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My-So-Called Journal . . .
yeah . . . that about explains it. i get bored, i amuse myself. i don't care if you care, but if you do care about my nonsence that's good for you. whatever. i know "i'll carry on", will you? so long and goodnight . . .
prettyful quiz results about yours truely
fun fun . . . results . . .

i know i am
you are a sweet witch. you have a mind of your own. A bit of an odd ball and thats what many people see because i mean, really our society is soo shallow. Have fun and life and screw what others say about you.message me

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You are Dance, Electronica, or Techno! You love attention, dancing and having fun. You have a funky, quirky personality and people envy your ability to stand out as well as your originality.Try Darude and Dragonette.

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LIFE, can totally suck, this survey will make it better :]

So this is life.,
Are you honestly happy with your life?: i don't know
Where's your mom and dad right now?: my mom is sleeping on the couch lol
Do you think you'll be single next month?: chyep
Okay choose-no computer for a month or anextra hour of school?: extra hour of school
Do you think someone is thinking of you RIGHT now?: i hope not
Ever puked on someone? Did you laugh about it afterwards?: noes
Favorite scent?: hmm . . . anything berry. also roses
Would you rather date someone three years older or younger than you?: older
Do you think tractor drivers are sexyyyy?: noes . . . gross
When was your: ?
Whats the last text message in your inbox?: "Haha emo guy on my bathroom wall at school" . . . don't ask
In your outbox?: scary . . .
Married by what age?: death. actually idk
Ever laughed so hard you cried? Why?!: it was sooo funny
What do you order at Starbucks?: i don't really drink coffee
What can keep you up ALL night?: MCRmy X3
Can you do the Soulja Boy dance?: *evil grin* do you really want to find out?
Who was your first crush?: idk
Would you ever live in Australia?: maybe
Seriously-do you REALLY hate Bush?: yeahs
Ever gotten someone confused for someone else?: yes. i get confused a lot
Embarassing moments-got any good ones?: sure
What time is it?: 7:18 pm
Is there something else you could be doing right now?: reading.
Ever made yourself sick to get out of something?: suprisingly no
What do you hate more-people who want attention or people who lie?: people who want attention. why not say almost all people?
What song could you listen to over and over again?: oh gawd . . . everything My Chem. also, "she will always be a broken girl" and "the love letter"
Do you think Spongebob will ever get a girlfriend?: no. i'm so doubtful that i might bet my life on it
Who do you look up to the most?: Gee-tard i suppose. his inspirational speeches are golden.

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The Survey of Doom!

The Basics
Name:: Barbara . . . or is it?
Age:: 16 . . . or am i? I AM AN IMMORTAL AFTER YOUR SOUL!!! (lol j/k too fattening. i like morsals though)
Height:: like 1.524 m? idk
Weight:: >:[ go die. you don't need to know because i can. (actually i don't quite know)
Ethnicity:: Polish
Hair Color:: idk
Eye Color:: greeny
Gender:: female
School:: lakeview high school
Siblings:: brother, Randall
Religion:: Roman Catholic
Relationship Status:: single
Innie or Outie:: . . . innie. weirdo quiz
Sexual Orientation:: straight

Food:: cottage cheese and strawberries
Color:: PINK!
Movie:: idk. i'll say the breakfast club to annoy you
TV Show:: InuYasha i guess. or Scrubs. Love Scrubs.
Type of Music:: it depends. alternative, metal, classic rock
Actor:: Gerard Butler :3
Actress:: idk.
Animal:: cat
Kind of Vehicle:: muscle cars. cudas and challengers X3
Song::Sister to Sleep.
Smell::lemon :3

Do You Believe In...
God:: yes
Heaven:: yes
Hell:: yes
Angels:: yes
Ghosts:: yes
Horoscopes:: no, but fun to read
Miracles:: depends
Love At First Sight:: sure
Love In General:: no
Aliens:: idk. i don't care for that subject as for others
Satan:: yes
Yourself:: no. just like all i loved, i'm make-believe
Magic:: yes
Evolution:: i suppose. it's interesting and all in all plausible

Your Feelings On...
Gay Marriage:: i could care less. why be married when you can be just as happy just being together?
Sex on the First Date:: never. how horrid an idea.
Sex Before Marriage:: doesn't matter
Kissing on the First Date:: how rude
The Presidential Election:: who cares.
Global Warming:: interesting concept. it in itself annoys me. especially talk
Crocs:: oye matey. poor steve erwin
Organized Religion:: interesting concept also
Rap Music:: i can live without it, but some is okay
Hannah Montana:: i don't care for her
Hanson:: why not?
Abortion:: *sigh* i don't care for the subject. i suppose i'm against it, but it's not my choice, it's someone else's so i don't care
Suicide:: don't do it.
Obesity:: go to the gym.

What Would You Do If...
Your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor::go and comfort him, ask what's wrong, who should i kill today?
Your ex wanted to get back together:: doubtful
A friend or family member died:: saddness. funeral planning.
Your best friend told you they were contemplating suicide:: talk it out
You had choose between eating tofu or butter for the rest of your life:: tofu
Johnny Depp asked you to marry him:: noes.
The FBI showed up at your door:: "what did i do now?" *sigh*
You found a dead person:: hmmm . . . *pokes with stick* police?
You won a million dollars:: pay bills, save for college
You found out that your boyfriend slept with your mom:: that would never happen. i would be scared, and brake up time
Someone offered you drugs:: no thanksies
You were about to be attacked by an alligator:: AHHHH!!!
You were about to be stampeded by bulls:: AHHHH!!!
Your best friend said he/she was in love with you:: gross. i don't have one.

This or That...
Night/Day:: night
Sun/Moon:: moon
Wet/Dry:: dry?
Black&white/Color:: pink. or black. i look good in white though
Dog/Cat:: i ¢¾ cats
Repulican/Democrat:: democrat
Love/Lust:: nothing.
10 Good Friends/1 Best Friend:: 1 best friend.
Hot/Cold:: cold
Stay Up Late/Get Up Early:: stay up all night :3
Drown/Die in a Fire:: drown. how romantic
Spiders/Snakes:: spiders
Michael Jackson/Britney Spears:: Michael Jackson
Kiss/Hug:: huggles? i hate them though
Random Questions: fun fun
Do you have a best friend?: noes *teardrop*
Are you happy with your relationship status?: i don't care
Do you want to get married?: i suppose it would be nice
Have kids?: same as above.
If so, how many?:like, two? maybe a few more.
Hometown?: St. Clair Shores
When will you die?: probably before i'm thirty sad
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?: as much wood as wood chuch could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.
Do you own any boy band cds (nsync, bsb, 98 degrees,etc)?: . . . a few . . .
Are you afraid of the dark?: i'm safe
What is your biggest fear?: being remembered after i die or mirrors in the dark
Do you have any regrets?: of course
Would you like to be my friend?: sure. you won't ever call me though would you? *pout*
What is your favorite place to shop?: mall
Where is your favorite place to be?: under the covers reading a nice book or sleeping
Can you drive?: chyes
Wanna take me to the mall?: sure. where do you live so i can stalk you?
Do you ever turn your cell phone off?: at night (not lately) or if it runs out
Do you know how to do CPR?: yes. let's hope it never comes to that. or do you want it to?
Can you sing?: don't know how really.
Can you dance?: i avoid it
How many pillows are on your bed?: lots :3

Have You Ever...
TP'd a house?: wanted to
Forked a lawn?: idk
Mowed a lawn?: yes
Played spin the bottle?: it was only for dares though
Played truth or dare?: chyes
Done drugs?: no. god no.
Drank alcohol?: no
Gone skinnydipping?: *shudders* no
Bungee Jumped?: noes
Gone skydiving?: no
Kissed a total stranger?: no
Ran away from home?: no
Wet yourself in public?: no
Thrown up in public?: i don't remember? idk
Witnessed a murder?: . . . no . . . *shifty eyes*
Been in love?: *sings* i don't believe in love, i never have, i never wil . . . (god i ¢¾ Queensryche)

When I Say, You Say...
Weakass:: haha
Green:: dead O_o what?
Stop:: no don't stop. stop. no, >:3 buahahahaha your dead inside
Goodbye:: And all the things that you never ever told me? And all the smiles that are ever gonna haunt me? And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me?
Do you think that last section was kind of lame?: kinda
Why are you even taking this survey?: i don't . . . know . . . *puzzes over question wasting life*
Do you have roommates?: noes
Do you ever get annoyed by them?: i get annoyed alright. by people. *shifty eyes*
Do you like your parents?: my momsey
Do you wish you had a pet giraffe?: yes. yes i do.
Ever wish on stars?: yesah
Has it ever worked?: . . . noes
Do you like tacos?: yo quero taco bell
How about hippos?: not really
Do you watch a lot of reality tv?: noes
How about gameshows?: noes
Soap Operas?: i used to watch one

Last Question
If you could anything in the world, right now, what would it be?: what? *sigh* i don't know. stupid screwed up question

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