YAY ^w^

and an oil painting that's turning out WAAAAAY better than i thought it would ^w^ keep in mind this is my fourth oil painting and the first with more than one color ^w^ i'm excited ^w^

and another, Jim Budde, my ceramics professor, said i'm getting better at wheel throwing ^w^

more silly pics ^w^ well just two of the same with a slight difference >.>
this is a guy in my ceramics class, he's been wheel throwing for a long time and he's like the star pupil because he's so amazing. The other day he was working with some particularly dense clay and therefore struggling and making grunting sounds, and the way he was holding his hands reminded me of goku XD soooo i asked him earlier today if i could ^w^ He said yes, so here it is, it's going up by the door in the class room ^w^