Athalid was in the commanding center listening to the plan of his leader, Reord, a tall man with many wounds on his body, he was the one who found him
Athalid: well, then, the plan is to attack the supply sistem, distract the guards while someone puts a bomb and escape from there fastly... well, there is a problem: a full armored division cannot be defeated with guns.
Reord: that's why we need you, you have got good handling with heavy guns and vehicles, so you will take a VTOL and fire to their position with all what the ship got
Soldier 1: i like the idea
Soldier 2: i do not agree with the plan
Athalid: why not? because we are gonna fight something like 5 tanks? BLEH!
Said Athalid very sure of what he was about to do.
Some hours later, the soldiers were prepared for all, it was the beggining of the war that was seen by Athalid many years ago.
Athalid got in the VTOL's controls and began the countdown to take off
Athalid: lets do this!
He turned on the motors and the ship began to fly upwards, then, he turned the direction of the wings into plane position and flew out of the base
Athalid(radio): ok people, welcome to AirAthalid, our destiny is base 214, supply base of the company, please strap to your seat belts and prepare your guns and parachutes and be ready for some flak firing.
Soldier 1: shut up man!
Soldier 3: heh, he's crazy, don't you remember? hehehe