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We interrupt your (ir)regularly scheduled journal...
OOC Note
...with a news bulletin. Nogard's story is finished.

Nogard's story is far shorter than Xangord's (( Nogard's story is only 7 pages )) but I never said Nogard was one for remembering stuff.

Characters that are not mine are copyrighted to those who own them--those people know who they are. Be sure to also read Xangord's story.

When the egg was laid, a lost and rather mean spirited rabbit demon saw its chance to have back at the same clan that had killed it years before. It hovered unnoticed around the egg through the 100 human years it took for the egg to grow to maturity. A few seconds before it began to hatch, the rabbit demon slipped inside and fused with the baby dragon within.

There was a short battle in which the demon fought with the baby dragon but it was only a one-sided fight and was over quite shortly. Having won the fight, the rabbit-demon-dragon-baby forced itself out of the egg and looked at its parents.

"She's been possessed!" the matriarch cried, pointing at the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling in horror.

"It would not have been so if it were my progeny!" the patriarch snarled, approaching the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling. "Even if not possessed, it is my duty to kill it to sire my own progeny!"

Eyes blazing with an internal fire, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling moved lightening quick and wrapped around the patriarch's throat. With the speed of a buzz saw, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling spun around the patriarch's throat, cutting into the harder-than-diamonds blue scales as though a hot knife through butter. In seconds, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling had sawed off the patriarch's head.

Leaping clear of the collapsing body, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling turned its attention to the matriarch. With a bone-chilling smile, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling sliced through the air at her.

"GET BACK LIZBETH!" someone else roared, as there was a flash of golden light.

"Avondale!" the matriarch exclaimed.

In an instant, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling was caught helplessly in the grip of a powerful golden dragon. Muttering a powerful spell in an ancient language that was both familiar and strange to the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling, the gold dragon took the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling by each of its head horns and began to rip it down the middle.

In an instant, the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling knew what was happening. Spitting fire/steam/smoke, biting, scratching, and lashing with its tail; the rabbit-demon-dragon-hatchling fought with every ounce of its strength to prevent itself from being separated. However, the attempt was futile. For a few seconds, there were three dragon hatchlings--blue, purple, red--before the gold dragon crushed them between his massive fore claws.

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It was a dark and stormy night when the red dragon hatchling woke up. Instantly with evil intent on its mind, it stole away into the turbulent night.

Until the hatchling, who later named itself Nogard, was strong enough to take over the world it found itself on; it terrorized the most outlying farmsteads all over the land. When she turned 1300 years old, Nogard felt she was strong enough to take over the world and began her plan of attack.

The world Nogard had grown up on, and terrorized, was called Gaia, and she knew exactly where, and when, she needed to strike to become ruler overnight. She noticed every year that nearly all of Gaia's denizens went to the Gambino Mansion on Isle De Gambino for a Christmas bash.

The night Nogard had decided to strike was just as dark and stormy when she had came into the world.

As Christmas Eve ticked closer to Christmas Day, Nogard flew into the dark and foreboding clouds with little to fear from the lightning. Hearing the sound of jingle bells from a passing sleigh, Nogard waited for it to fly nearer to the mansion where she knew several Gaians were partying on the rooftop while waiting for their guest of honor to show up.


The fat man's greeting was cut off as his sled and reindeer was engulfed in a fireball so hot that everything caught within it--and in a thirty foot radius if not properly protected by red dragon scales--was instantly turned into cinders. Overjoyed at the horrified screaming below her, Nogard flew through the fireball and sent smaller ones at those who had not yet scattered off the mansion roof.

Banking to her right, Nogard saw that several magical Gaians were banding together to try to bring her down. The fools, however, were in a tightly bunched group and were quite an easy target for Nogard. In seconds, they too had joined Santa Claus in death's embrace.

The fight lasted until morning when Nogard's power quadrupled with the rising sun. The fight was over quicker than Nogard had hoped for and with far less deaths--all told, only 300 Gaians had died even though the mansion had burned down.

Victory won, Nogard quickly began ordering the surviving Gaians. Nogard's first act as empress was to make the Gaians erect a statue in her honor that if tampered with, it would burn alive everything within a fifty foot radius up to a height where even those who had no need to breathe could not go without passing out.

Nogard's reign was cruel, terrible, and bloody. Almost daily, she executed hundreds of Gaians for supposed treachery against the kingdom. Even in those early days, however, a rumor of Nogard being insane flitted about but was never talked about openly.

One day, Nogard was prowling through her castle in a rather nasty temper--she was 1600 and in full swing of dragon puberty which is about twenty times as worse than a teenage girl going through both puberty and PMS since dragon puberty lasts longer than human puberty does--when she happened to see something from the corner of her eye. Backing up and transforming into her human form, Nogard peered through the door that had caused her to stop.

The door normally opened out onto a terrace that Nogard would stand on when addressing her subjects, but this time the view was quite different. Instead of overlooking the courtyard, the door provided a view of a command deck on a space ship.

"Nyeh?" Nogard grunted, flicking one of her bunny ears--ears that were the result of having the rabbit demon sleeping within her.

Pushing her glasses up on her nose and pushing a strand of white hair out of her face, Nogard put her arm through the door. She had expected some kind of resistance; but when Nogard realized nothing was pushing her back nor was her arm going to be chopped off at the elbow, she proceeded to step through the doorway.

Blinking at the change in lighting (natural to artificial), Dragon stared at the backs of two people. The shorter one was wearing black baggy pants, a black coat, a black hat with a gray buckle, and had long blue-black hair. The taller one was wearing a hooded cloak over black baggy jeans.

"Gorramit!" the shorter one growled as the space ship shuddered. "I thought you said they gave us clearance, Nerissa!"

On the screen in front of the two strangers in black, a 3-D image of a woman with silver hair, a light blue teddy, and thigh high light blue boots appeared. "They did."

"Then the Halfling Hunters [+1] changed their minds," the taller one said. He had to have sensed Nogard's presence because he turned at once and picked her up by the front of her shirt. "So you've found a way to cross the barrier."

"Release me at once fool!" Nogard growled, hammering uselessly at the taller one's forearm. "I am Empress Nogard!"

"Dragon, meet your twin Nogard," the taller one said. "Nogard, Dragon."

"Sister," the two said, looking at each other. After a moment, Dragon snapped her gray eyes away from Nogard's red ones to look into the golden yellow eyes of the man in the cloak (Nogard could not quite see his face). "Do you mean to say, Lord Avondale--?"

"AVONDALE?!" Nogard snarled. "The same guxyuwj [+2] who banished me to another world?!"

"We do not have time for this nor do you need her here," Lord Avondale said to Dragon. "Continue to attempt to land on Rutj. "I shall send her back from whence she came."

Nogard was no match for Lord Avondale. As much as she struggled, bit, burned, and scratched him, Lord Avondale had no reaction to Nogard's attempts to free herself. Before he threw her through the portal back to her own world, Lord Avondale whispered into Nogard's ear, "Your time in this world has not yet arrived. Patience, little one."

Hitting her stone floor and rolling to the far wall, Nogard swore viciously. Pushing her white hair out of her eyes and straightening her glasses, Nogard saw that the portal had disappeared. Letting loose a stream of vicious words and expletives, Nogard stormed through her castle. Those where were enslaved to her shuddered with fear because not once had they ever heard their mistress so angry before.

"BRING ME CHAZU, ZEE, ROSE, AND SKULL!" Nogard shouted. The force behind her yelling was enough to shake the very foundation of her castle.

Immediately, the four prisoners Nogard wanted were sent for and brought before her. Chazu had teal colored hair and yellow eyes. Zee had short red hair, green eyes, and sported cat ears, paws, and a tail. Rose had long red hair and yellow eyes. Skull was a skeleton with the ability to manipulate the bones in his face to show off facial reactions. All four of them were wearing rags--which, in Skull's case, was rather disturbing.

"Oh look!" Chazu said sarcastically. "Someone has made the white chocolate bunny angry."

"Quite an improvement in looks I should say," Zee added.

"I think it's the madness," Rose replied.

"Madness?!" Skull exclaimed. "This is Nogard! She's bloody insane!"

"SILENCE!" Nogard boomed. Ignoring the fact that Skull's boney frame fell apart from the vibrations caused by her voice, Nogard whispered dangerously, "You have all been condemned to death."

"Be a nice vacation," Chazu said.

"Too right," Zee replied. "And it's been a long time coming it has."

"Technically," Rose said to Nogard. "Skull's already dead. You can't kill a dead thing twice."

"Is that a challenge?" Nogard growled.

"Just a matter of fact," Rose replied.

"When does the white chocolate bunny ever need facts?" Chazu asked.

"Never, really," Zee said. "She just tends to go with her first instinct and bother the consequences."

"WILL YOU JUST DIE!?" Nogard yelled, sending out wave after wave of fire that was fifty times as hot as that of a nuclear bomb. Though blind with rage, Nogard had sense enough to direct the fire to engulf the four prisoners she had summoned.

"Muahahaha!" Skull cackled as his bones began to melt. "This is quite ticklish! If I had known your flames felt like...this..."

Growling, Nogard intensified the heat until not even cinders were left. However, her anger was not sated. Transforming into her dragon form, Nogard flew to the home of the gods where she knew her grandparents, mother, and younger brother and sister were hiding. Slaying all those who stood in her path, Nogard killed the family she had without a second thought.

Sated a little, Nogard turned her attention on to the countryside where she burned strips of land with her fiery breath. After nine days, Nogard's anger was finally sated to the point where she was able to return to her castle and resume her bloodthirsty rule over Gaia.

Off and on over the next few centuries, Nogard had figured out other ways into Dragon's world but always found herself being shunted back to her own by Lord Avondale. After each of these returns, Nogard had taken her anger out on Gaia by scorching its fields.

Then, one day, after she had recently been shunted back to her own world, Nogard was prowling about Gaia and found five strangers--two female neko-dragon hybrids, one very young wolf-neko-dragon hybrid, one male human-dragon hybrid, and one male werewolf. All were in their anthro forms--the dragons were not yet old enough to have manifested their wings even in anthro form.

One female neko-dragon hybrid had long red hair, green eyes, and cyan colored scales. The other female neko-dragon hybrid had long green hair, green eyes, and green colored scales. The female wolf-neko-dragon hybrid had gold hair, gold eyes, and gold scales. The male human-dragon hybrid had gray hair, blue eyes, and black scales. The werewolf had blue eyes and black fur.

"Who the hell are you and what world did you come from?" Nogard demanded. She knew all of her subjects so obviously these five were not from this world.

The cyan-scaled neko-dragon hybrid stepped forward. "I am Shalimar. This is my sister Wynn and my cousin Xink. The werewolf is my husband, Wolf, and the little one is our daughter Larkin."

"You are trespassing onto my world," Nogard growled. "Explain yourselves. And your answer had best be quick and good."

"We are refugees from a dying world," Shalimar said. "My mother, the queen, sent us away to this place in hopes that we may survive."

"I'll give you points for trying," Nogard said, transforming into her own anthro form. "But that's not quite the answer the judges are looking for my dear."

Shalimar started, "What--?"

Grabbing Shalimar's shoulder, Nogard drove her flattened hand into Shalimar's stomach. "Let's see. Small and large intestine...stomach...liver...spleen...lungs...ahh, there we are. The heart."

Yanking her arm out of Shalimar's body, Nogard held up both Shalimar and her heart.

"You," Wynn said weakly. "You...Shal..."

Regarding the bloody heart as though it was a ruby, Nogard dropped Shalimar's body. "Huh. No trace of a sleeping demon hidden within the heart. Perhaps the brain?"

"Larkin, run," Wolf said as he, Wynn, and Xink snapped out of their shock. "Get to somewhere safe."

Ignoring the others for the time being, Nogard began to remove the top of Shalimar's skull. Once the brain was revealed, Nogard pried it out--eyes and all--to examine it as well. As there were no indications of a sleeping demon hidden within the brain, Nogard glanced up and saw that the other two older dragon hybrids and the werewolf were circling her.

"Now now children," Nogard said, standing up and idly wiping blood off her arms. "You are about to commit treason against Empress Nogard."

"You are a false ruler!" Xink yelled. "Long live Queen Dragon!"

Twitching at the mention of Dragon's name, Nogard turned her attention to Xink. "Queen Dragon? Your aunt, is queen?"

"Yes she is!" Xink said.

"My sister must be a weakling in that world if she cannot keep it from dying," Nogard said, slicing Xink's head off with one quick movement of her clawed hands.

"Rodent b***h!" Wynn and Wolf screamed together.

"Please," Nogard sighed, snapping her fingers. Jets of flame shot from the snapping and engulfed the two in flames.

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More centuries passed and Nogard had found out that Skull had indeed survived being burned and was raising Larkin. Between trips to the world where she had originally found out about her sister Dragon--and finding duplicates to those she had killed in her own world--Nogard scoured Gaia to find Skull and Larkin.

Finally, Nogard had found Larkin and Skull hiding in Halloween Town [+3]. Waiting until nearly dawn, Nogard stayed in the sky behind a night cloud until she saw Skull get up to go on a morning run. Twisting up and about, Nogard dive-bombed to the ground, aiming for Skull. Grinning as she neared the unawares Skull, Nogard saw Larkin open the door to the house they were staying at.

"UNKA SCUZZY!!!!" Larkin cried out.

"Eh?" Skull asked, turning to see what Larkin was yelling about. Seeing Nogards massive jaws opening up at him, Skull's last action was giving his psycho face [+4].

Chewing the bones until they crunched into splinters, Nogard pulled into the air and swallowed Skull's remains. Behind her, she heard Larkin turn into her dragon form with a fwhump! sound. Turning, Nogard taunted Larkin.

"You do not want to do this, child. I am way out of your league."

"YOU KILLED THEM ALL!" Larkin bawled, beating her wings as hard as she could to hit Nogard with her full speed. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

Rolling her eyes and easily dodging Larkin's attack. "You haven't--"

"SILENCE!" Larkin bellowed, banking to the right to attack again. "I kill you!"

Reading Larkin's growing power level, Nogard thought, It's over 9000. Meh, she's like a fly on a cow's a**.

Because she was distracted by reviewing Larkin's power level, Nogard was not able to deflect Larkin's claws digging into her flank. Roaring in both pain and anger, Nogard lost all patience with Larkin. Winding her foreleg backwards, Nogard brought it forward with all the power she had at Larkin's mouth.

As Nogard's claws bounded off her bottom jaw, Larkin screamed in pain as her entire bottom jaw was ripped away. The scream quickly turned into a shriek as Larkin suddenly found herself bathed in fire.

Because she was busy using her breath weapon on the impudent little golden lizard, Nogard used telepathy to taunt Larkin. <How DARE you scratch me you base-born lizard!?! I will destroy you for your transgressions!>

a familiar, yet strange, voice echoed in Nogard's head. <It is time to take your place within the true reality and time line with the rest of the Dragon Dynasty.>

Cutting off the stream of fire, Nogard looked around and saw a portal. Instantly forgetting about Larkin, Nogard flew the portal and onto the Nerissa Altsoba.

User Comments: [6] [add]
Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 02, 2008 @ 09:20am
[+1] It is the Halfling Hunters that were attacking Wynn's planet, Rutj, the first time Wynn had seen Dragon and shortly before she had been captured by Lex--Zee's brother.
[+2] guxyuwj = b*****d
[+3] If you haven't been playing around on the map, you should (I just found this out playing on the map). Halloweentown is South West of Durem. And is it any wonder you have to go through a graveyard to get to it xd Keep going West and you'll run into the Von Helson Manor.
[+4] ._O

Side note 1: I have no idea why Zee spoke the way she did with the British overtones. It just seemed to fit for the situation--and it may have been partly because of watching Shaun of the Dead while writing that bit.

Side note 2: I say centuries because I am using a dragon's point of view of time here, but I should mention that 1 human year equals 100 dragon years.

Side note 3: Sorry everyone Nogard killed! sweatdrop Look on the bright side: you all got lucky compared to Shalimar!

Side note 4: Everyone, you did catch it when Nogard insulted herself? rofl

Side note 5: Calling a dragon a lizard is the worst name you can ever call them as it is a direct attack on a dragon's pride in being superior to all other reptiles.

Side note 6: Yes I have made several references to stuff that I've seen or read. If you can name all 4 you get a cookie (one is a bit obscure if you haven't read the book...and that was me giving you a hint).

commentCommented on: Mon Jun 02, 2008 @ 12:19pm
... But she is a white chocolate bunny.... Handled me pretty well, I do think.... Does that mean I'm predictable!?

I missed the Nogard self insult, but then again, I kinda tune her out...

Community Member
Dragon student
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jun 02, 2008 @ 05:35pm
Only in the world where she was banished to, dear.

Nogard called herself a cow's a**.

commentCommented on: Tue Jun 03, 2008 @ 02:27am
Don't worry, Chazu, I missed the insult too until she pointed it out just now.

And I should say, the me from the other dimension seemed... just like me!
Too bad she had to die.

And, um... Larkin has no lower jaw????

blueaecids rose
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Dragon student
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commentCommented on: Tue Jun 03, 2008 @ 02:38am
Larkin: Why else do you think I run around with a scarf in both my human and anthro forms?

commentCommented on: Wed Jun 04, 2008 @ 05:58am
I died!?...AGAIN!?
Well...atleast I went out in style cool
Wearin my PSYCHO FACE! ._0

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