Sounds like an AWSOME rp. Entering 3 characters, I hope that's okay? It said so in the rules. (I CAN handle that, too. I promise) stare -emote for you, since that was in the rules too.

Appearance: User Image
Gaia Name: redwerecat
Character Name: Nona
Sex: Male
Age: Twenty
Speices: Reptile- Viper
Prefrence: Bisexual
Skill: Tanking- strong defenses and thick skin allow little physical damage, heat vision
City Location: Half-ruined Skyscraper, floor 17
Personality: -Quiet
-A loner
-Sometimes a pushover
Bio: An orphan from the time he was six, when his mother took him to a rural church and left him on the front steps. She simply left her son behind, and Nona hasn't seen her since. A deer-anthromorph living in the church (formerly a holy sister) took him in and raised him. He long since moved away, but the Sister still lives in the churches' belltower, outside the city limits, where the H-H don't venture, and there is enough food to sustain her in her makeshift greenhouse. Nona still visits her on occasion, to make sure she's alright. He chose to move into the city, where life, though a dangerous one, was more suited to him. His thick scaled skin makes him near-impervious to cold or heat, though it also detracts from his sense of touch some. He lives in a half-fallen skyscraper, in a 17-th floor penthouse suite abandoned by it's last owners, acessible only by climbing the outside fire-escape for five floors, then entering through a window into the actual building. He currently lives with a human girl who refuses to leave.

Appearance: User Image (It's best not to ask where she managed to find hair dye.)
Gaia Name: redwerecat
Character Name: Hayley
Sex: Female
Age: Sixteen
Do you Like Anthros: Yes
Prefrence: Straight
Skill: Charming people into getting her way/ Lying
City Location: Half-ruined skyscraper, 17th floor
Personality: -Loud
Bio: Hayley is actually descended from Anthromorph parents, however, her grandparents, who were killed in the wipeout, along with her B- father, were carriers of the O+ bloodtype, which lay dormant in her mother, but manifested in her, making her not the AB- bloodtype of all Anthromorphs, but a real, O+ bloodtype human- unheard of. Her mother was killed by a half-crazy Anthromorph who thought humans were the cause of all this trouble (and was mostly right), and who wanted to destroy her. She managed to escape, and fled to New York, where she promptly panicked, climbed as high as she could into the nearest building, and passed out. Where she passed out- Nona's home. The serpentine anthromorph hadn't the heart to kick her out while she was unconcious, but once she woke up, she managed to bully/guilt him into letting her stay with him permanently.(It wasn't difficult-Nona's a pushover when it comes to helping people.)
Also, no matter how it may sound, Hayley adores Nona, and looks up to him for saving her and continuing to protect her.

Last one...

Appearance: User Image (She's usually wearing more clothes- a hoodie, baggy shorts, and a baseball cap)
Gaia Name: redwerecat
Character Name: Sayuri
Sex: Female
Age: Seventeen
Speices: Equine
Prefrence: Bi
Skill: Fast runner, Skilled Jumper, Flight, due to her surprisingly useful wings.
City Location: Office building Near Central Park
Personality:-Short (not a personality trait, but it defines her pretty well)
Bio: A refugee from a crisis shelter in upstate Chicago, Sayuri was travelling with a group of other refugees to a New Hampshire 'Safe Zone', a communal living area free of most mutant creatures, when the truck she was travelling in was attacked by an H-H while passing New York City. The rest of the refugees in the other trucks escaped, but Sayuri's group's vehicle was damaged beyond repair. Sayuri managed to flee deeper into NYC and hole up in an office building, and has been surviving there since. She assumes her family is still alive, since they were on a different truck than her.