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Role play bios
The two bios i am currently using in rp events
Username: 13_inferno
Name: Chagrin
Gender: Originally was not humanoid nor did it have a defined gender now takes the form of a human male.
Age: no defineable age but looks 36
Weight: 154lb
Skin Tone: White but very tanned/burned
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: brown but looks like s**t cause it never gets washed properly
Race: Fallen God (Yeah I know what your thinking)

Appearance: Chagrin is a fairly ugly man, with an ugly hairstyle and ugly clothing and an ugly smell, he even sounds ugly. Everything about Chagrin makes you feel unattracted to him even the flies stay away. He has scars all over his body even placed you wouldn’t want to look on such an ugly looking man, scars that form after a deep cut has been made. Chagrins nose also has the look of being broken multiple times. His skin looks like old dried leather and his teeth are yellow. Not only this but Chagrin also has the aura of a 60 year old virgin regardless of what age he looks. Chagrin has blue eyes but they are an ugly grayish tone, and he has short but very scruffy hair. His fingers are grimy and his nail are ripped and torn and bitten and split. He carries with him a satchel that holds all his belongings, it smells like urine and rotten eggs.

History: Chagrin was one of six omnipotent gods of a foreign realm. He was the God of Air, ruling along with the Gods of Fire, Water, Earth, Light, and Darkness. Together the six Gods were ruled under the Gods of Space, and Time. Space and Time were the parents to Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, and Darkness but never interfered unless matters were dire to the realms survival. The six elemental Gods all with unlimited power were all equal to one another but always lower than the parent gods. The six Gods ruled for an uncountable number of years over the realm like a teacher watching over his/her pupils. Occasionally the gods would squable fighting over how to rule certain areas of the realm, this is how natural disasters occcured but was always concluded quickly and without much damage to the mortals of the realm. Chagrin was cocky and thought himself far above taking care of humans and he preffered to toy with them. Two gods in particular kept preventing this from going too far Water, and Light. Chagrin sick of losing fights over his particular area that he was given divine powers to rule over, plotted. He worked long and hard decieving and tricking Dakness, and Fire individually to take his side regard less of his position. Using this advantage he struck back against what Water and Light were trying to protect Windstorm across the entire plain of existance rose slaughting many creatures. Water, and Light Attacked Chagrin to end the bloodshed where Fire, and Darkness stalemated them, Earth then entered the fight. Six gods of unimaginable power fighting, all of the fighting ripped the realm to nothingness. Displeased the parent gods showed up and in their power they sentanced every god to what they deserved according to their part in the conflict. They had there powers revoked and sent to live in other realms in a mortal like body in a life good or bad depending on their part in the conflict, and live untell the end of that realms existance where they will be brought back and judged on whether they were truly ready to die.

Peasant clothing (ratty clothing made of poor quality materials. very itchy and chafes horribly. unfortunatley it also doesnt include underwear and doesnt look like it has been washed in 40 years.)
Recorder (a cheap plastic recorder with a crack in the blowpiece that looks very unsanitory)
Satchel (a dirty brown satchel that looks like its gone through two world wars, a few pockets even have holes in them)
Boots (Brown leather boots that upon closer inspection are mismatched, probably found in a lost and found somewhere)
Spork and Knife (a relatively dull steak knife and a spoon that has had bits of it cut out so that it also acts as a fork, both are unpolished and starting to show signs of rust)
Pieces of wire (Wires of various lengths and origins)
Cans of beans[x2] (two cans of beans slightly outdated)
Mallet head (a brass mallet head with many dents, disfigured and heavy)
Lighter (a crappy seven eleven lighter probably found on the ground with little actual fuel still inside)

Walk: can walk long distances without passing out.
Music: can play wind instuments but whatever is being played always makes all who hear it feel melancholy like something great of theirs was lost.
Talk Like Your Worth Something: can talk like a noble and act better than everyone.
Scavenge: can find useless stuff anywhere!
Amazing Luck: despite constant hell being thrown your way you manage to survive.

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