Once upon a time in a place called Jeniper Hill lived a herd of wild horses. They roamed free through the lush green foilaged feild, their talons [hooves] pressed against the ground, imprintin lightly. The wind russled through their tussled and knotted mane and banners-which were whirling in the current.- The faint scent of wild flowers wafted it's freshly anew scents into the nasals of the horses's. The dominant male was a black as night stallion, while his mate, who was whiteas snow,moved a step or two behind her beloved one. The stag and fea led their herd freely. Before resting near a clear stream of crystal clear water. Most of the her went and grazed contently on the green foilage, letting their kissers wrap around the green foilage and tug it outof the ground. While some who did not graze went and rest below the shade of the trees. While some went to the river to lap up the cool liquid to soothe their parched throats.
The blacxk stallion nickered softly to the white mare and she flicked her banner before moving towards the black brute. "Yes Blackstar?" She asked, her voice was metallic and yet soft in a way. Blackstar craned his dome [head] lightly, resting his deep chocolate orbs [eyes] on the white mare. "Snowstar, keep watch over the foals playing in the open, I would hate for Redfang, that trechourous wolf to attack them." Blackstar spoke of the one wolf and his pack that had once almost destroyed his whole herd with their bloodthirsty ambitions to take over the feild and turn it intoa living Hell by killing every living thing, one by one. The thought of it caused a shudder to ripple up his black pelt and sent a chill up his spinal cord. The mare nodded before trotting off to the small group of foals playing in the feild. His listeners pricked with alert and she was on gaurd, ready for anything. [TO BE CONTINUED]
I <3 You!
I love you all! xD Maybe....
Toxic_Medicine · Sat Feb 23, 2008 @ 12:53am · 1 Comments