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Untitled story My book. Read and comment. It's long though... Just a warning.

Community Member
Chapter 4

Dean Renald walked into the hospital waiting room, his hood up over his head. The woman at the desk wasn't paying much attention to him. She was filing paperwork. His hands were stuffed in the front pocket of his sweatshirt. He waited, watching, until finlly, the woman at the desk got up and left with a file of some kind in her hands. He quickly got up and walked past the now unoccupied desk down the hall to where the patience were asleep in their rooms. He looked into each room as he passed them until he came to a closed door. He smiled slightly. This is it... He thought. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door, looking in. Sure enough, there lay his son in a hospital bed. He saw a sleeping man in the chair beside his son'sbed who he recognized to be his neighbor, Luke Denin. It didn't matter though. He would just have to be quiet... He slipped in silently and shut the door behind him. The two didn't stir in their slumber. He walked slowly over to the side of the bed, taking his hood down to look down at the child before him. You ruined my life... It's about time for you to pay. He thought, pulling the knife out of his pocket. He reached out with his other hand, lifting the oxygen mask off of his son's face. The sleeping child shifted a little bit and slowly began opening his grey eyes. As soon as Dean saw this, he covered Leon's moth and put the knife to his throat. Leon's eyes widened as he looked up into the face of his father. He let out a tiny squeak in terror and Dean pressed the knife up against the bandages around Leon's neck. That's when Luke woke up. He jumped out of the chair, completely awake, and pulled him away from Leon's side. When he saw who it was and the knife in his hand, his jaw dropped. The knife flew up and Luke ducked just in time.
He said before pushing him away.
"Dean, just calm dow-"
He tried to say, but the enraged man charged forward towards him. Luke got out of the way, but Dean turned almost immediatly to Leon, who was covering his face with his hands, bawling, and shaking with fear.
Luke yelled. Leon raised his face just in time to watch Luke run in front of him, blocking him from the knife. Leon gasped slightly, frozen. Luke coughed. Dean looked at what had happened and his face reddened. This wasn't supposed to happen. He pulled the knife out and thrust it forward again. Just then though, he heard someone coming towards the room. He left the knife embedded in Luke's stomach and turned to run out he door. Luke groaned and his hands went to the knife. Amy rushed down the hallway to Leon's room. A man in a dark sweatshirt suddenly burst out the door, bumping her violently as he ran past. A panic rose in her heart. She ran the rest of the way to the door. She looked in and saw Luke on his knees, pulling a knife out of his stomach. Blood poured out and he moaned quietly, covering the bleeding wounds with his hand. Leon meanwhile, was sitting inconsolable on the bed. Amy first went to the wall and pushed the button several times, hailing emergancy staff to that room. Then she knelt by Luke, placing her hand over his. He looked up at her slowly, swaying woozily on his knees.
"He... Tried to kill Leon..."
He explained, obviously struggling with consiousness. Amy very gently pushed him down onto his back.
"Okay... Don't worry. He'll be alright. We have to take care of you now..."
Luke said, fading.
"Yes. I'm staying with him. I won't leave him alone, I promise. He'll be safe, okay?"
She reassured him. He seemed to hesitate, but then nodded slightly and coughed again.
He whispered, closing his eyes. Just then, a group of emergancy staff came rushing in, picking Luke's now unconsious body up and carrying him out on a stretcher. Amy got up, looking at the blood on the floor and then at the blood on her hands... She wiped them on her pants and looked to Leon. She was immediatly worried. He lay staring wide-eyed up at the ceiling, silent, tears streaming down his cheeks. His mouth was open and his breath was short and rapid. Amy leaned in and stroked his cheek gently.
"Leon...? Leon, can you hear me?"
She asked soothingly. Leon's gaze slowly turned to Amy.
"I... Killed Luke..."
He whispered. He took a small breath and began to sob. Amy took him in a soft embrace, rocking him.
"No no, Leon... Leon, you didn't do anything to Luke... He's going to be fine. He's not dead at all... Everything is going to be alright..."
She treid to explain to him. He was shaking all over and his face was buried in her shirt, weeping miserably.
"It's okay. Just calm down, sweetheart... Luke is going to be just fine. I promise."
She said. Leon finally began to calm a little, but she continued to rock him, sitting on the edge of the bed. She knew that mentally, the poor thing was in a bad place. Terrified no doubt. And guilty with the thought that he was the reason Luke got stabbed. She wouldn't leave him alone for a moment... Not long after, he cried his weak little body into exhaustion and fell deeply asleep. Amy let him down on the bed and pulled the sheets up to his chin. She gently wiped the tears away with her sleeve. It seems that they hadn't taken this situation as seriously as they should have... WHo knew the father would go to such extents? Well, they certainly wouldn't be making the same mistake again. Amy sat in that room with Leon all night, tending to him when need be. At about 4 in the morning she had noticed he was having some trouble breathing again, and she returned the mask to his face. And after her shift was over the next morning, she remained by his side even then. He awoke at about noon time the next day, opening his eyes a little bit at a time. Amy smiled at him and removed the mask.
"Good morning, little guy. How's your throat?"
She asked. Leon looked slowly around him and then his eyes landed back on Amy, his brow furrowed.
"W-where's Luke...?"
He asked weakly. It was obvious that his illness was getting to him again. His breath was raspy and his cheeks red with fever. Amy stroked his hair.
"He hasn't been released yet..."
She said, trying to sooth him. But he turned his head away slightly, closing his eyes tight as more tears began to fall. Amy's heart fell... There was nothing she could say... He shook with fear and fever, crying. After only a minute or so, he began to gasp and cough between his sobs. With a sigh, Amy picked the mask up and went to put it over his head again, though he turned his head, seeming to struggle against it. She got the mask over his face with ease, nevertheless. He continued to cry for the next 20 or so minutes, at the end of which he was to weak to do anything more than lay motionless, his eyes hanging half open as his chest rose and fell methodically with the oxygen. Amy wished she could do more for him... But all she could really do was sit and hold the poor thing's hand. Eventually, a lunch tray was brought in and set on the table. Amy didn't remove the mask. Only moved it down so it hung around Leon's bandaged neck. He gasped slightly as the mask was taken away and he looked up at Amy. She picked up the cup off of the lunch tray that has apple juice in it.
"Here... You have to drink. It will help you feel better."
She said to him. He didn't show much reaction to her words. He remained laying still, his mouth open slightly as he breathed. He was actually quite lucky he hadn't died of pnemonia before now... He seemed to have a suprisingly strong will to live for such a young child... Especially after having to go through so much... She pushed the button on the bed to make it rise so Leon could drink and hopefully, she could get him to eat a little bit. Leon's face contorted slight at the pain in his ribs and let out a slight groan, but he returned to his vacant star a few moments later. Amy slipped her free hand under his head to hep him and put the cup to his lips. Leon closed his eyes, bracing for the pain it wuold cause in his throat. She tipped the cup very slowly, letting only a little bit into Leon's mouth. He tried to swallow it, but he sputtered and coughed it all back out again. He continued to cough and he weakly lifted his hand to his bandaged throat, a tear squeezing out of the edge of his eye.
"I'm sorry..."
He whispered. Amy gave him a smile, cleaning the apple juice up.
"That's okay, sweetheart."
She reassured him. His eyes rolled for a moment as he took a long, labored breath and he opened them halfway again to look at Amy.
"I-I'm so thirsty..."
He managed to say, desperation in his voice. Amy put her hand under his head again.
"I know... Let's try again, okay?"
Leon sniffled in response. Amy put the cup to Leon's lips and tipped it once again. He knew what to expect, so she thought he might be able to swallow it this time. The juice entered his mouth and he held it there for a few seconds, then swallowing with a wince. He was so thirsty... He wanted to drink the whole cup dry. But he had to go so slow... Amy smiled.
"Would you like some more?"
She asked him.
Leon whispered. Amy repeated the steps and Leon swallowed again. He was obviously seriously dehydrated... And lacking the proper nutrients for one to live healthily. He was very skinny and small. She wondered how old he was... About 7 or 8 she figured. The hospital gown he wore, which was the smallest size they had, was far to large for him and under the bandages around him, his ribs stuck out, his stomach but a large indent that rose and fell ever so slightly with each breath he took. It enraged Amy to know that a person could be so cruel to such a sweet, young child. Justice would be served. She was sure of it. As Leon swallowed his last nit of juice, a doctor knocked on the open door. It startled Leon and at the sight of the man his hand found hers and he grasped it. His breath quickened and he began to gasp again as he paniced slightly. Amy squeezed his hand and hushed him, lifting the mask abck over Leon's face. He took a few deep, desperate breaths before laying back, breathing some-what normally again. The doctor stood by the door, slightly taken aback by the boy's reaction to his coming.
"I-I'm sorry, Amy..."
He apologized, fiddling with the file he held in his hands as he looked at the boy. His eyes were slits, but they never left the doctor.
"That's alright, Roger. Come on in."
Amy told him, still comforting Leon. Roger cleared his throat and walked in.
"I have Mr. Denin's file. He's beginning to recover now. Turns out the knife he was stabbed with was soaked in some toxic substance, so he's been badly poisoned. It was a close call, but..."
He looked down at the child and smiled as he said:
"He's going to be fine."
Leon's eyes closed and his head tilted in towards Amy, as if that's all he needed to hear before he could relax. Roger couldn't help but laugh quietly to himself. Amy smiled and moved the hair from his face.
"As for this little guy, we've looked everywhere and we can't find any record of him ever being born... According to every record we've checked, no Leon Renald has ever exsisted in the town of Brimfield. Nor in the state of Massachusetts..."
Roger said, looking down at the now sleeping child.
"Poor thing..."
Amy nodded.
"As soon as Luke is well, I believe he's going to be taking Leon home with him. Is everything settled?"
Amy asked.
"Yeah. That's all been covered."
He said, beginning to head for the door.
"Oh, and Mr. Denin should be ready to return to this room by tomorrow. He refuses to wait any longer than that..."
He said and then left. Amy continued to look down at Leon, still holding his little hand. She knew there was no chance of him getting better any time soon if he didn't see Luke. Well... They would just have to wait. Though Amy would have to leave soon to go home... She figured after seeing Roger Leon would be alright with him for a short while. About 45 minutes later, she decided she would call Roger back in. The tall young man came walking back in, seeing Leon beginning to wake slowly.
"Hey, Amy."
He said.
"What can I do for you?
"Rog, I'm exhausted... I need to go home. I was hoping you might stay with him tonight."
She said. Her eyes had dark circles uner them from lack of rest. Roger nodded as she stood.
"Of course I will. Are you alright to drive?"
He asked, concerned about her weariness.
"I'll be just fine to drive I think. Just need a little shut eye."
She placed her hand on Leon's cheek. He looked up at her, his expressionless face unchanging.
"Leon, Roger is going to take care of you until Luke is better. Is that okay?"
She asked him. Leon's head moved up and down in a slight nod.
"Okay. Roger is a very nice man, so you don't ever have to be afraid of him. I'll see you again tomorrow, sweetheart."
She said to him as he began to wake a little bit more. An odd blowing noise and murmers came from the mask as Leon tried to speak. Amy removed it and Leon took the small gasp that he always did when the mask was taken away. He looked at Roger, his brow furrowed.
"You won't leave me...?"
He asked softly. Roger's heart broke for the child. It was so sad... He smiled and leaned forward, grasping the small hand.
"Not for a moment."
He said, reassuringly. Amy placed a hand on his shoulder and after a short good-bye, she left the room to go home. oger sat in the chair that Amy had previously been occupying and sighed lightly, looking around. His eyes landed on the untouched tray of food.
"Are you hungry, Leon?"
Leon seemed to be searching Roger's face, but after a short hesitation, he seemed to be happy with what he found. He allowed a small, momentary smile to appear on his lips.
"Yes, sir."
He said. Roger swung the table over Leon's lap and lifted his bed a little bit. There was a bowl of chicken noodle soup on the tray as well as another glass of apple juice. Leon looked at the food and then up at the nice man.
"Thank you..."
He said quietly. He looked back down at the bowl, wondering how to eat the food. Finally, after realizing that Leon didn't know how to do it, Roger picked the spoon up and showed it to Leon.
"It's soup. You need a spoon to eat it. You scoop it like this,"
He dipped the spoon in the soup.
"And then you eat it."
He said, sticking the spoon in his mouth. He held it ou for Leon.
He asked with a smile. Leon looked at him and nodded.
"Yes, sir. Thank you."
He reached his hand out, but his fingers only opened slightly. Just enough to grasp the spoon. Pain flashed for a moment across Leon's face. Roger curiously took Leon's wrist gently and pulled it towards him, taking the spoon from his hand. Leon watched. Roger examined the relaxed fingers. They were swollen. He took them and extended them, just enough to see how bruised they were on the inside.
"Leon... What happened to you fingers?"
He asked, still holding the hand as he looked thoughtfully at Leon. Leon shifted slightly and looked down.
"They got stuck..."
He said. Roger's head tilted, perplexed.
"Stuck? Stuck where?"
Leon took the hand away from Roger's and put it up against his neck, as if he were holding the rope once again. His palm faced inward, showing how he had been puling at the rope to loosen the grip before he had lost consious, dangling with his fingers stuck there. He let his hand fall back down into his lap and looked at it next to his other one, fidgeting slightly. Roger watched him and understood. His stomach turned. He reached his hand out and placed it on Leon's head. Leon looked up at him, tears welling in his grey eyes.
"It's okay, kid. You're alright now."
He said reassuringly. Leon nodded a bit, holding back his tears.
"Here," Roger said, placing the spoon back in Leon's hand.
"Eat. You're probably starving."
He said kindly. Leon smiled again at him, grateful that he hadn't asked any more about his injuries.
'Yes, sir. Thank you, R-Roger."
He said, stuttering with uncertainty. Roger beamed.
"Of course."
He said, ready to help Leon whenever he needed it. Leon dunked the spoon into the soup and pulled it out, shakily bringing it to his mouth. He chewed for a short while and then swallowed it, waiting for something bad to happen. When nothing did, he began eating more. Soon though, Roger noticed he was beginning to get weary again. His hand began to get more and more shakey until most of the broth dripped onto the sheet and tray before it ever got to Leon's mouth. His breath was also becoming more labored again. Roger's brow furrowed.
"You should rest a little."
He said, reaching out and taking the spoon easily from Leon's hand. Leon seemed to struggle for a moment and upon realizing that his spoon was gone he let out a sad whimper, his hand falling gently onto his still quite empty stomach.
"Please... No... Please let me have some more... Just a little bit..."
He pleaded desperately. He'd had a taste... And the pangs of hunger he'd had came back as his body was angered. They became almost unbearable. Roger looked at him, perplexed, and then down at the spoon in his hand and broke from his trance.
"Oh... No, I wasn't going to take it from you I'm going to help you."
He said, trying to comfort the boy, who seemed to be in a panic. But Leon didn't understand. As Roger watched him, his face seemed to crumble. His bottom lip quivered and his grey, empty eyes filled with tears. A moment later, he began to sob. Roger tried to hush him, he tried to calm the poor child, but he was inconsolable. He was hysterical, clutching his stomach where his ribs were undoubtedly causing him immense pain and he began to cough inbetween sobs, blood trickling ever so slightly out to edge of his mouth. He went to take a breath in, but by this time all he could manage was a short gasp before coughing again. This caused him to panic even more, tears streaming down his cheeks. Roger stood. He knew now that this was completely out of his hands. He called for assistance. Three nurses came rushing in and tried to help, but his coughs were very violent. They couldn't do much. They would have to use drastic measures if he didn't calm soon.
A nurse walked into Luke's room. Luke looked up at her from the bed, his gaze weak. His face was pale and his eyes were sunken in and glazed. Just by looking at him, one could see the battle his body was having against the poisen. The nurse frowned.
"I'm terribly sorry to do this to you, Mr. Denin, but you're needed in Leon's room. He's having some sort of... fit..."
She explained, obviously flustered. She had just come from the room. Luke's eyes widened in worry and he began trying to get himself up.
"What happened?! Is he alri-"
But the nurse made him lay back down.
"I'm not sure. But you neededn't get so excited about it. You'll open your stitches. Slowly now..."
She said, helping him into a wheelchair.
"Alright. Now we can go."
She said and began to wheel him out of the room and down the hallway rather quickly. A few moments later they reached Leon's room. The door was closed, but Luke could hear the commotion inside. He pushed his glasses up anxiously. The nurse opened the door and they went in. When Luke saw Leon, he was terrified by the sight. Leon was in a sitting position, coughing and shaking violently. Tears streamed down his face from upturning eyes and his parted lips were beginning to turn a dull blue color from lack of air. Luke was pushed to the side of Leon's bed and, although he was still very weak, Luke rose and went to Leon.
"Leon... Leon..."
He called over and over again, cupping the child's cheeks in his hands and slapped him lightly. There was a very serious, frightened look on his face as he desperately tried to bring Leon back to his senses. A minute or so had gone by and Leon still had not calmed down. Luke's knees were beginning to shake with weakness. He couldn't take this horror any longer. He took Leon's shoulders and shook him hard.
"Leon! Leon, open your eyes!"
He yelled, tears beginning to make their way down his own cheeks. Then, Leon did open his eyes, still coughing and sobbing uncontrolably. But at the sight of Luke, a calm seemed to flood over him almost immediatly, though he was just barely consious at this point. Luke's face softened and he pulled Leon into a hug, placing one hand on the back of Leon's head, trembling. He rocked gently back and forth, his chin resting on the top of Leon's head.
He soothed as he rcked, letting his own tears fall. Leon was still weeping, causing him to gasp for breath.
"Breathe... Just breathe, Leon... It's alright. I'm here now, Pal..."
He said quietly. Slowly but surely, Leon's sobs wuieted down. Luke didn't let the child go, even though he knew he would soon collapse. As soon as Leon stopped shaking and moving so much, a nurse came quietly up behind him and injected him with a sedative. He barely even flinched.
"Listen to me, Leon..."
Luke began softly, running his fingers through Leon's dark red hair.
"I know you're scared, but you don't have to worry. I'm not leaving. And in a moment, you're going to feel tired. I want yout to go to sleep. And when you wake up, I'm going to be right here beside you. I promise."
Leon sniffled and nodded agaisnt his chest.
"My... Throat..."
He said, coughing.
"I know... I know it hurts. It'll feel better when you wake up."
Luke explained. Leon let out a long sigh as his body began to relax in Luke's arms.
Leon said, his eyes closing slowly.
"Okay. Sleep, kiddo. You're alright now..."
Luke said. With those words, the medicine kicked in full force and leon fell into a deep sleep. After a few moments, Luke let Leon down gently onto the bed and pulled the covers up. The medical staff looked on, awestruck, until Luke looked at them, a look beyond exhaustion in his pale face. He grasped the edge of the bed, suddenly beginnind to shake all over. Two of the male doctors then rushed over and took his arms over their shoulders as his legs gave way. They began to take him back to the wheelchair.
He said, his voice weak.
"Take me to the cot."
He was finished.
"Sir, I really recomend-"
Luke cut the doctor off. There was no more discussion on the matter. The doctors turned him around and brought him around Leon's bed to the cot and sat him down on it. One of the doctors left. The other squatted by Luke. The shock seemed to be hitting both Leon and Luke at the same time. Luke was badly shaking... Amd he was breathing quite heavily. For a moment, he seemed completely disoriented, looking around and running his fingers through his hair nervously.
"You alright?"
The doctor asked him Luke looked at him, realizing that his throat was closing up.
"My inhaler..."
He said, looking over to the table where he'd left it. The doctor quickly retrieved the inhaler, giving it to Luke. He shook it and sucked in the medicince. He sighed and looked up at the doctor, offering a smile.
"I'll be okay."
He said. The doctor gave a nod and after a short good-bye, left. Now, left in the room, there were only two nurses looking Leon over From the corner of the room came a doctor whom Luke hadn't even noticed until just now. He came forward, holding a spoon in his hands.
"I... I'm Roger..."
He said. Luke looked up at him and smiled.
"Well, Roger. I'm Luke."
Luke replied. He could tell by the jittery way that Roger fidled with the spoon that he had had to do with Leon's fit.
"What happened?"
Roger let out a short groan and dropped into a chair.
"I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to make him so upset. I was just going to help him, but he thought I was taking his food away. And-"
"Whoa... Relax."
Luke said, chuckling softly.
"I understand. He's very unstable right now. It's really not your fault."
He said, shaking his head. Roger still looked distressed, but at least he didn't feel so guitly anymore.
"But, hey..."
Luke began.
"How long will he be out for?"
He asked. Roger looked at Leon.
"At least 6 hours."
He said. Luke sighed.
"That's good... I really need to sleep. Would you mind... Staying here for a while? So I can rest?"
He asked, hoping the doctor wouldn't mind.
"Of course I don't mind."
Roger said, glad he could help somehow.
"Thank you... Wake me if he starts to wake up. And please... Please don't leave him alone in here..."
Luke begged.
"I won't go anywhere.
Roger promised.
"You really do need to rest now. You look aweful... No offence."
Luke laughed softly. He placed his hand over his abdomen where his wounds were and groaned as he lay back. He let out a long sigh once he got himself settled. He looked up at Roger.
"Thanks again."
He said. Roger had expected anger from this man... Not thanks. But rather than cause any more grief, he just smiled and nodded. Luke turned his head then and went almost immediately to sleep.

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