Dear Journal
Here's a list of people that I refer to as scum.
People who don't wear clothes and don't spend their money on anything.
People who put on so much expensive stuff, You can barely tell their gender.
People who make an account just to take the screenname.
People who post in ur thread doing this. ninja ninja ninja ninja ninja
People that post a long message that they copied from somone else cause they think they will get extra.
People that wear zorro masks, they infuriate me for some odd reason. confused
People that made that ad that says Congratulations!! and I mistaked it 4 a rare event twice.
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Dear journal
Make me signs and I'll display them in my profile
I love PMs and RPs of all sorts, send them to me
"I am on the constant search for action."
I love PMs and RPs of all sorts, send them to me
"I am on the constant search for action."