People in my Mind...
She hate the bye in the words in the time happening. She worry about time in the future that makes her think of the death... That sound to hard for friends to take so she keeps all the feeling inside. Yet she has no clue why she fears the feeling of lose... She starts out well in the start but in the middle of the year she starts to stay away from friends. She would not talk anymore. She start to close up and daydream until she see that she in the real world. At the time that is close to the year to end she will start to care for friends but I can tell that she wants to cry. The end is to close I feel that it may be to late to safe her. But what I wonder what makes her live her life longer if she wants to die... She wants someone to love but she has a good family??? She is so closed in that she feels that she can't trust anyone... Yet there is one person she trust but will it help???