This is taken directly from the forums. These are all the rules, etc.
Please read all the rules before starting! Sorry if you can't read this, but if you don't you might not do it right and do it all wrong. You still get gold, but you can win more if you just READ THE DIRECTIONS.
This contest starts officially on March 29th, and ends on April 12th. Extensions will be added as needed. If you at any time, want to drop out, please PM me so I will remove you from the list. If you are not posting for a number of days (example: 5 days without one post), I might mistake this for inactivity and might remove you myself.
Second, you must (obviously) finish all the actions listed below.
Other rules:
1. No copying my action/questions or I will report! D':
2. No cheating or that will getcha on teh BLACK LIST. xp
3. Nothing not related to this quiz or BLACK LIST for you! T.T
4. Only your main account can be eligible to enter.
Kiwi Cavie Community Member |
Community Member