Hello, Devout journal viewers!
I say devout because I've been AWOL for months and months! My god, it's been a while. It would have been awsome if they had a aia bank where I could put my money to grow, I'd be rich... hehe. But thats not the point...
I'm planning on getting back into mainstream gaia. I'm still pretty interested in anime, I've been trying to teach myself, but that isn't working as well as I hoped, though I can draw a MEAN chibi me! I've tried out maple story, but no one likes to engage in conversation. They don't even have time to type! Heres a snippit of a conversation I had. Z being me, N being the man. (Its not a smart lable like the first letter of his username, but N being noob, I'm that gutsy!)
(N staring at Z)
Z: Hi!
(N Fidgeting without responce)
Z: Hello?
(N Trade requests Z)
Z: Okay...
Z: What do you need?
N: Me want ur hedband
Z: What?
(N puts a shatload of poop in tradbox)
N: All I hav
Z: Thanks, but I'd like to keep it.
N: plz
Z: Uhh, no thanks.
N: plz plz plz
Z: Uhh...
N: plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
Z: ...
Z: Do you seriously think 3 letters will change my mind?
N: yes
N: plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz
Z: ...
(Z leaves trade and runs away)
Can you belive the guy actually had the NERVE to say yes? Ugh, anyway, the guy was a pro at typing "plz." Practise makes perfect, though.
Anyway, alot has changd with me, I might have to re-do my friends list even! Anyway, talk to me, I may have alot to say, if you're my buddy. If you WANT to be my buddy, just ask! I love that "gutsyness." Heh, I'll try to keep ya posted.