Wynn & Dragon & Myuu pt 2Quick as lighting, Dragon moved forward to meet Myuu with her ice blades at the ready. However, at the last possible second, Dragon sheathed her swords and grabbed Wynn under her arms and dragged her away.
"Don't argue, don't ask," Dragon said, dodging the many attacks Myuu was throwing at her. "You and Chazu are connected via the bond that was created between the two of you when he rescued you from Lex. I need you to use that connection to get in touch with him to tell him to get in touch with the
Nerissa Altsoba and tell them to not land."
"Wha? Why?" Wynn asked. She was still confused as far as where they were. "Not to mention
Throwing Wynn clear, Dragon drew her ice blades in an upside down U shape to slice a pair of tentacles.
"JUST DO IT WYNN!" Moving clear of Dragon and the creature she was fighting, Wynn centered her mind by closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Sending her thoughts outward from...wherever she was...Wynn thought,
Dad? Dad if you can hear me, Dragon and I are in trouble. She needs you to get in touch with her ship and tell Nissa not to land. [+1]Cracking open an eye, Wynn saw that Dragon was fighting the creature with a fury that Wynn had never seen before--and a look of such fierceness that Wynn was terrified of her. Each of Dragon's attacks or blocks was so fast they were nothing more than a blur. Realizing the creature was about to attack her, Wynn jumped backward and just managed to clear the tentacle.
Some SurpriseSensing that the
Nerissa Altsoba was back in her home galaxy,
Rhonabwy [+2] materialized onto it--into the midst of madness. Separate ice prisons were holding a red dragon and a jaw-less gold dragon. A werewolf was cradling Shalimar. Two human children were cowering against n**. Lord Avondale was standing protectively over an unconscious Dragon and Wynn--Wynn appearing to have a grievous wound in her stomach--with Nissa kneeling between the two of them to monitor life signs. Rose was kneeling next to Taran who also appeared injured--and by the looks of the marks, by Xangord who was holding Xink in a suffocating hug.
"I should know better than to ask what in the name of Draco's horn happened here," Rhonabwy sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "But what in the name of Draco's horn happened here?"
"Seems as though it is a family reunion with some consequential side effects, Ducky."
Freezing for a moment or two when he heard the voice speak, Rhonabwy slowly turned to see someone he never thought to see alive again. "Al...ach...ia..."
" 'Ello Ducky," Alachia replied with a smile.
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