Sometimes, as we grow older, we grow more distant...

Nick Name-- Dev, Devi, Mars
Age-- 18
Eye Color-- Left eye Blue Right Eye Hazel. Gets them every time.
Hair Color-- Originally bleach blonde, now black
Height-- 5'10"
Weight-- 134 pounds
Shoe Size-- 10
Biography-- I'm your average, everyday high-school dropout. Molested from age five to nine by my druggie father. What else is there? Oh, you wanted more?
You know how every kid has something to talk about, some story to tell you? I never did. My parents paid no attention to me, not even to ask me how school went on my first day. Yeah, they were busy, busy people, what with their crack addiction and all.
My dad...well, he touched me a few times when I was young. Looking back on it, I know he was wrong, but when you're that [********] in the head, things aren't your fault, you know? He hasn't touched me or talked to me since I was nine. We lived in the same house for eleven years with not a word between us. Someone should give us a prize or something.
Their issues and the family life I led never bothered me until I had my first experience with drugs. I was fourteen, just popped into high school, and a group of people parading as my friends brought me to a party for the seniors. Not only did they haze me, they pretty much forced me to smoke a monster joint by myself. The cops found me draped over the curb, eating leaves and so baked I couldn't walk.
That will never happen again.
High school was rough enough for me, I became very confused. I had never dated, I didn't see the point. Suddenly my hormones were out of whack and I found myself glancing at boys in the locker room. My real friends, the ones that hadn't hazed me and got me so messed up, they didn't know and nor did anyone else. I wasn't telling them I liked to stare at other guys. Maybe it was how they hazed me, who frikin' knows. But, on a good note, I'm absolutely straight. I guess I'm just jealous of how other guys look. I mean, I'm a short twig.
I was sixteen when I first had sex. Yay! No. Not really. It was with one of my female friends... And it was awkward. Nothing against her, she's beautiful, but I was afraid and inadequate... We kind of went our own ways after that, it was awkward to talk.
But you know what? That's just how the ball rolls, even if this one is getting out of control. I still think about my past from time to time, and sometimes I'll fall back into the dreaded depression, but since I thought about moving into the house I've been fine.
Yeah, I didn't go to college or go past what my parents expected. Just dropped right out before graduation.
Personality-- I'm a pain in the a**. I fight anyone, I constantly gripe about any little thing, and if I like you, I treat you like scum. Hey, blame my father, not me. I used to be a good kid. Now I'm just ******** up. Imagine what I'd do to you if I loved you? Pfft, yeah right. Never been in love, never said the word, and never want to hear it said to me. I'm too much of a bad-a** to show softness. And yeah, I can kick your a**. I can run your a** over, too. So watch it.
Father-- Jack Allan Marsden-- [38]
Mother-- Elizabeth Rose Albrecht-Marsden -- [33]
Brothers and Sisters-- Unknown Brother -- [19]
Extra-- None
•Extra Information•
Anything Shiney
Messing with people
His car (the only thing he's ever relied on)
His dog (named Jax after his dad's high school nickname)
Candy (quickest way to my heart)
Roller coasters
Coconut Shrimp
Chinese buffets
Politics (go figure)
Guard dogs (Little buggers bite hard!)
Romance (Quickest way to piss me off is to make a move on me)
Books (I'd rather throw them or make them into soup and feed them to nerds)
People passing me when I'm doing seventy (Ain't that fast enough for you?!)
Other-- I'm a Libra so that makes me romantically indecisive. I'm also blind in my right eye, you know, the gray one with the vacant look? Thats why I hide it behind my hair. Please don't sneak up on me, it freaks me out. And when I throw something at you or try to grab your hand, don't be surprised if the object or my hand veers horribly to the left. I'm not stupid, I just cant see so well and my depth perception is a little... wrong.