Yesterday was awsomeness. Nearly every one of muh friends (which isn't that many ^^') came over yesterday and we just played videogames and hung around. I have pictures! XD I made a collage of them.

Anywho, yeah. Most of the time we played DDR or SSB melee, but some of the time we were messing around on the 'puter with a "friend". She thought it was me, and it was actually Nick typing and everyone else was standing there reading the conversation. She got so ticked. XD It was hilariouse.
We played DDR fer ever and a day. I feel so unfat. XD I need more exercise, and DDR is a really fun way to get it. Especially with friends! Nick kept picking songs that were too hard, and we'd just laugh at his trying to get all the speed arrows and such. -^_^- The rest of us did songs we knew we could do. *hunt hint, wink wink to Nick* Good times...good times.
On SSB melee, muh friend Dylan and sister Sara were always going at it. they were the only two who were really all that good at it. (the rest of us haven't played it in years)
So, yeah. Friends and videogames make the day complete. -^_^-
Kendall1 · Mon Aug 01, 2005 @ 02:36pm · 3 Comments |