"You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!" -- Twilight Zone, Season 1 alternate opening
Hearing the front door slam, Nogard looked up as her daughters hurried in. "Shalimar. Wynn. What troubles thee?"
"Aunt Dragon's back!" Shalimar said, holding her bleeding left arm. "Mum, she's ripping Aunt Xangord to pieces and...and..."
"She's killed Xink and Wolf!" Wynn finished--although, with her shattered jaw, it sounded more like
Hee's hilled Hink an' Hulth'!"Nerissa, see to the girls" Nogard said with a grim look on her face. "Keep them and everyone else in side."
"What are you going to do?" Ikkit asked, peering around one of the tables in the living room.
"Maybe this time she'll finally seal Dragon away," Tikki replied, applying some finishing touches on one of her newest lab creations. Handing it over to Nogard, Tikki said, "Nogard-sempai, this is a Dimensional Lathe. It should seal Dragon-san away for good in her own dimension."
"No, Tikki-kohai," Nogard said, equipping the Louies and the Dinos. "I cannot knowingly send her back to a realm where she may kill innocents. Today, Dragon or I will die."
"I would prefer if Dragon-san be the one who dies!" Bankosu said.
"Orly!" Kaida agreed.
Getting up, Nogard approached the door to her home. The picture window to her right exploded inward as n** was thrown through. When Nogard's dragoon hit the floor, she bounced a few times before rolling to a stop. Coughing up blood, n** balanced herself on an elbow and muttered, "Shoulda let 'im turn me. I'd be stronger if I did."
"Nay, n**," Nogard replied. "Thou is just as strong as thou needs to be. Do not covet power for it will eventually destroy thee."
NOOOOOOOOOGAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRD," someone taunted from outside. "My darling little sister, why don't you come out to play. Mother and sire and grandsire and grandmother are here to play with us! Tis a pity that our eldest sister was not strong enough to play with me, nor was her son."
"Thy's taunts will not provoke me, sister!" Nogard shouted back while focusing on those in her immediate care. Gesturing for the ABC to take the injured down below, Nogard stood up. "Somewhere, in the worlds, thee is an honest and good dragon!"
"Don't make me laugh, little sister!" Dragon growled as Nogard exited the house and looked at her from the porch. Scattered at Dragon's feet were bits and pieces of a purple dragon--Xangord no doubt.
Elsewhere, scattered throughout the yard was other--whole--bodies. Two were the dead bodies of Xink and Wolf, their heads laying three feet away from their bodies. Another four were unconscious Rhonabwy and Alachia and Avondale and Lizbeth--from the way the four were positioned, it was apparent that the males had been trying to protect the females from one of Dragon's more devastating attacks.
"Nogard!" Dragon hissed. "Do not ignore me!"
"When thee behaves, elder sister, I shall pay thee the respect thy desires," Nogard replied.
"Enough of that thee and thou and thy crap!" Dragon snarled, dragging someone out from behind her.
"N-Nogard!" Creighton coughed as Dragon tightened her strangle-hold on him.
"My love!" Nogard exclaimed, raising a hand and taking a step forward.
"Nuh-huh!" Dragon said, placing a razor sharp nail against Creighton's throat. "One quick movement and your human lover will douse that flame on your head with his...'love'."
"Release him," Nogard said. "Thee's killed Xink, thy only nephew. Thou hast seriously hurt thine family. Leave him, a human, alone."
"No," Dragon said, a sadistic smile appearing on her face. "Dragons should not mate with anything but their own kind else aberrations are formed! Had they not been so quick to run to hide behind a shield created by your pet house, your two daughters would have joined the halfbreed and the mutt!"
"I cannot allow thee to continue on thine rampage, sister," Nogard said quietly. "Far too much innocent blood from respective dimensions have been needlessly spilt because of it."
"And what are you, the weakest of the Dynasty Triplets, going to do about it?" Dragon asked.
"What is required," Nogard replied, moving forward with such speed that she became invisible for a moment.
A smile flickering onto her face, Dragon quickly slit Creighton's throat with one hand and grabbed Nogard by the throat with the other. Spinning and twisting, Dragon slammed Nogard to the ground on her back. Straddling Nogard to pin her arms down, Dragon sat on Nogard's stomach.
Running her nails down the sides of Nogard's face, Dragon said, "One of us is going to die today after years of battle. Today is the day you die."
"To die will be an awfully big adventure," Nogard replied--briefly wondering where she had heard that quote before--before stabbing Dragon through the back with a dagger she had indiscreetly kept tied to the tip of her tail.
Poking listlessly at the knife point sticking out of her chest, Dragon said to Nogard, "b***h. That was far too sly for your likes."
"Forgive me, sister," Nogard said, pushing Dragon's dying body off of her. "I would rather none of this have ever happened."
"Better me than you, little sister," Dragon said--perhaps channeling a kinder Dragon from another, alternate, reality?--as her breath slowed down. "You'd be an incompetent evil dragon."
Sitting at Dragon's head, Nogard placed her forehead against her sister's own and whispered a prayer to the other dragon gods to forgive Dragon of her sins.
Some time later, after the dead had been seen to, Nogard closed herself in her room with orders to all in the house--even Nerissa--to leave her alone. If Chazu, Rose, Zee, Ryory, or Skully--or any others who she had befriended with her stay on Gaia--were to come calling, Nogard had instructed Nerissa to ask them to return in a week.
Community Member
I wonder if that's the universe where I'm a cute girl?
ZuchaX III: Or the Universe where I didn't falter....
Eria: Or where I get a pony!
.... *sigh* No. No pony.