Our Rating System
1. A very thorough rating. Originality, Color Coordination, First Impression will eahc be worth 10 points a piece. Our personal opinion is worth 20 points. There will be a total of 50 points. Anyone can enter this, but please, if your avatar isn't too creativie or is just basically a full set, just skip this one, because we will score low.
2. First word that comes to mind when we see your avatar. Be warned, sometimes these can get kind of strange. Anyone can do these. These are the more fun ones.
3. Suggestions. We'll give our opinion on what we think your avatar should add or get rid of. Once again, you all can choose this. If you don't want to do number 1 because you think you'll score low, ask for suggestions that might make you score higher.
4. Your smexiness rating. This will be out out of 15 points. If you manage to score 35 points or higher in our first rate, you can apply for the smex rating.
5. This is just a normal rating. Everyone can do this, if they'd rather not do the first rate. The score will be out of 10 points.
6. Finally, the Hall of Fame. Think you have what it takes? Well, if you score a 40 or higher in the first rating, or at least a 9/10 in the normal rate, we will decide. You cannot apply for this. wE'll just decide if you are or not.
Note: If we're slow it's because we are discussing this over IM. So, please, try to be patient. We'll alternate posting the ratings, but we all will agree on them. Other than number 2, where we will just put the words that come to each of our minds.
Note 2: We will allow you to have multiple outfits rated, with the above pickiness, mind you. But try to host them all on tiny pic and have them in one post and we'll do them all at once.
If you want rated, you must say so and which numbers. But make sure you read all of the standards for them carefully, or you shall not be rated.
Hall of Fame
1. Makai Unleashed
2. Jade Stone
3. Eclipsen
4. Windgrace
5. PerilousBard
6. PP2
7. [Ozy]
9. Synonymous
10. bEEitch
11. chdragonfly
12. Cinnamin Kaori
13. Swii
14. maniacbe-be
15. shay_shay411
16. AhiaouRei
17. Playtex
18. AhiaouRei
19. AhiaouReiMasuta
20. D r a g o n f l i
21. Niivalue
22. Kuyusi
Hells Princess Miako-Sama · Wed Jul 27, 2005 @ 02:19am · 5 Comments |