Today, I found out some really bad news. This really upset me and crushed me into pieces, and I cried after hearing this story from a classmate of mine.
Today, I had one of my last blocks and I was having random conversations with my friends and all of a sudden my friend tells me that one of the kids I use to go to school with last year tried commiting suicide a few days ago. I had already heard that he tried killing himself two days ago and they said he didn't successfully do it, but he ended up in the hospital.
Well, supposably I found out today they pulled the plug and he died yesterday while in the hospital.
I have been crying for quite some time now and I have been crying while typing this. The reason why he did this was because stupid idiots that picked on him, and said s**t about him made him think he wasn't needed. I hope some of you understand when you read this that it's not right to pick on someone that is smaller than you or weaker because before you know it you'll regret everything you did or said if something were to ever happen to that person.
In Loving memory of C.J. Collins You'll never be forgotten.~
Ultimate_Skittels · Fri Apr 11, 2008 @ 10:09pm · 3 Comments |