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You wanna know about battles?

Community Member
I'm tripping,
Head spinning.
I'm slipping,
Heart pounding.
Mouth dripping,
With words I can't seem to form
Into comprehendable sentences.
Ears listen,
But can't make out.
Eyes glisten,
But only see through.
Your invisible,
And somehow you know it.
Words divide,
Body's shaking.
I hide,
Palms sweating.
I run,
Away from all this.
No sun,
Lost in a world of darkness.
For his love.
The definition.
The true meaning,
hidden by overuse.
Look for an excuse,
For why he hasn't
written or called.
Confusion seeps in,
I don't understand.
My world starts to spin.
Why would he lie?
My reason to cry,
discarded with a sigh,
Of pain,
I have nothing left to gain,
Wish he would explain,
Why he insist on breaking the broken,
Too many words left unspoken.
Should I just give up?
Blood pours into the cup.
Trying to read your script closeup,
But finding nothing but a blank page.
Taking out all this rage on my empty stage.
Empty seats means empty audience.
Was it all for nothing?

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