heart You guys have absolutely no idea how happy I am right now! This guy I've known for three years (met in 7th grade, I'm now in tenth) sent a message in myspace. I wrote him a letter in eighth grade that he's kept this entire time (I don't know why) and I didn't remember what it was about. He sent me what I said and I can't even believe I wrote him that.
It was about a month into knowing him that I got a crush on him. Let me just let you know right now that he's three years older than me (I know what you're thinking!) and he's now eighteen (me fifteen). But anyway, alot of girls had crushes on him, alot of them were in my opinion a hell of a lot more attractive than I am, which included my best friend at the time. She told me her feelings for him before I told her how I felt about him so I just stepped aside and let her get him. I gave up on ever having him so I tried to get rid of having a crush on him. Turns out that when I tried to get rid of those feelings, they only grew.
This Friday night, Sunday morning (we talked from 8:41pm to 1:38am) that I told him that I loved him. Before you yell at me for falling to fast, let me just say that he's told me everything about his life, from family to him smoking. What I said exactly was, "********, I think I'm falling in love with you." (Screw that 'think'. I know I'm in love with him) I wasn't sure how he was going to react but then he says, "I've always loved you." But I just think that he said that to comfort me.
In the message he sent me, he said, "I have love for you so to hurt you would effect our relationship, and I hold our relationship close to heart. Even if we were to stay friends I would be happier than to have you not to talk to me anymore . But to go into a relationship with me...well I can't say because we are single. A chance to experience happyness is what I want for us both."
WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! Can't he just tell me whether he like me or not. He has love for me but does that mean he's in love with me? I'll tell you the answer. NO! Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know.
He asked me to do something with him over spring break. My mom says it's okay if we go see a movie (without her supervision, YES!) but it would've been better if she allowed me to go to the beach.
Wish me luck with this, you guys! Hopefully, everything will go okay. heart
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