Not getting any from me.

Allen Fox
Allen Fox
My Basic Info of My Life
Is', Al, Little Kit
Day of Birth
Novemeber 9th
Sexual Orientation
Thats the Person I Love
Admiration is the furthest thing from reason
Is', Al, Little Kit
Day of Birth
Novemeber 9th
Sexual Orientation
Thats the Person I Love
Admiration is the furthest thing from reason
Lists That I Wrote Of Me
Best describe yourself here
Under the normal conditions, I am very reckless and happy. I have many idea's and at time it look like I can be write. Yet recently I sullen. So my enthusiam been down. I am incorriable about many things which never help me with teacher. But I am very bright for my age. Given a chance I will throw a big word at people. I have a talent to sing. My sense of direction is aweful. Oh I charish my family partically my mother and eldest sister
What I Like About Life
Φcool/warm weather
ΦMany genre's of Music
ΦTamed animals
What I Dislike About Life
ΦCountry and Rap Music
ΦRed cars
Φ School
Φ Feral Animal
ΦDoctor Visits
ΦBlack clothing
ΦCold and Hot weather
ΦSponge bob and Dora
Φhaving my height mocked
What You Shouldn't Know
ΦSuffering from night terrors
ΦHas hidden chess award in his closet
ΦSings at a wedding of Funeral to earn a good fifty bucks.
What Else is There to Know
ΦIs suffering with harrassment at School by is afriad to tell
Φ Has been collasping at random times & places
Φ Has a basenji named Najila
Best describe yourself here
Under the normal conditions, I am very reckless and happy. I have many idea's and at time it look like I can be write. Yet recently I sullen. So my enthusiam been down. I am incorriable about many things which never help me with teacher. But I am very bright for my age. Given a chance I will throw a big word at people. I have a talent to sing. My sense of direction is aweful. Oh I charish my family partically my mother and eldest sister
What I Like About Life
Φcool/warm weather
ΦMany genre's of Music
ΦTamed animals
What I Dislike About Life
ΦCountry and Rap Music
ΦRed cars
Φ School
Φ Feral Animal
ΦDoctor Visits
ΦBlack clothing
ΦCold and Hot weather
ΦSponge bob and Dora
Φhaving my height mocked
What You Shouldn't Know
ΦSuffering from night terrors
ΦHas hidden chess award in his closet
ΦSings at a wedding of Funeral to earn a good fifty bucks.
What Else is There to Know
ΦIs suffering with harrassment at School by is afriad to tell
Φ Has been collasping at random times & places
Φ Has a basenji named Najila
What I Wrote About Myself
What I Have Told You So Far
I was named after my Late father's best man, Friend, Partner in crime: Issac Allen Fox Steunebrink. He died three hour before I was born when a spotlight fell on him. With dreams and ambitions cut short Father vowed to a least encourage the dream to live in me. To this day it does but with everything thats been happening the hard training to become a Vocalist must come to a pause.
From the time I was three to the point I was seven I suffer from lack of iron. No it's not from bleeding. For a while it seemed like I was over it but with the last four months I been getting sick to the point I collasped three times at school and twice outside.
Now I finally have a fatherly figure back in my life I struggle to give him the respect he deemed worthy of. Oh just to let you know why I fear red cars it's because I was literally ran over by one. I also lost my friend Ryan to that same car.
My Cellular Device
My Safest Place To Hide
Thats My Jam At the Moment
Manic by Plumb
This Is My Role Here - younger son
What I Have Told You So Far
I was named after my Late father's best man, Friend, Partner in crime: Issac Allen Fox Steunebrink. He died three hour before I was born when a spotlight fell on him. With dreams and ambitions cut short Father vowed to a least encourage the dream to live in me. To this day it does but with everything thats been happening the hard training to become a Vocalist must come to a pause.
From the time I was three to the point I was seven I suffer from lack of iron. No it's not from bleeding. For a while it seemed like I was over it but with the last four months I been getting sick to the point I collasped three times at school and twice outside.
Now I finally have a fatherly figure back in my life I struggle to give him the respect he deemed worthy of. Oh just to let you know why I fear red cars it's because I was literally ran over by one. I also lost my friend Ryan to that same car.
My Cellular Device
My Safest Place To Hide
Thats My Jam At the Moment
Manic by Plumb
This Is My Role Here - younger son