID, IF YOUR TRAPPED HERE, YOU'LL BE HERE FOREVER,lazer3 said nothing, just stared at him, red was looking at the portal behind lazer3, it was getting smaller and smaller,red was getting nervous,he needed to pass lazer3 to get out, but he knew that wont happen, the portal was getting smaller, soon it will be to small to pass through, but lazer3 just stood there with no emotion, red then got desperate and ran toward lazer3 yelling that he'll kill lazer3,but lazer3 stayed calm and when red came to strick, lazer3 just blocked and held him in the defence position, which means that no one can move,and the portal was dissappearing,everyone on the othere end was yelling for lazer3 to hurry up, but lazer3 stayed where he was, then the portal was small,there was seconds left before the portal closes forever,sonic yelled for lazer3 to come back, even lazer2 started to yell for lazer3 to come out quickly before it closes, NO...NOO...I WON'T BE HERE FOREVER WITH YOU, IF YOU WANT TO DIE HERE THEN DIE BY YOURSELF, ...then red pushed lazer3 back and ran to get pass lazer3, but lazer3 did a round kick which hit red in the face and he went down, then the portal was to small for anyone to pass, ...NOOO yelled roxxan as she saw lazer3 from behind, but then lazer3 turned half way around, and looked at everyone as the portal closed only showing lazer3's eye as it closed forever, NNNOOOOOOO YOU B@#$&*@$...WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, AND NOW WE'RE STUCK IN LINBO BETWEEN DEMENSIONS, lazer3 looked at red and walked toward the spot where the portal was, and said to red, do you want to leave here and go back to where you belong,red looked at lazer3 and said why you asking me this now, lazer3 looked at red and said, do you want to leave, red got angry and yelled ...SO THIS WAS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG, SO THAT I HAVE TO LEAVE BACK TO MY REALM, lazer3 then smiled, red was angry but then calmed down,O.K THEN, LET'S DO THIS, lazer3 then said, in order to do this, you must be at the other end to go out that way,that's the only way to do this, red then agreed, then walked toward the other end, but red had a plan, to kill lazer3 as soon as the portal's open on both ends, then he can get to earth, he smiled to himself, as lazer3 brought out his gadget to get back to earth, then lazer3 raised the item toward the portal, then the portal began to open,thats when red then turned and charged at lazer3 from behind, but when the portal was opened all the way, red then stopped where he was, as he saw everyone yelling these words, ...SATON. I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS...each person gotten power flowing through them from THE LORD JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, then it shot toward red and lazer3, but the power went through lazer3 unharmed, but hit red which threw him hard against the othere side of the portal, red was furious yelling,...WHY DIDN'T IT HIT YOU TOO,lazer3 walked out of the portal and said to red as the portal began to close, because, i'm a NEW SERVANT OF GOD, red eyes widened and then ran toward lazer3, yelling...I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR SOUL APART, I'LL BREAK EVERY BONE IN YOUR BODY,I'LL ...lazer3 interupted saying, missery loves company, then lazer3 looked back at red as he said, bye missery,and then lazer3 smiled as the portal closed for the last time in histery, as lazer3 turned around sonic jump on lazer3 giving him a big hug, ...YEAH YELLED SUBZERO, WE KICKED BUTT , YEAH YELLED ROXXAN,...sandralee smiled and asked desire, hey, your o.k, desire said yeah, i'm doing good, and looked around at everyone, desire then said with a smile, i'm doing fine, then sandralee said, see, i kept my promise, to get you out, desire then hugged sandralee saying,thanks

User Comments: [3]
Community Member

Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 09:53pm

hey sorry for not writing sooner on the story, but as i said before, this will be the best ending i ever had, and its gonna get better, wink and so enjoy the story with my friends, ohh and on another note, im gonna be making another story soon after, but this will not be a story that everyone will survive, this will be like people dieing, and if you want to be in it and hope to survive it till the end, let me know in this pages of the journel when you rate the story. ok, take care biggrin

Community Member

Mon Jun 23, 2008 @ 02:24am

best story EVER omg my storys are HORRIBLE COMPAIRD TO YOURS!!!!!!!!!!!GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Community Member

Sun Aug 31, 2008 @ 09:37pm


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