Hokay, so.
If you haven't seen "The End of the World," you have to. It's on albinoblacksheep.com under "Flash movies."
On a completely different note, I'm leaving tomorrow for le Trip de Finale Pre-College. I won't be on for, like, a week starting TOMORROW (That's Sunday, for all you people that don't check your calendars). Miss me? Nah.
On a third, also totally different, note, yesterday...was interesting. I met up with some friends at an outdoor mall, where it turns out 2 former classmates of mine (one from elementary school through h.s., the other until 8th grade) work. We missed Kyle, but we DID find Edgar, who looks exactly the same, except probably taller. And a bit thinner, I think. He saw us, and immediately ducked back into the storage area (since he works in a shoe store). We were confused. After 5 minutes, he peeked out of the door, saw us, and went back into the storage room. We got pissed. I mean, he TOTALLY made eye contact with us, and then avoided us. Dirtbag.
So now Risa's getting his best friend to eat him alive for avoiding us. Too bad I won't be here to see it (only half sarcastic, that).
Ersind · Sat Aug 13, 2005 @ 07:55pm · 2 Comments |