-Who's locker is next to you: Good Question.
-Are you usually on time to 1st period?: Yeah, unless I miss my bus.
-Full size or small sized locker? Uh... half?
-Have you ever fallen asleep in class?: Almost.
-Who sits next to you? Mikael.
-Are you failing this class? Nope.
-Is this your favorite class? Hell no.
-Who sits in front of you? The teacher. :/
-Do you hate anyone in this class? Oh yeah.
-Who's the teacher? Mr. Wade.
-Is this teacher strict? Not really, no.
- What do you do during SS? Eh. Yeah.
- Do you chew gum? No. Not that early in the morning.
- Anyone you want to shoot during SS? Yeah. The annoying sluts.
- Is it your favorite class? No.
- Who do you talk with in this class? Nobody, really.
- Walk? Nope.
- Get a ride? Either from the bus or from Pat. <3
English: It was Kelsey.
Science: Amanda, Charlie, John, Amanda, Wade, Mr. Wade
1. Who is your Favorite Teacher? Mr. Wade, Mr. Smith, Mr. Martinez, Mrs. Natal
2. Who annoys you most? Alexis, most of my ex's.
4. Who do you sit with at lunch? Pat and Brendan. Sometimes Tina.
5. Which period is most boring? Geometry.
6. Are you more likely to fall asleep or not pay attention in this class? Either or.
7. Which class do you get the most homework in? Acting, surprisingly.
8. Which period are you most hyper in? If any, it's acting and biology.
9. What are your favorite classes? Acting, Biology, Art. :]
10. Do you like the lunch? No.
11. Do you like school? Depends on my mood.
12. Who sits behind you in science? The wall.
13. How many kids are in math? Thirty-something.
15. Can you talk in science? Uh... not scientifically, but I can talk. I do have that ability. ;D
14. What teacher do you hate most? None this year. :] Thank God.
CaRto0nz · Sun Feb 24, 2008 @ 11:09am · 0 Comments |