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my random ness
My story<3<3<3
“What is that?” said Kimberly staring at the green glob on my plate. That glob was what I got from the lunch line just a few minutes before.
“You know I really have no clue myself.” I said with a smile creeping across my face. Lunch time is the best time ever because it’s the only time that Kimberly, the overly happy goof ball, Ashley, the athletic who has more than three different things to do every night after school, Lindsey, the quite, caring, and shy one, and me, the brave who will jump into anything head first with out even a thought, can ever get together and just chill. We’ve been together since elementary school, sure I’m not saying that were the perfect example of friends because believe me we had our fights.
“Julie!” oh ya that’s me most people call me that but really my name is Juliana “Julie, Julie look!” Lindsey said in a shouty whisper pointing her finger somewhere behind me. “Look its Seig!” I turned my head around to se the guy I had a crush on since third grade. His real name was Seigfreed but he preferred Seig for short. He was about a head taller than I was; he had long black hair that went to his ears, dark brown eyes that you’d loose yourself in. He was quite, smart, and athletic all the rest of the guys in my class were his friends, most of the girls were too.
“Jeez I just don’t see why you like him, I mean he’s such a geek!” Ashley said for the umpteenth time. He gets strait A’s so he was dubbed the name geek even though he doesn’t act like one. If the other guys put some effort in their work I bet they could get A’s too.
“Ya I know,” I said in response defending my opinion turning around to face them in the discussion we were just about to have “ but-”
“There goes Megan.” Interrupted Kimberly.
“What? Not again.” I said exhausted. Megan, my archrival, she’s been making my life miserable since second grade. I swung around to find a short slender figure with brown hair green eyes and a pointy nose sitting right next to Seig. She liked him since third grade too only after I started to like him. She copies me in every thing I do it’s really annoying. Megan gave me a smirk, which looked like my cousins’ smile after they won a bet against me; she bit into a carrot and started chewing. She looks like a parrot. I thought; So that I wouldn’t start laughing, I diverted my attention to poor Seig. I knew that he would never complain but deep down he must be trying to find some way to get out of that seat. His eyes met mine. I flipped my head back around hoping that he missed seeing how bright red my face went just then.
The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Sighs come out of Kimberly and Ashley as Lindsey muttered under her breath “Shoot. Umm see you guys tonight?” she said with hope in her eyes.
“No can’t I’ve got soccer, dance, and swimming.” Kimberly said putting up three fingers to show us all. As Lindsey looked down in disappointment I took a moment to stare at my friend in disbelief. How can she keep all those things strait I can barely keep up with my classes, and she still has time for all her homework. I eyed my watch and realized that my next class started in ten seconds.
“Ok well see you tomorrow.” I said rushing to my next class. Two painstakingly long hours later and the last bell finally rang saying that we could all go home and forget about all the homework the teachers had dumped on us. On the tedious walk home I gazed up to the sky and saw a single dark storm cloud in the shape of a rose with thorns, reminded of a story I heard when I was little, I kept walking it was of a man who was forced to wear a crown of thorns and carry a cross to his death. My teachers said that the cross was like the burden of all the people in the world that weighed heavily down on him kind of like that guy in Greek mythology where he had the world on his shoulders I didn’t understand them back then and I still don’t quite get it now. I bet they didn’t half to diagram sentences they were too busy with the future of the world. I thought bitterly.
Lost in the rest of my thoughts I found myself at the dark brown front door of my yellow house. I’m so sick of that yellow, who paints a house yellow in the first place? You’d think that id be used to it after 13 years. Upon opening the door I found a more than slightly agitated mother awaiting her kid’s return home. Her usually smooth dark brown hair was frizzed by long hours spent running her slender fingers through it, her brown eyes were red and puffy from crying. She was lying on the couch with a thick blanket over her witch was weird since it was a bright and sunny day except for that one cloud. I dropped my bag and went to the kitchen grabbed the gram crackers and a bucket of chocolate fudge frosting, our sympathy food to put it bluntly. Sitting down next to my mom I scooped out a big chunk of frosting and shoved it in my mouth I pushed the chocolaty bucket toward her.
“What did dad do this time?” I asked knowing I wouldn’t get to that Math paper in my school bag.
“He’s not releasing the money.” She said with between sniffles. My parents were getting a divorce and truthfully I’m ok with it its not like I had some delusion that everything lasts forever and its not like I didn’t know my parents had problems, or more problems than most people. The money that my dads not releasing is the money that they got from selling our house, the divorce isn’t final yet so they both have to sign off to release anything. Mom needs the money to buy a house for my sister our pets and me. We found a place we all like and have a closing date but its before the divorce is finalized so its really all up to my dad if his children have a house to live in. We were allowed to stay in our old house until the end of June. At least I wont half to look at that yellow anymore. I thought remembering that the new house was blue. Just then the big ball of fluff that is my puppy jumped onto the couch and lay on my lap pinning me down. She really has gotten heavy lately; I should walk her more. The front door flew open scaring the puppy of my lap and across the room.
“My music teacher is so annoying!” my redheaded sister screamed bursting through the open door. Taking my chance I passed the bucket of chocolaty goodness to her, as she sat down I slipped away up to my room.
In my room I stared at myself in the mirror. My wavy dirty blond hair flowed down to my elbows, my hazel nut eyes stared blankly back at me. My strong shoulders were limp with fatigue from the walk home. I didn’t look like any model. I wasn’t made out of porcelain. I was just a normal girl. Well normal if you worked on a farm. A loud buzzing noise came from my desk, five more minutes I thought instinctively awaking me from my daze. It took me a while but I finally realized it was my cell phone ringing. When I finally found it was on its last ring so I picked up with out looking at the caller ID.
“Hi umm is this Julie?” said a male voice over the phone
“Ya who’s this?”
“ Its Seig.” No way! This hast to be Kimberly pulling that same old joke. But wow has she gotten good at impressions. I looked at the caller id expecting to see Kimberly’s phone number instead I saw Seigfreed’s cell on the display.
“Ok, ya, umm, hi” I managed to stammer out “what’s up?”
“Kimberly said you wanted to talk, she also gave me this number. Is that ok?”
“Ya totally its fine” Kimberly was so goanna have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow so I won’t I destroy her to smithereens. I did want to talk to him but not now not like this. And now that we are talking I had no clue what to say.
“Ok good I didn’t want her to get in trouble but anyway I’ve got to go let me give you my e-mail so you can tell me what you wanted that way.” We exchanged e-mails and hung up. Later that afternoon after my favorite TV shows were over and playing a couple different games I got on the computer to check my e-mails not expecting much. There were 5 new ones. I checked the first one it was from Kimberly she wrote:
Hi Hi ^_^ guess what? Your goanna get a call from someone special tonight, but he might have already called… but anyway its all because of me so don’t forget to praise me tomorrow for my wonderful work!!!
It’s all your fault!!!
The next was from Ashley I was amazed. She has time for e-mails too?!? It read:
Ok maybe not as amazing as I thought. Continuing on my hunt for a normal e-mail I checked the next one it was from my dad. I wasn’t going to reply but I should read it anyway.
Dear Julie,
Hi Julie I just wanted to know how you are.
Like you care I thought bitterly but I continued anyway:
I love you.
If you loved me you’d care if I had a house to live in!
I deleted it without replying because it was a complete lie. He was so frustrating. I looked to my next e-mail hoping that it was something that would bring my mood up from what it was. The fourth one was from Lindsey.
Hay what’s up? Too bad we couldn’t get together this evening. Can you believe it only three more weeks of school? I can’t wait till next year it’s going to be so fun! Well just thought I’d say hi.
Well that sure brought up my mood. Next year I’m not going to the same school because I’m moving and I haven’t told my friends yet because I don’t want my remanding rest of the school year to be full of tears and sad sob old stories from the past. And I don’t want them to be trying to persuade me differently because I had no say in it at all. Putting all my sad thoughts behind me I moved on to the last e-mail. I was completely and utterly shocked it was from Seig!
Hay. Sorry if I bugged you earlier. You sounded a bit stressed I’m sorry if it was me but if you want to talk about it I’ll listen.
I was dumbfounded. How could he, the person who is the densest person I know and is usually oblivious to all notice anything in someone’s voice. I wrote back:
What do you mean stressed its nothing I just had my cat on my chest. Lie but it might work so he’ll get off my back. Really I’m fine don’t worry about me. Not a lie really I’m fine.
I hit send not expecting a reply until tomorrow, so I started on my homework
Bing! I stared in astonishment at my computer I had new mail instantly, and it was from Seig no less! I opened it right away.
Ha ha that’s a good, one your cat. Don’t lie to me I’ve known you since third grade I should know if something is wrong! I had no clue he knew my name let alone that I was in the same class as him. Well anyway its up to you if you want to tell me or not just please don’t lie to me. I will always be here with an open ear if you need one.
I don’t know what got into me maybe it was his way of not judging or I just couldn’t keep it in any more not to myself I had to tell someone and he was there. I ended up telling him everything about my dad's evilness, me moving, the new school, my worries; everything and he listened to me. He listened to all of it without complaining or judging. After that night it became part of my regular routine to get on the computer and talk to Seig every night and he kept up his listing skills every night he even gave me advice, good advice not something that my mom or sister would say.
Two weeks later I found my self at the lunch table again this time with a buleish brownish glob on my plate. We were having a normal conversation for once.
“Hay, guys?” I said hesitantly meaning to tell them about me switching schools. Suddenly the table went silent and all eyes were on me.
“ Do I have something on my face?” I said wimping out.
“Uh no.” responded Ashley looking at me in astonishment. I bet she’s amazed at how dumb I am. How am I going to tell them there’s only one week of school left!
“Yo Seig!” Ashley’s coach like voice brought my mind zooming back to the lunch table.
“Come sit down.” she said pointing to the empty chair at our table, which was right across from me. He did as he was told he sat down. Just my luck.
“Do you have a fever?” he asked while uncapping his water bottle.
“No I don’t believe so.” I said.
“Oh, well you better put something on that sunburn, it looks really bad.” Its not a sun burn you dolt I’m just blushing! Are you really that dense?
“Ya I’ll remember to do that.” dork I added as an after thought.
“Oh my gosh I am so excited for next year!! Can you believe it, were going to be 8th graders!” Lindsey said so excitedly that I looked down remembering how I was going to change schools. Lindsey continued to ramble on. “ I think I’ll be a great roll model but I don’t think that Kimberly would”
“Hay!” Kimberly said sounding offended.
“You know I’m right.” Lindsey shot back to our now giggling friend. “Ashley will be wonderful for all the jocks to look up to.” Ashley put daggers in Lindsey’s side with that cold of a stare. Lindsey just rubbed them off and continued. “ And Julie everybody already wants to be her so she’ll have no worry about the little ones getting the wrong ideas by watching her.”
“is it getting cold in here?” I said noticing Seig’s evil glare. I knew he was thinking “you still haven’t told them yet?” I shot him an apologetic look hoping he would understand: he didn’t.
“So, Julie, what classes are you taking next year?” He asked backing me up into a corner I couldn’t get out of unless I told the truth. How could anyone especially him be so mean?
“Well, Seig, I really haven’t a clue.” I said giving him a glare.
“How could you not?” blurted Kimberly.
“Well,” I said turning to her. I looked at each of my friends in the face, Lindsey, Ashley, and then finally having my gaze fall on Kimberly knowing that she would be hurt but it wouldn’t show like on the other’s faces. “I am not really coming back next year.” It was the hardest thing I had to say in my life. I could see the hurt in all their faces.
“Why are you dieing?” Kimberly yelled. That’s probably the only reason that she would think why I’m leaving.
“No” I said softly not wanting to hurt her anymore. This was the reaction I was expecting, an overreaction. I had pictured this seen over and over in my head but it still hurt it still was hard and I felt like crying.
“What do you mean, you cant mean your leaving us, can you?” It was Lindsey her voice was barely above a whisper I could tell she was holding back tears as well.
“ Look its not like I’m moving to Japan. I’ll still be here I still have my computer and I still have my cell its not that bad.” they were looking at me in horror. I could see when Lindsey fell out of the tree in the park and we stayed right next to her until she felt better. The time Ashley broke her leg during a soccer tournament and she couldn’t continue it cost them the game. We were there too. And when Kimberly’s brother died we were there all of us and we stuck together through the good and the bad we were always together. More and more memories came flooding my head, overwhelming me and if it lasted any longer I knew I would start crying. I finally got up enough courage to bring my head up and look to my friends; they either had watery eyes or were crying. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I kept repeating in my head not having the courage to actually speak.
“Why don’t you guys go to the movies tonight?” Seig quietly said breaking the tear wrenching silence. I looked at him and smiled. I was so grateful for him sitting there now.
“There is a movie I want to see.” Lindsey said.
“I guess I could skip swimming, but just this once.” Ashley said. I was so happy I had at least two sensible friends. I looked at Kimberly hoping she wouldn’t hold a grudge.
“I am in the mood for popcorn.” Kimberly admitted. That afternoon we got together and watched Narnia: Prince Caspian it was wonderful and even better because I was there with all my friends. That week of school finished with much Joy and Tears. My parents had a Judge decide about the money for the house, she ruled in favor of my mom and my dad threatened to appeal but my mom stopped him before he could. So we got the house and moved in. of coerce I made sure that each of my friends approved it too. After a short summer and seeing my friends every day I found it as the first day of my new school. On the way there I saw a white rose with no thorns. I finally remembered the ending of that story. The man rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with his father forever.
In the doors I couldn’t believe my eyes, standing there was a short slender figure with brown hair, green eyes, and an unmistakable parrot like nose or to simplify Megan. She was surrounded by a group of girls talking and laughing. She saw me and stood dead still. This is going to be a long year. I thought. I put on my nicest fake smile and waved. She waved back and continued talking. I was glad she had friends, was fitting right in and not copping me. The next moment I found myself being hugged from behind,
“So you’re the new girl!” the hugger said with such enthusiasm, “ Hi I’m Chrissie. Its nice to meet you.” I turned around to look at her. I found the exact replica of Kimberly’s dorky smile and overly happy attitude.
“This is Annie and Jessie” I turn to find Annie with muscles galore and a soccer ball in one of her hands which reminded me of someone with way to many activities, and a girl who kept her eyes on the floor with read cheeks I guessed she was Jessie. I somehow magically fit right in to their group and learned a lot about my new friends. They were great but they would never replace the old ones in my heart.
I couldn’t wait to get on the phone and tell Kimberly, Ashley, Lindsey, and I couldn’t forget about Seig all about my new school, friends, and how much I missed them. I realized that this was like my new life a lot like rising from the dead huh? But I wasn’t going to stay with my father it was my friends I was going to be with forever that I knew for sure. I wonder what does the rest of the year hold for me?

User ImageArt by Ni-Ni-kun

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jun 06, 2008 @ 04:53pm
ok you guys got to tell me what you think!!! xp

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