If you are a slacker, much like myself, you probably need a whole list of reasons to get out of bed in the morning. (There are a myriad of reasons not the least of which being the Worst Noise in the Known World [also known as the dreaded alarm clock beeping noise] but usually the reason that trumps all the other reasons is that I have been sleeping for upwards of eight hours, during which time I have not had access to 'the facilities' and my bladder informs me that it is in desperate need of emptying lest it rupture and cause me to have to pay for also sorts of costly medical procedures if it doesn't kill me outright.) Never mind doing anything productive like actually doing your homework.
So I've decided to do you (mostly Renimon) the favor of compiling a list of Reason's to Do Your Homework.
1) Animals (including a pet rat) have very little interest in eating papery substances printed with indeliable ink.
2) While your teachers might buy your homework excuses occasionally, professors wont. (Unless you have a note from an actual doctor that you were experiencing an extremely serious illness.)
3) Despite the fact that in highschool the 'homework' percentage of your grade is generally low whether or not you pass can be contingent upon whether you actually do it or not.
A) My math teacher, for example, will fail you if you do not complete 75% of the homework for his class no matter what your grade should be. I usually spend about fifteen minutes making up answers for all of the problems we were assigned, less if some of them are odd-numbered.
B) In some classes, like A.P. Bio at my school, your homework percentage may be low but the teacher will sneak in hidden objectives that they call 'homework' but really fit into the thirty percent category of 'Labs' that you have to do to pass.
4) If neither 3a or 3b apply to you personally here's something to consider: If you do your homework you actually have to study less for tests. I know it seems like a strange principle but it's true. Many homework questions are redundant, if you've already answered the question on a previous assignment it's easier the second time around. And, if you blow off studying for a big test you are not completely in hotwater because, unlike the rest of the goobers in your class, you did your homework and as mind-dullingly boring as it was, you remember some answers and how to do some problems from the homework.
5) Doing your homework is almost garunteed to be infinitely better than having detention. Which some teachers will give you if you don't do your homework often enough.
6) Doing your homework is almost garunteed to be infinitely better than any punishment your parents can devise.
7) If you are enough of a slacker that you are not reading this list for the amusement value you should pay attention to this next reason: Being as you are a pretty lazy person you probably want to do your chores about as much as you want to do your homework. Which is mostly not-at-all. So I had an interesting thought: Use one as an excuse to not do the other. In this case your excuse for not doing your chores is the fact that you were doing your homework. Of course, the excuse only works if you're telling the truth. Meaning, in order to slack off on one thing, you actually have to do some work on the other thing.
8 ) If you do your homework it is that much easier to never have to see that particular teacher again. If you fail the class you have to take it over again and, odds are (since the world is out to get you) that you will end up with the same Demonic Torturer from Hell. (Someone once said that Hell was definitely being trapped in Middle School for all eternity). With this particular motivating technique the following fantasy is well-advised as part of the motivation. I say fantasy because only some of this came true, at least for me.
Begin fantasy
Demonic Torturer from Hell: "I'm going to have to give you an A in my class." *glare*
You: Yes! *dances*
DTfH: You seem inordinately excites. *more glaring at your joy*
You: The only reason I did my homework and excelled in your class is because I never wanted to see you again! *laughs*
DTfH: What? *continued glaring*
You: Yep. Hate was my motivator. Whenever I thought about how stupid your assignments were or how much I'd rather be doing other things I reminded myself that if I slogged through this assignment to pass your class I would never have to see your ugly face again or hear your nails-on-chalkboard voice.
DTfH: *face now fixed in permanent glare that will prevent them from ever again experiencing joy*
You: So long, sucker! I hate your guts. I got an A in your class even though you're a dumbass. I hope you rot in hell. *run away before teacher hits your with nearest blunt object*
End Fantasy
[This suggestion is attributed to my friend-ish-type-person, Alex.]
TBC when I come up with some more ideas. Or you could send me suggestions. I'd like that.
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Just cause I dun do my homework doesn't mean I don't pass my classes.
I cheat to pass~!