The Year was 1998. Pokemon was attempting to take over the world through brainwashing the children into thinking cockfights were cool. It the midst of this chaos, I purchased a simple game. The was about a greedy fat man and his quest for wealth. His name is Wario; his game was Wario Land II. A child at the time, the game was very near and dear to my heart. Zany villains, Wario's constant transformations, and the interesting puzzles made me fall in love with it. I didn't know whether call Wario a villain, hero, or anti-hero. Despite Wario being the star, another person caught my attention. Her name was Captain Syrup.

She was obviously the villainess of the game, and a clever one at that. She instructs her pirate band to steal Wario's treasure and flood his castle. This was her revenge for her earlier defeat in Wario Land I, which I have yet to play. Captain Syrup was a rather thin woman, you'd think she be unfit to lead a band of pirates. Her charisma and cruel nature more than make up for that. I all aspects, her personality is similar to Wario's. When fighting against her, Syrup was usually in some flying machine. She seemed to have a nack for building technological marvels. Aside from her normal minions, she also has robot pirates who she used during her boss battle.
The rivalry between Syrup and Wario kept me excited for months. When I first got word that Wario Land III was coming out, I was excited. I wondered what Syrup would look like with the sprite upgrade. Alas, my excitement turned to woe when I realized that Captain Syrup and her pirate band weren't in the game. Soon after that, I became depressed over her character. I truely believe she was a good character. Scrapping good characters often happens in the video game world.
I still continued to buy the Wario games because I thought Wario was pretty cool, but I always hoped that Captain Syrup would make a return. When Wario Ware came out some years later, I bought it. I had my doubts she was in the game, and I was right. However, Wario Ware was a highly enjoyable game for me. With its success, Nintendo made a Wario Ware game series. The basic story of the Wario Ware games is that Wario is the chairman and CEO of Wario Ware. He and his friends (yes, Wario has friends) make minigames. It is rather brilliant. Each game lasts for only a few seconds, so it is fast paced.
In my opinion, Syrup can be brought back to the light of the gaming world. In Wario Ware, Syrup could form her own gaming company to rival Wario's. I think it would be amusing to see Wario's company battle Syrup's for supremacy of the minigame world.
Even though Captain Syrup has been forgotton by many, she will always be a clever scallywag who entertained me for hours as a child. *Drinks rum* Captain Syrup forever!