Here's how it all started. Today was a Saturday and I woke up at around 9 or 10ish. and went to the refridgerator to get something to eat. No one was awake at this point so I just went in for all the food. As I opened the fridge I noticed the beautiful 2-liter thing in front of me. I was like: eek It was so PERTY!!!! I wanted to go like this: cry I looked around and went in for the kill. I held it in my hands but then there was a problem.............I couldn't open the damn thing! I tried hard and hard but that thing was wired shut. I tried so hard but then I realised something. My dad has tools. twisted
I went in the garage to get pliers. The first one wouldn't grasp it right, the second was too small, but then I found this wonderful godsends that got me to my soda. I swear angels were singing in heaven. I will never forget the dramatic and completely relevant lesson I learned that day.................................