you know what i hate about ppl sometimes? well obviously you don't but, i hate when ppl are too over cofident of themselves xp Ok heres a story.... on my morning bus we got a new bus driver and he doesn't make everyone sit in there assinged seats just some ppl scream and theres this 6th grader on the bus and she sits not in her assigned seat, but another seat just so she can sit with her friend xp but thats not the annoying part, (well sorta is cause i hate her) but the most annoying part is that she is obviously too over cofident of herself. i don't mind her thinking it but litterly yelling it, OMG it was soooooooooooo annyoing she just kept saying "hes not gonna make me move he likes me" and "everyone on this bus likes me" and "i can sit here forever cause everyone likes me, especially the bus driver" it was so annoying listening to that for an hour, and she got it wrong in my opinion, cause the bus driver dosen't even know her, and not everyone on the bus like her especially me, and so on. i consider that to over cofident, you don't have to litterly scream it on the bus for everyone to hear just keep it to ur self rolleyes so ya it was annoying. i haven't ment anyone here online thats like that. but i might be a little over cofident on here idk. cause if i am i don't relize that i do it so srry if it bothers you as much as it bothers me neutral well on top of her over cofident-fulness (i don't think that a word lolz) but she has the most annoying laugh and shes about a seat away from me so its even more annoy up close. in concluion to this so exciting journal (not), i hate over cofident ppl and i especially hate her. for anyone that cares her names Kara so ya. well if over cofidence annoys you comment and let me know please, and if i ever seem or start to act like that please let me know i don't wanna complain about it if i am it so ya please let me know. well wtys. have a good day, night or evening or whatever time zone ur in byez!!!!! mrgreen
CutePrincessBaby · Tue Mar 11, 2008 @ 01:55am · 1 Comments |